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New PHP router wich is 7 to 15 times faster then Symfony router


Hi people! I want to continue the previous article in wich I have compared mezon/router with the klein router.

And in this article I shall compare mezon router with the Symfony routing class.

Benchmark for mezon/router

But now I have decided to change benchmark a little bit. Since now we shall take into consideration not only routing itself but also creation of the router object.

For example we shall benchmark not only this code:

for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount1; $i ++) {
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But this one:

for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount1; $i ++) {
    $routerTest1 = new \Mezon\Router\Router();
    $routerTest1->addRoute('/static', function () {
        return 'static';
    }, 'GET');
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Benchmark for klein/klein

The same changes will be made for klein benchmark:

for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount1; $i ++) {
    $routerTest1 = new \Klein\Klein();
    $routerTest1->respond('GET', '/static', function () {
        return 'static';
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for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount2; $i ++) {
    $routerTest2 = new \Klein\Klein();
    $routerTest2->respond('GET', '/[i:id]', function () {
        return 'param';
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Benchmark for symfony routing

And now it is time to look at the symphony benchmark code:

$iterationCount1 = 10000;
$startTime1 = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount1; $i ++) {
    $static = new Route('/static', [
        'controller' => function () {
            return 'static';
    $staticRoutes = new RouteCollection();
    $staticRoutes->add('static', $static);

    $staticContext = new RequestContext();

    $staticMatcher = new UrlMatcher($staticRoutes, $staticContext);
    $parameters = $staticMatcher->match('/static');
$endTime1 = microtime(true);
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And for URLs with parameters:

$iterationCount2 = 10000;
$startTime2 = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount2; $i ++) {
    $param = new Route('/{id}', [
        'controller' => function () {
            return 'param';
            'id' => '[0-9]+'

    $paramRoutes = new RouteCollection();
    $paramRoutes->add('param', $param);

    $paramContext = new RequestContext();

    $paramMatcher = new UrlMatcher($paramRoutes, $paramContext);
$endTime2 = microtime(true);
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And the results are (the bigger numbers means better):



As you can see - Mezon router is 7 to 15 times faster than Symfony router.

Learn more

More information can be found here:

Mezon Framework

What is mezon/router?

mezon/router now is:

  • framework for routing with 100% code coverage
  • 10.0 points on
  • router is a part of the Mezon Project

Repo on

It will be great if you will contribute something to this project. Documentation, sharing the project in your social media, bug fixing, refactoring, or even submitting issue with question or feature request. Thanks anyway )

Top comments (5)

nicolasgrekas profile image
Nicolas Grekas • Edited

Hello, thanks for contributing to the space of routing libraries in PHP.
FYI, your benchmark for the Symfony router is using the slowest path supported by the component.
If you really want to compare its performance to your work, you should use the CompiledUrlMatcher.
AFAIK, this is the fastest PHP Router existing to date.
I would be very (and happily) surprised if your router were (significantly) faster. Let me know!
Check for some background on the technology.

alexdodonov profile image

Hi! I have benchmarked CompiledUrlMatcher -

freedom profile image
Freedom • Edited

How about memory consumption and latency?

You could compare your benchmark there, assume is around 100th while Symfony is at 145th:

Router isn't the bottleneck. Both API and data processing are the problem you could look in another language for robust and reliability where speed is a concern and static compiled language are exist to solve these problem.

alexdodonov profile image

Thanks for your comment. I shall benchmark memory consumption in the next article.

alexdodonov profile image

Any comments?)