In the past two days, I have been following the official next.js tutorial to build a simple blogging website.
Although Next.js is much harder than Flask, I love how I can do so much with Next.js and React, and how easy it is to deploy projects from GitHub to Vercel, so this is persuading me to create even more projects with Next.js.
Check out the blogging website I created here:
You can also check out it's GitHub repo:
following next.js tutorial
VulcanWM's Next.js Blog
Check out the blog website here
My next project is to create a Guestbook where people can comment (the comments are saved using MongoDB). I also want it to use an API to check if the comment has swearing or not, and only let the user comment once on one device.
I also want to expand my React knowledge and load 5 comments at once, and when the user scrolls to the bottom, it loads 5 more (infinite load).
Thanks for reading!
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Top comments (8)
also, plz don't limit it to one comment per device :D
how about one comment per hour?
I'd add authentication and set a ratelimit.
Yea I’ll add that, thanks!
nice web page