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Cover image for Azure Fundamentals
Eduard Constantin
Eduard Constantin

Posted on

Azure Fundamentals


πŸ‘‹ Hey there! This year, I'm excited to invite you to contribute to my Hacktoberfest 2023 GitHub repositories. It's an opportunity for us to collaborate, learn, and make a meaningful impact in the open-source community.
🌐 You can find my GitHub profile here, where I maintain a collection of projects related to web development and, of course, some exciting Hacktoberfest initiatives.

About the Project

Azure Fundamentals is a project that I created to learn cloud computing with Azure and it is one of the projects that is heavily under development with a lot of help from the community.
The main goal of this project is to help others prepare for the AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification exam.
You can also check out the live demo of the web application here: Azure Fundamentals Demo.

Azure Fundamentals

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Contributing

Contributions from the community are the heartbeat of this project. I've set up a streamlined process to ensure that your ideas, code improvements, and suggestions are welcomed with open arms:

  • Fork and Clone: Begin by forking the repository and cloning it to your local environment.
  • Create a Branch: For each feature, bug fix, or enhancement you want to propose, create a dedicated branch from the dev branch. This keeps things organized.
  • Code Away: Make your changes, write new features, or fix bugs. Ensure that your code adheres to our coding standards.
  • Pull Request: Once you're satisfied with your changes, submit a pull request.
  • Code Review: Pull requests go through a thorough code review process to ensure that they align with project goals and quality standards.
  • Merge: After a successful review, your pull request will be merged into the dev branch and soon into the main branch.

Congratulations, your contribution is now part of Azure Fundamentals!

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