I'm needing to getting back in the game of learning software engineering at the level of a bootcamp student at first phase. Most of the key points include:
Javascript fundamentals: Variables, Comparisons, Conditionals, Logical Operators, Control Flow, and Arithmetic.
Javascript functions.
Data Structures: Arrays, Objects, Modifying Objects, Debugging, Javascript Loops, Object Iterations, Traversing Nested Objects.
Array Iterations: Array Iterator Methods, Finding array Elements, Filtering Arrays, Mapping Arrays, forEach: The iterator of no return.
Javascript Advanced Syntax: Destructuring & Spread Operator
Javascript Events
And Communicating with the Server.
...the fact the I've analyzed and organized my first phase and the fact that a good chunk phase 1 is a review of my mandatory prep work gives me much hope and confidence.
I shall be working in many places including MDN and Leetcode.
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