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Andrew Baisden
Andrew Baisden

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Why you should create a developer Instagram account

Instagram needs no introduction everyone knows how big it is. It is one of the most popular and active social media platforms in the world. In fact it is even bigger than Twitter which is why it is so good for building your brand and growing followers. However many developers avoid it completely because Instagram is predominantly an image based social network whereas Twitter is text based which is more ideal for talking and sharing code. I think its a missed opportunity though because if you are working on building your network and growing your audience then obviously you should be on Instagram it is just too huge to ignore.

For some people Instagram can feel a bit weird because lets face it the platform is mostly all visuals and you would go on there expecting to see pictures of people, locations, food etc... Having pictures of code is just not quite the same is it? But if you step back and take a look at the big picture you will realise that there are multiple ways for you to engage with people on Instagram. First let's break it down. This is my own opinion here but I think there are at least 7 types of developer related Instagram accounts.

  1. Programming snippets
  2. Image links to blog articles
  3. Personal selfies and computer setups
  4. Joke/Meme Illustrations
  5. Web design
  6. Personal motivation
  7. CSS Art

So as you can see there are actually a lot of opportunities for growth there. Ideally you would want to create a new business account for your developer work so that you do not contaminate your main personal instagram with too much developer focused work that your friends and family might not understand. It is just easier to have a branded channel for that content. I recently created a tech focused Instagram account for myself this month and it seems to be doing well at the moment. I still need to work on being more active but I have plenty of ideas based on the type of developer related accounts out there.

If you were to post even some of that content then you will grow an audience. So far I have had quite good engagements even though I have put little effort in so far. I have even gained more than 30 followers already at this rate it will surpass my personal Instagram which I should really be more active on. Coronavirus has not really helped much with so much indoor time due to having 2 years of lockdowns πŸ˜…

Many developers and communities are already using Instagram. DEV, Hashnode and CodeNewbie already have a presence on there among others. Each of them have thousands of followers already so use that as motivation you are also capable of building an audience on Instagram.

This is my developer Instagram account andrewbaisden_tech I hope to see more of you on there.

Final Thoughts

I really hope that you enjoyed reading this article and learned something from it. As a content creator and technical writer I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping other people reach their goals. Let's connect across social media you can find all of my social media profiles and blogs on linktree.

Peace ✌️

Top comments (7)

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

I see your point but I just don't know how leverage it to my advantage.

I have to say I am a little turned off by the fact that I cannot find see/many (your) accounts because I need to log on!?!

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I am liking it so far I was still undecided if I was going to have a developer instagram account or not. But then I started to pick up developer followers on my personal instagram account.

And because I am not super active on there at the moment I figured I should make a professional business branded account. It seems to be doing well so far gaining followers and I have had a few DM's from developers who want to collaborate on projects.

izabellaskorini profile image

I really like Instagram. I like to exhibit different photos, but for some reason I don't have many subscribers. And I really wanted to promote my account. That's why I bought them here Verified Social Media Accounts And I'm so happy that I did it. My account is now popular. And all my subscribers are really real.

aswincg2002 profile image

Hey, Nice post. I have a developer Instagram account and sharing that here so that people can go through and give feedback. Keep up the good work :).


sneekiytoours profile image
SneekiyToours • Edited

Greatthoughts! I believe that Instagram as a platform is created for everyone.People from different spheres can upload work-related content there and findthe target audience! You’re right that would be boring to scroll thescreenshots of codes as our brain expects colorful pictures on IG. I believesome photos of a remote working guy somewhere in Bali with the tips on how tobe like him and maybe links for some sources for deeper investigation on thetopic is what people actually need. Memes are highly appreciated too The only problem here is Instagram algorithms that prevent you from gettingto your target audience. Thank god services as exist. They may help you to build an Instagram account byproviding you with likes, followers, and views. The more views you get, the morepeople will see your future content. That’s how Instagram works and there isnothing we can do with this.

john_villegas_97c1fcf8ab5 profile image
John Villegas

Absolutely! Creating a developer Instagram account can be a game-changer. It’s a great way to showcase your projects, share coding tips, and connect with like-minded developers. You'll build a personal brand, which can open up job opportunities and collaborations. Plus, it's a fantastic platform to stay updated with the latest tech trends and participate in coding challenges. Engaging with the developer community on Instagram can provide valuable feedback and inspiration. If you have a good amount of follower then you will get popularity on this platform as a new on Instagram its very difficult to gain follower that is why I prefer to buy a old account . I purchased my account from this platform . Give it a try – it’s a fun and visual way to share your coding journey and grow your network!

thanhtr99270163 profile image
Thanh Truong

I've always been looking for some ideas on what content to share on IG. Thanks for sharing!

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