❔ About
At Nouméa, I have a kind of "fétiche" restaurant called "Au p'tit café"
They :
- 👐 Are very kind people : I love spend time there (at least once a week)
- 🧑🍳 Have awesome creative and tasty menus
- Have a unique management approach and have implemented a
days work week:
What is very convenient is that their website describes very well its menus for the week, with a core philosophy:
- 🤏 Few menus
- ☝️ Focused on high quality and fresh food
I do often go and read their website:
🤔 Inception
... and was wondering if I could build something "nerdy" around it...(for example play with it from my terminal 🤓)
💡 The idea
As I did never create a Python package, I finally decided to :
Create & release a dedicated
package that would get the menus data... so anyone could have fun with it (with a very few set of lines of code) - Get the menu's datas as
dataframe... andcsv
💭 Why Python ?
As Python is very widely used to create many things like:
- 🦜 Create
tools to build applications withLLMs
through composability so we could chat with menus ... for example with the CSV Agent - 🤪 Any other crazy and fun stuff (with GPU) on Kaggle or Google Colab'
- ⚡ Learn to create API with
on top of this SDK - 🤗 Play with Hugging Face Transformers Agent
🤓 Do it
I finally created the package :
😋 SDK Python pour accéder aux menus du restaurant "Au p'tit café" - Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie
❔ About
Finally a Python package to make getting Au p'it café's menus a piece of (cheese) cake.😅
With this package you can:
... and get them as list of objects or csv
👉 See it live on Kaggle 👈
🔖 Social networks
🤓 Nerd resources
🚀 Quickstart
For the impatients, here is a quick and ready to use code snippet:
# Install the package
!pip install auptitcafe --upgrade
# Make some imports
from auptitcafe.menus import Menus
import pandas as pd
# Create the main utility instance
menu_instance = Menus()
# Dump menus as a csv file
menus = 'menus.csv'
# Load menus in a panda dataframe
df = pd.read_csv
…... then released it on pypi
Finally, it became as easy as follows to get menus as data:
# Install the package
!pip install auptitcafe
# Make some imports
from auptitcafe.menus import Menus
import pandas as pd
# Create the main utility instance
menu_instance = Menus()
# Dump menus as a csv file
menus = 'menus.csv'
# Load menus in a pandas dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(menus)
# Diplay dataframe
# Be creative with dataframe
Top comments (6)
That sounds like an awesome and creative project! 🍽️🔍 Turning restaurant menus into data and playing with them in Python is such a cool "cookout Menu" idea! 🔥🐍 I love how you combined practical utility with some nerdy fun—using FastAPI, Hugging Face, and even integrating it into Kaggle. Definitely makes exploring food data more interactive! Can't wait to see what other magic you cook up next! 😋