
Zell Liew πŸ€—
Zell Liew πŸ€—

Posted on • Originally published at

What is a branch in Git?

Note: This the seventh video in the Git for beginners series. Watch the first video here.

Imagine there are parallel worlds. We have:

  1. A world where I have created this video, and you're watching it.
  2. A world where I have created this video, but you're not watching it.
  3. A world where I did not create this video.

In this parallel world concept, a Git branch is a parallel world.

You can have a branch that stays the same in one world. Then, you branch off into a different world. Once you finish your code, you can complete the initial world by merging the changes into it.

How to create a branch

Open up your Git client. Look for the branch you want to branch from. Right click on it and select create new branch.

Cursor on the menu that says create new branch

You can name your branch anything you want.

Usually the first branch we as developers is the development branch.

Once you name your branch, click on create and checkout. Checkout, in this case, means to move to the development branch.

Setting the branch name to development

Once you create the development branch, you can see two branches in your branches sectionβ€”master and development.

Sidebar contains all branches. In this case, it shows master and development

In the Git history, you can also see a new tag called development. This development tag is on the same commit as master and origin/master.

Git history shows the  raw `development` endraw  tag

Why create a development branch?

Let's say you have a website that's ready for people to see. This website is on the master branch.

If you commit code to the master branch, it means you change the website directly. If you introduce any bugs, other people can see your bug immediately.

We're humans. We make mistakes. We don't want to show our mistakes to people.

So we create a new branch and work off it. When we're done, and when we're sure that there are no more bugs (at least we try to!), we push the changes back to the master branch to update the website.

That's why we use a development branch.

In this case, the master branch can also be called a production branch.

How to code on a new branch

When you create a new branch, you can code directly on the branch itself. Any code you change will be reflected only on that branch.

Let's say we want to create a new file called In this file, we say "Hello! This is committed from the development branch!".

Hello! This is committed from the development branch!
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

If you go back to your Git client, you can commit this change to the development branch.

Make sure you're on the development branch when you create the commit. In Fork, you can tell the branch your on by looking at the bolded branch.

Development is bold on the sidebar. This shows that the development branch is selected

Commit your code to the development branch.

Now, if you look at the Git history, you can see that the development branch is one commit ahead of the origin/master branch and the local master branch.

This shows we can code as much as we like on the development branch without affecting other branches.

 raw `development` endraw  tag is ahead of  raw `origin/master` endraw  and  raw `master` endraw

Pushing the development branch into the Git remote

You can push the development branch into the Git remote by clicking the push button. The steps will the similar to the steps when you pushed the master branch for the first time.

Once the push is completed, you can see the origin/development tag on the same commit as the development tag.

 raw `origin/development` endraw  tag on the same commit as the  raw `development` endraw  tag.

Switching between branches

To switch between branches, you can double-click the branch you want to go (on the sidebar). If you double-click on Master, you will checkout master.

Checkout means to switch to the branch you chose.

Double-click the master branch to checkout the master branch

If you look at your project now, you will realize that the file is missing. This proves again that you can make as many commits on your development branch without affecting other branches.

Merging branches

If you're done with the development process, and you're ready to merge the branch back into master.

To merge, you first checkout the branch you want to merge to. This should be master.

Then, to merge the development branch into the master branch, you right-click the development branch in your Git client and select merge into 'master.'

Cursor on menu item that says merge into 'master'

Fork will ask you whether you want to create a merge commit. Some clients do this for you automatically.

Menu that asks whether you want to create a merge commit

Select merge and the merge will be completed.

If you look at the Git history now, you'll see the master branch is ahead of the development and origin/development branches.

This is because we have done a merge commit.

 raw `master` endraw  branch is ahead of the  raw `development` endraw  and  raw `origin/development` endraw  branches

At the same time, master is two commits ahead of the origin/master branch. That's why we see 2 up in the sidebar.

 raw `master` endraw  is two commits ahead of the  raw `origin/master` endraw  branch

When you're done merging, you can update the Git remote by clicking on the Push button.

 raw `origin/master` endraw  and  raw `master` endraw  are now on the same commit

Deleting a branch

To delete a branch, you right-click the branch you want to delete and select delete 'branch-name'.

Cursor on menu item that says delete development

In Fork, you can also choose to remove the branch from the remote as well.

Menu that asks if you want to remove the branch from the origin

Click on Delete and Fork will delete both branches.

Once the delete is done, you can take a look at the Git history. You'll notice that the origin/development and development tags have both disappeared from the history.

 raw `origin/development` endraw  and  raw `development` endraw  tags have both disappeared from the history

Wrapping up

A branch is like a parallel world where you can create commit without introducing bugs into production code. You can always fix the bugs before merging your branch into the production code.

Thanks for reading. This article was originally posted on my blog. Sign up for my newsletter if you want more articles to help you become a better frontend developer.

Top comments (3)

denisenepraunig profile image
Denise Nepraunig

Hello Zell - great explanation with great visuals! I didn't look at your channel but I think the next logical blog post would be rebasing the development branch onto master if something has happened in the master branch in the meantime (like you merged another feature branch or you did something directly on master).

teja463 profile image
Brahma Teja Ponnuru • Edited

Hello Zell, can you create a playlist with all your git videos with order in your youtube channel. In went to your channel to watch git videos, but there is no numbering given to the videos and i am unable to identify the order to watch videos.

zellwk profile image
Zell Liew πŸ€—

I’ll create the order when I’m done with all videos :)