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Jeffrey Bosch for xLayers

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Easy version stamp your Angular app🦶

Did you ever create bash scripts that you've used in multiple projects to do version stamp your Angular application?

Today we are very happy to announce 🎉 @xlayers/version-stamp 🎉 an Angular Builder that will help you to version stamp your Angular apps.

How to use version-stamp

1.Navigate to your Angular project

2.Add @xlayers/version-stamp to your project

ng add @xlayers/version-stamp
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The package will make some small changes to the angular.json

3.Add the following snippet (only the version property) to your environment files.

export const environment = {
    production: false,
    version: "_BUILD_HASH_"
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4.Use the version that the packages has provided in your environment properties.

import { environment } from "../environment";
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    selector: "xlayers-root"
export class AppComponent {
    version = environment.version;
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5.Now you can stamp your app by running

ng run <your-app>:stamp
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or use --version for a specific version

ng run <your-app>:stamp --version="1.2.1"
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6.When we navigate to our dist folder we can look at our code and see something that is similiar to the picture below

Alt Text

Thank you

Thank you for reading our article, we hope this article encourages you to try xLayers products as it is fairly easy to use and provides a lot of value in the collaboration between designers and developers.

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Latest comments (3)

scooperdev profile image
Stephen Cooper

Is the picture missing at the end?

jefiozie profile image
Jeffrey Bosch

I've added the picture thank you!

jefiozie profile image
Jeffrey Bosch

Looks like it will update it soon. Thanks for pointing this to us