DEV Community

I created a bot that talks to recruiters for me (and it's sooo good!)

kevin_kevin on October 01, 2018

My name is Kevin, and I’d like to tell you a story about an easy way I stopped recruiter spam. I am a Front End Developer, I have a good job, a...
danjb1 profile image

Well, this is certainly more constructive than my approach of trolling annoying recruiters with nonsense questions...

  1. What is the full stack trace for this role?
  2. What is the time complexity of the environment?
  3. Do they use Bash or Gash for their deployments?
  4. Does the product integrate with any SPITEful APIs?
  5. Does the architecture use implicit or explicit cookie collection?
jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

"3" makes me think of hammering a nail into particle board.

"4" makes me want to write sarcastic error messages for missing an API endpoint.

"5" makes me think of Cookie Monster in a developer role.

weirdmayo profile image
Daniel Mayovsky

Underrated comment

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

Nice, JS is indeed at demand.

But I see jobs proposals on Facebook? Thats so wrong on many levels 🙄

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas

That's not wrong, that's desperate.

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

I would make a bot to report all their messages as inappropriate and spam, just to be sure :))

pat_metzdorf profile image
Patrick Metzdorf

The funny thing is that the recruiters also use bots, or at least send pre-defined templates to a mailing list that consists of nothing but email addresses with an array of skills.
I bet less than half of all addressees never respond.

So it's only fair. Plus telling them you've written a bot to handle recruitment inquiries is good advertising for yourself as well.

joruch profile image

Bots talking to bots! What a world!

nicolus profile image

It's a pretty good idea when you think about it. Right now google duplex is able to make appointments for you by calling various businesses. That's great, but it would be even better once businesses have their own bot that can answer the phone and write down reservations.

Up until now, if we want to do that kind of thing we use an API. It works but there's one huge caveat : each service needs to be specifically developped to use the API of other services it wants to talk to... With chatbots talking to each other "English" becomes a universal API that can be used by any service.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


sandordargo profile image
Sandor Dargo

This is simply awesome!

sjain44 profile image

Do not sell yourself short on years of experience,. If you have the qualified skills, GO FOR IT. I have done a lot of technical interviews, and the years of experience speaks more to your intuition on problem solving in a business environment. Concrete examples where you demonstrate your knowledge or problem solving capabilities is sufficient for most technical positions.

macariojames profile image
Macario James

Oh wow! Thanks for this and the recommendation. Will try them out for LinkedIn since I'm not on Facebook, and I get bombarded with LinkedIn messages daily.

dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis

this is simply genial. i stopped using facebook a while ago and i don´t know if i was ever contacted by recruiters with it but with Linkedin and Email it´s become really annoying. Especially when you explicitly tell them you kindly and firmly are not interested at the moment and they start nagging you to just have a quick chat ( which is never under 30 minutes long really) just in case i change my mind or so that they have a clear picture for the future...

At first, i thought you used your bot pretending it was you, but then i was surprised to know that you clearly stated it was a bot and they accepted in going on with the conversation. awesome.

Will definitely have a look at thanx

robertswilley profile image
Robert Swilley

This is great lol

rommik profile image
Roman Mikhailov

Bravo! Love it! Today, I found out that Facebook is used by recruiters too . Good thing mine is private and not searchable hehe

Kevin, a LinkedIn bot is needed too ;)

pkunze profile image

Serious question: did you open a facebook page for that matter? It seems like chatfuel does not support personal fb accounts (sry if that is a basic question, no experience with bots 😉)

whokilledkevin profile image

yeah! i did

nqcm profile image

Hi Kevin, that is very interesting. Are you willing to let us juniors have a peek at your bot in chatfuel?

avidcareerist profile image
Donna Svei, Resumes

You can monetize this, Kevin!