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Muhammad Zubair
Muhammad Zubair

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Most Important JavaScript Array Iteration Methods.

Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹, Guys Welcome.

Today we are deeply learning about the most Important Array Iterations Methods in JavaScript

Let's Dive In ..

Others Programming Languages Such As C, C++, Python and C# .. have Arrays like Concepts and different Methods to Iterate the Arrays or List. In JavaScript there are Bulk of Iteration Methods for Arrays. Lets Uncover Them.

1.Foor Loop

let Array = [1, 2, 3, 4, "Zubair", "USA"];

for(let i=0 ; i<Array.length ; i++)
  console.log(Array[i]) // 1 2 3 4 Zubair USA
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Here We Use a Variable i That Iterate through each Index and Then With the Array[i] we access each Element in That Array. The variable starts from 0 and ends upto less than the length (0-5) of Array.

2.For In

For In Loop is another way to loop through all Elements in Array. We Can also use this methods for objects.

let Array = [1, 2, 3, 4, "Zubair", "USA"];

for (const key in Array) {
  console.log(Array[key]) // 1 2 3 4 Zubair USA
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With this method , we can also get the Each Index and Element of Array. This can also be used to iterate through keys and values of Object.

const person = {Name:"John Doe", Age:25};

for (let x in person) {
  console.log(`${x} : `,person[x]) //Name :  John Doe Age :  25
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3.For Of

This Method also loops through all of the values of iterable Object such as Array , String etc. This Methods Does'nt work with Objects.

let Array = ["Zubair", "John", "Doe"];

for (const elemet of Array) {
  console.log(elemet) //Zubair John Doe
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let Name="John";

for (const elemet of Name) {
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In The Above Example , we have for of method applied to a string. This will iterate through each character in the string and display the result like that


4.While Loop

let Array = [23,34,45,67,78,89];

let I=0;

  console.log(Array[I]) // 23 34 45 67 78 89
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This While Loop serves same as for loop. In Above Example While Loop Running until Value in I variable is less than the size of our Array.

5.For Each

The foreach() methods uses callback function that runs on each array element. The Callback takes the 3 arguments

  1. Element
  2. Index of Element
  3. Array Itself
let Array = [23,34,45,67,78,89];
  console.log(Element) // 23 34 45 67 78 89
  console.log(Index)  // 0 1 2 3 4 5
  console.log(TempArray[Index]) // 23 34 45 67 78 89
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As You Can see in the Callback Function we have our Three Arguments working on our Array.

6.Map Method

Map Methods also works similar to Foreach Method. This can also takes 3 argunent

let Array = [23,34,45,67,78,89];,Index,TempArray)=>
  console.log(Element) // 23 34 45 67 78 89
  console.log(Index)  // 0 1 2 3 4 5
  console.log(TempArray[Index]) // 23 34 45 67 78 89
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But If we return something from callback after performing some functionality, then map method creates new array ,See

let Array = [23,34,45,67,78,89];

  return Element*2

console.log(New) // [ 46, 68, 90, 134, 156, 178 ]
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The Indexof Methods also iterates through each element of Array and return the index of specific element. If Element not Found , it returns -1

let Array = [23,34,45,67,78,89];

let Ind=Array.indexOf(67)

console.log(Ind) // 3
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That's Enough for Today's Lesson.

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Happy Coding !! โšก

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