Hey ๐, Guys Welcome.
Today we are deeply learning about the most Important Array Iterations Methods in JavaScript
Let's Dive In ..
Others Programming Languages Such As C, C++, Python and C# .. have Arrays like Concepts and different Methods to Iterate the Arrays or List. In JavaScript there are Bulk of Iteration Methods for Arrays. Lets Uncover Them.
1.Foor Loop
let Array = [1, 2, 3, 4, "Zubair", "USA"];
for(let i=0 ; i<Array.length ; i++)
console.log(Array[i]) // 1 2 3 4 Zubair USA
Here We Use a Variable i That Iterate through each Index and Then With the Array[i] we access each Element in That Array. The variable starts from 0 and ends upto less than the length (0-5) of Array.
2.For In
For In Loop is another way to loop through all Elements in Array. We Can also use this methods for objects.
let Array = [1, 2, 3, 4, "Zubair", "USA"];
for (const key in Array) {
console.log(Array[key]) // 1 2 3 4 Zubair USA
With this method , we can also get the Each Index and Element of Array. This can also be used to iterate through keys and values of Object.
const person = {Name:"John Doe", Age:25};
for (let x in person) {
console.log(`${x} : `,person[x]) //Name : John Doe Age : 25
3.For Of
This Method also loops through all of the values of iterable Object such as Array , String etc. This Methods Does'nt work with Objects.
let Array = ["Zubair", "John", "Doe"];
for (const elemet of Array) {
console.log(elemet) //Zubair John Doe
let Name="John";
for (const elemet of Name) {
In The Above Example , we have for of method applied to a string. This will iterate through each character in the string and display the result like that
4.While Loop
let Array = [23,34,45,67,78,89];
let I=0;
console.log(Array[I]) // 23 34 45 67 78 89
This While Loop serves same as for loop. In Above Example While Loop Running until Value in I variable is less than the size of our Array.
5.For Each
The foreach() methods uses callback function that runs on each array element. The Callback takes the 3 arguments
- Element
- Index of Element
- Array Itself
let Array = [23,34,45,67,78,89];
console.log(Element) // 23 34 45 67 78 89
console.log(Index) // 0 1 2 3 4 5
console.log(TempArray[Index]) // 23 34 45 67 78 89
As You Can see in the Callback Function we have our Three Arguments working on our Array.
6.Map Method
Map Methods also works similar to Foreach Method. This can also takes 3 argunent
let Array = [23,34,45,67,78,89];
console.log(Element) // 23 34 45 67 78 89
console.log(Index) // 0 1 2 3 4 5
console.log(TempArray[Index]) // 23 34 45 67 78 89
But If we return something from callback after performing some functionality, then map method creates new array ,See
let Array = [23,34,45,67,78,89];
let New=Array.map(Callback=(Element,Index,TempArray)=>
return Element*2
console.log(New) // [ 46, 68, 90, 134, 156, 178 ]
The Indexof Methods also iterates through each element of Array and return the index of specific element. If Element not Found , it returns -1
let Array = [23,34,45,67,78,89];
let Ind=Array.indexOf(67)
console.log(Ind) // 3
That's Enough for Today's Lesson.
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Happy Coding !! โก
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