If you want to perform an airdrop or a marketing campaign on twitter, but wonder how you're going to get all the wallet addresses from comments, Here's a quick and easy way to do that!
Sign up to get twitter development access(https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/dashboard), once you're done
and get your BEARER token
Now to the Code!
Node Js 16 and Up
import fs from "fs";
import axios from "axios";
var resultsNext_token = "";
var count = 0;
var arrayWallets = [] //Array of wallets
var regexPattern = /[^A-Za-z0-9]/g //Removes Pesky emojis and non alphanumerical text;
async function runthis(id){
while (count < 13) { //Count is num *100(100 comments per request) so this goes through 1,300 comments
const response = await axios.get(
resultsNext_token ? `next_token=${resultsNext_token}` : ""
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${BEARER}`,
const resultsArray = response.data.data;
resultsNext_token = response.data.meta.next_token;
if (resultsArray != undefined) {
const datatext = data.text.replaceAll("\n"," ").split(" ")
if(data.length>30){ // Checks for long strings(possibily wallets)
arrayWallets .push(data.replace(regexPattern, ""))
// arrayWallets = [...arrayWallets ,...resultsArray]
count = count + 1;
if(count ==13){ // after 1300 comments searched
let data = JSON.stringify(arrayWallets );
fs.writeFileSync("walletArrayOut.json", data); // stores wallets in a json file as an array
} else {
return false;
And There you have it, Hope it helps!
Top comments (1)
this is very interesting ser but i'm not a dev and many ppl dont understand how to use this script please elaborate