Introducing Aniquotes! The one and only anime quote grabber.
Aniquotes can collect and slice quotes out the mix, from characters and your favourites, Attack on Titan
and Tokyo ghoul
You can use npm to install my module!
Before you keep reading please star my repo bellow :)
Collects anime quotes!
Collects anime quotes for node.js, discord.js Who doesn't like a dose of anime from time to time, maybe a quote to motivate you?
Discord.js Example
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const { randomQuote } = require('aniquotes-npm')
const { searchAnime } = require('node-kitsu'); // credits to the person who made node-kitsu!!
module.exports = {
name: "aniquote",
run: async ( client, message) => {
const { quote, anime, id, name } = randomQuote();
const res = await searchAnime(anime,0).catch(()=>{}) || [];
const image = res?.[0]?.attributes?.coverImage?.original || null;
new MessageEmbed()
…Getting Starting
Firstly, you will need node.js to install and implement this package into your projects.
Then use npm to install my module..
npm install aniquotes-npm
or ...
npm i aniquotes-npm
How to use Aniquotes?
You may ask to yourself, I have installed the module but how to use this?
You may add it into your discord bot.
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const { randomQuote } = require('aniquotes-npm')
const { searchAnime } = require('node-kitsu'); // credits to the person who made node-kitsu!!
module.exports = {
name: "aniquote",
run: async ( client, message) => {
const { quote, anime, id, name } = randomQuote();
const res = await searchAnime(anime,0).catch(()=>{}) || [];
const image = res?.[0]?.attributes?.coverImage?.original || null;
new MessageEmbed()
.addField(`Quoted from ${anime}*`,`${quote}\n\n-${name}`)
.setFooter('Made by Yuma-Tsushima07 with ❤️')
This is freshly from my Discord bot by the way ;)
You may use it like this also if you wanted to add it with your other projects.
const aniquote = require('aniquotes-npm')
// Shows a random anime quote
// You can also fetch quotes by their id
// Fetching quotes from an anime! Nice!!
console.log(aniquote.getQuotesByAnime('Tokyo Ghoul'))
// Who said you couldn't fetch quotes from a character!
console.log(aniquote.getQuotesByCharacter('Sakura Kinomoto'))
For further examples check out my repo! Please drop a comment and star bellow!
Collects anime quotes!
Collects anime quotes for node.js, discord.js Who doesn't like a dose of anime from time to time, maybe a quote to motivate you?
Discord.js Example
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const { randomQuote } = require('aniquotes-npm')
const { searchAnime } = require('node-kitsu'); // credits to the person who made node-kitsu!!
module.exports = {
name: "aniquote",
run: async ( client, message) => {
const { quote, anime, id, name } = randomQuote();
const res = await searchAnime(anime,0).catch(()=>{}) || [];
const image = res?.[0]?.attributes?.coverImage?.original || null;
new MessageEmbed()
…Thanks for reading. Please give me some credit bellow <3
Readme file
Welcome to Yuma-Tsushima's Github page!
About Myself
Hello, my name is Yuma-Tsushima (frequently shortened to Yuma). I am an ambitious coder, and I enjoy coding in JavaScript (mainly). I also love making websites using HTML, CSS and (of course) JS! I started programming (self taught) at the age of 13. Originally, I came from the creative field ; I draw/sing/animate/make music.
Talents and Hobbies
I love drawing (I have been drawing all of my life). I play strategy games, I code and I do CTFs! I am also good at animation, making AMVs and image editing. My favourite game is Mindustry, followed by Flow Free and Sudoku. I love watching anime (I love Code Geass - I relate to Lelouch a lot) and I aspire to create my own anime!
Check out my work!:
❯ Soundcloud : 0c7av3h4ck5
❯ Discord : {CyberArtByte}
❯ Artwork : AcceleratorArts07
Recent Medium…
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Discord Servers!!
Bounty Hunters: An amazing bug hunting community full of developers and exploiters!!!
CyberArtByte: My server full of bling and joy!!
New Soundcloud Track!!
Author: Yuma-Tsushima
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