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Christopher Glikpo  ⭐
Christopher Glikpo ⭐

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Bridging the Gap: Embracing Problem-solving through Gap Analysis

Life is a series of journeys from one point to another, constantly navigating through the gaps that lie in between. These gaps are often perceived as problems, obstacles, or challenges that hinder our progress. However, it is essential to recognize that what we commonly refer to as "problems" are simply gaps waiting to be bridged. With an open mind and the right approach, we can effectively resolve these gaps and propel ourselves towards success. One powerful tool for this purpose is conducting a gap analysis, which allows us to identify, understand, and address the underlying factors that contribute to the gap between Point A and Point B.

The Nature of Gaps:

In our daily lives, we encounter numerous gaps, both big and small. These gaps can exist in various aspects of our lives, such as personal relationships, career aspirations, or even in societal issues. Regardless of their nature, gaps represent a space that separates our current situation (Point A) from our desired outcome (Point B).

Resolving the Gap:

It is essential to recognize that the gaps we face cannot persist indefinitely. The universe follows certain laws of nature, and one such law is the resolution of gaps. Every gap yearns to be closed, and it is only a matter of time before it happens. The key lies in understanding that we have the power to influence how the gap resolves.

The Power of Choice:

When confronted with a gap, we have a choice in how we approach it. We can either passively wait for the resolution to unfold on its own, or we can proactively engage in the process through gap analysis. By conducting a gap analysis, we can gain valuable insights into the factors contributing to the gap and devise strategies to bridge it efficiently.

Understanding Gap Analysis:

Gap analysis is a systematic approach that involves comparing the current state of affairs (Point A) with the desired future state (Point B). It allows us to identify the gaps between the two and determine the actions necessary to close them effectively. Here are the key steps involved in conducting a gap analysis:

1. Clearly Define Point A and Point B: Start by articulating your current situation and your desired outcome. Be specific and realistic about what you aim to achieve.

2. Identify the Factors Contributing to the Gap: Explore the various elements that contribute to the gap between Point A and Point B. These factors could be internal, external, or a combination of both. Consider aspects such as knowledge, skills, resources, and external influences.

3. Evaluate the Importance and Impact of Each Factor: Assess the significance and impact of each factor on bridging the gap. This step helps prioritize your efforts and resources.

4. Develop Actionable Strategies: Based on the analysis, develop actionable strategies to address the identified gaps. Break down the overall goal into smaller, manageable steps that can be taken to bridge the gap effectively.

5. Monitor and Review Progress: Continuously monitor and review the progress of your actions. Adjust your strategies if needed, and stay committed to the resolution of the gap.

Benefits of Gap Analysis:

By conducting a thorough gap analysis, you can reap several benefits:

1. Clarity and Focus: Gap analysis provides a clear picture of the gaps and helps define your path towards resolving them. It brings focus to the areas that need attention, enabling you to prioritize your efforts.

2. Efficient Resource Allocation: By understanding the factors contributing to the gap, you can allocate your resources effectively. This ensures that your time, energy, and resources are channeled towards the areas that will have the most significant impact.

3. Proactive Problem-solving: Gap analysis allows you to take a proactive approach to problem-solving. Rather than passively waiting for the resolution, you can actively engage in addressing the gaps,increasing your chances of success.

4. Personal Growth and Development: Through the process of analyzing and bridging gaps, you acquire new knowledge, skills, and insights. This continuous learning and personal growth contribute to your overall development.


Problems are not insurmountable obstacles; they are merely gaps waiting to be resolved. By embracing a proactive mindset and conducting gap analysis, we can bridge the open space between Point A and Point B. Remember, the resolution of gaps is inevitable, but the choice is ours in how we approach and overcome them. Embrace the power of gap analysis, and pave your way towards success by transforming problems into opportunities for growth and achievement.

Top comments (1)

zyabxwcd profile image

Super practical. Cheers!