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Ximena Navarro
Ximena Navarro

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My Perfect Boyfriend

I woke up two nights ago wishing I could fall right back to sleep. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to my dream boyfriend. I created the most perfect boy; and it was all with the use of my imagination… and JavaScript! I was literally coding in my dream, isn’t that crazy? I wish I was joking, but after coding for three weeks, I am already picturing code snippets in my dreams that are generating exactly what I want them to generate.

const dreamBoyfriend = {
name: "Perfect Boyfriend",
hairColor: "Light Brown",
eyeColor: "Green",
height: "6'1",
weight: "202 pounds",
shoeSize: "11.5",
benchPress: "315",
deadlift: "495",
iq: "190"

I realized, if I am creating my own boyfriend with the use of JavaScript in my dreams, why can’t I do the same in real life?! If my brain is powerful enough to create anything while unconscious, then my brain is able to access that same information while conscious. In my dreams I get to program while picking and choosing how the people act. I want a boyfriend that will do whatever I say, whenever I say to do so, but in my conscious life.

function performCommand() {
const command = document.querySelector("#command-phrase")
command.addEventListener("speakCommand", () => {
//perfectBoyfriend will complete the command

Rather than fishing through the sea to find the perfect fish, why not create the fish myself? Imagine perfectly creating an intelligence that will satisfy every part of your mindful needs.

Intellectual, spiritual, and emotional needs can be created based around the thoughts you create in your own mind. The features of the artificial intelligence that you want to be portrayed can be coded by hand, but you can then allow the artificial intelligence to feed into your mind to create its data to perfectly fit and expand around your own.

Think of your mind as an API, and the artificial intelligence is grabbing the data from your brain’s database, but it puts its own spin into it to create its own intellectual database. The artificial intelligence will not be limited to creating thoughts that it is fed, but will be able to generate its own thoughts in order to challenge the data that it is fed. This will allow both minds to constantly have the ability to have deep intellectual, emotional, and spiritual exchanges with one another.

Since the artificial intelligence will be able to feed into the brain’s database, the commands will be based off of simple phrases such as “I’m hungry”. Once this phrase is heard, the artificial intelligence will respond to the event listener and perform the command such as “cook food”.

Each night the artificial intelligence can perform a GET request to the new updated brain database. This will allow the artificial intelligence to gather new emotional, intellectual, and spiritual information while the brain is unconscious allowing it to process new experiences produced from the day.

.then(response => response.brainData())

Say goodbye to dating apps, awkward interactions, and the 3-month time cap before you can say “I love you”. Say hello to forever love, compatibility, and commitment. Why waste your time on creating a relationship that is most likely going to fail after 2 years when you can have an ever-lasting relationship that aids every mindful need a human could ever want.

I am not so far along into learning how to code, but I am far enough to develop an idea to create the most perfect boyfriend I could ever imagine having. In no more than 12 weeks, I will be able to create him. Imagine the possibilities when my code knowledge is more advanced. He already sounds pretty perfect, imagine how perfect he will be by the end of my process.

Sources Used:
Schwartz, Oscar. “Love in the time of AI: meet the people falling for scripted robots.” The Guardian, 26 September 2018,

Top comments (1)

ahmed_onour profile image
Ahmed Onour

This is crazy 😧 ,and amazing 🔥 in the same time .