DEV Community

Ryan D.
Ryan D.

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Breaking out of tutorial hell

I think it's safe to say that for nearly all of us self-taught/bootcamp developers, the term "tutorial hell" is something we've heard at least once.

I have been battling with the self-taught path since the beginning of the pandemic. Tutorial after tutorial. It wasn't far into my journey before I realized that as soon as I went to start coding out my own project, I had NO idea what I was doing. It wasn't until recently that I discovered Scrimba as a learning resource.

The people over at Scrimba have broken down the steps of learning front-end web development in the best possibly way. With just enough hand holding leading up to the solo projects, I have finally reached the point where I am able to start building my own apps with confidence.

My advice, for those in the same boat, is to start applying what you've learned on your own projects IMMEDIATELY. It's scary, yes, but it truly is the best way to create the muscle memory needed to thrive in the industry. Let me know how your journey is going and if you've also struggled with tutorial hell!

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