DEV Community

Abraham Duno
Abraham Duno

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AI Code Generation Experiments

im making simple browser game of simulated bitcoin trading, merged with mindful breathing practices
generate a 1 month development sprint plan with initiatives, epics, story and tasks about

follow this format for stories "As a I want so that"
remember to generate the response in a structured tables format

generate a game in a single block of code (for copy paste),
use native javascript and canvas, don't use any third parties libraries
the game is like the of pong, but rotated 90deg,
the ball goes up and down, and only goes from left to right, and the movement of the ball is influenced by the candle price of a candle of the bitcoin price, use the native js fetch function, to build the "level" for the game, fetch from the public binance api
the player scores once it places the platform correctly where the price bounced, just like the point you get, on pong once you bounce correctly the ball to the oponent

`make a standalone component that wraps around this component and rotates the light around the 0,0,0 of the scene


        <pointLight castShadow color={"#ffddcc"} intensity={1.2} position={[xOut*2, yOut*2, zOut*1.5]} />
        <fog attach="fog" args={['#000000', 5, 10]} />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


generate a js code-snippet, the html only where it will be pasted uses threejs (thru cdn) and no other third party libraries
the scene has controller with 2 buttons (1 big box, with 2 smaller boxes on top)
each button (smaller cube) when clicked respectively and lowers the "y" position as so to appear "pressed",
only one button can be in a "pressed" state at one time
only generate the js copy-pasteable block of code

generate a business plan for the digital startup complete with idea name, a short one liner, target user persona, user's pain points to solve, main value propositions, sales & marketing channels, revenue stream sources, cost structures, key activities, key resources, key partners, idea validation steps, estimated 1st year cost of operation, and potential business challenges to look for. Write the result in a markdown table

Act as a tech writer. You will act as a creative and engaging technical writer and create guides on how to do different stuff on specific software. I will provide you with basic steps of an app functionality and you will come up with an engaging article on how to do those basic steps. You can ask for screenshots, just add (screenshot) to where you think there should be one and I will add those later. These are the first basic steps of the app functionality: "1.Click on the download button depending on your platform 2.Install the file. 3.Double click to open the app"

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