So WordPress still powers around 30% ⚡ of the worlds sites, which roughly equates to 455 million websites[1]. I'd estimate that each site using a least one plugin, wether that be create custom post types, or protect their site from spam comments or contact form submissions.
I have a certain plugin suite to extend WordPress, below is the list of plugins we use and why we use them. So lets just dive straight into them!
ACF (Advanced Custom Fields)
ACF allows developers to add different types of components to pages, templates and custom posts. Ranging from simple text and WYSIWYG fields, to gallery and repeating fields.
We use ACF as we build bespoke websites and this helps us build templates, quicker and easier.
Gravity Forms
Gravity Forms is the form builder we use. Yes, we could have chosen Ninja Forms, Formidable, or even Contact Form 7. But we realised quickly there were a-lot of extensions that will allow us to use Stripe, or extending it to use our marketing software Campaign Monitor. It's simple, and easy to build forms and allows dynamic data so we can change fields depending on links.
EWW is an image optimiser that allows you to delivery highly-optimised but still delivering high-quality images. We can also delivery images in WEBP format read more on WEBP from Google
These are our core suite of plugins, use anything different of similar? Comment below, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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