This is a guide to understand and use redux in your project in easiest way.
Table of Contents
About Redux
- Centralize your application's state and logic.
Lessons Learned
1. Reducer - Function that takes current state and action (type of action + data) as an argument and return updated state.
2. Action - Object that has type of action (basically name) and data to be passed to a reducer function.
3. Store - Give us different methods to fetch or modify current state
* getState() - Returns current state
* dispatch() - call reducer function by passing action
* subscribe() - listen to state change
Built With
Getting Started
- react
npx create-react-app app-name
- redux
npm install redux
This is how you can use redux in your application
- Create reducer.js file and write function that takes state and action and retuns updated state.
function reducer(state =[], action){
if(action.type === "type){
<!-- Some Logic -->
return updatedState
- Create store.js file and export store
import { createStore } from 'redux'
const store = createStore(reducer);
export default store;
- Now you can use store variable to getState or dispatch (take action) or subscribe (listen to state change), etc
- getState
- dispatch
type: "type",
data: "data"
- subscribe
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