Hello everyone, and welcome to this tutorial. Today I would like to introduce a new plugin for Gulp that I created to optimize images for our web browser users.
Introducting gulp-sharp-responsive
gulp-sharp-responsive is based on the Sharp NPM package, a fast image processing library, and aims to simplify this tedious task. Making images responsive and declined for differents format becomes simple because we only have to configure it and the rest is done automatically for us.
For this tutorial, let's imagine we have the following folder:
├── src/
│ └── img/
│ └── lion.jpg
├── .gitignore
├── gulpfile.js
└── package.json
Let's say We want to output our lion.jpg image into the folder dist/img
. We also would like to have images in differents sizes:
- 640 (mobile)
- 768 (tablet)
- 1024 (desktop)
And differents formats:
- jpeg
- webp
- avif
Using gulp-sharp-responsive
To this purpose, here is how you can use this library.
First, let's install Gulp and this plugin:
npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-sharp-responsive
Next, head on your gulpfile.js
file and append this code:
// gulpfile.js
const { src, dest } = require("gulp");
const sharpResponsive = require("gulp-sharp-responsive");
Then, let's write our "img" task:
// gulpfile.js
const { src, dest } = require("gulp");
const sharpResponsive = require("gulp-sharp-responsive");
const img = () => src("src/img/*.jpg")
formats: [
// jpeg
{ width: 640, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
// webp
{ width: 640, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
// avif
{ width: 640, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
Finally, let's expose this task so that we can use it through npm run img
// gulpfile.js
const { src, dest } = require("gulp");
const sharpResponsive = require("gulp-sharp-responsive");
const img = () => src("src/img/*.jpg")
formats: [
// jpeg
{ width: 640, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
// webp
{ width: 640, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
// avif
{ width: 640, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
module.exports = {
// package.json
"scripts": {
"img": "gulp img"
Now, let's run this task once. In your terminal, run this command:
npm run img
You should see something printed in the console like this:
$ npm run img
> img
> gulp img
[14:11:00] Using gulpfile /home/khalyomede/gulpfile.js
[14:11:01] Starting 'build'...
[14:11:01] Starting 'img'...
[14:11:02] Finished 'img' after 1.92 s
[14:11:02] Finished 'build' after 1.93 s
And if we inspect our folder tree this is what we should get now:
├── dist/
│ └── img/
│ ├── lions-lg.avif
│ ├── lions-lg.jpg
│ ├── lions-lg.webp
│ ├── lions-md.avif
│ ├── lions-md.jpg
│ ├── lions-md.webp
│ ├── lions-sm.avif
│ ├── lions-sm.jpg
│ └── lions-sm.webp
├── src/
│ └── img/
│ └── lion.jpg
├── .gitignore
├── gulpfile.js
└── package.json
Image responsiveness can be of a good use when you want to improve your web page speed using this HTML technique:
<!-- avif -->
<source srcset="/img/lion-sm.avif" media="(max-width: 640px)" type="image/avif" />
<source srcset="/img/lion-md.avif" media="(max-width: 768px)" type="image/avif" />
<source srcset="/img/lion-lg.avif" media="(max-width: 1024px)" type="image/avif" />
<!-- webp -->
<source srcset="/img/lion-sm.webp" media="(max-width: 640px)" type="image/webp" />
<source srcset="/img/lion-md.webp" media="(max-width: 768px)" type="image/webp" />
<source srcset="/img/lion-lg.webp" media="(max-width: 1024px)" type="image/webp" />
<!-- jpeg -->
<source srcset="/img/lion-sm.jpeg" media="(max-width: 640px)" type="image/jpeg" />
<source srcset="/img/lion-md.jpeg" media="(max-width: 768px)" type="image/jpeg" />
<source srcset="/img/lion-lg.jpeg" media="(max-width: 1024px)" type="image/jpeg" />
<!-- original -->
<img src="/img/lion.jpeg" class="img-responsive" alt="A lion in the jungle." />
This way, you are asking the browser:
- To load the most modern image first
- Load an image that fits the viewport width
- Fallback to the
if a browser doesn't support it
If you check the sizes of each files, we can see users will benefit from newest files format small sizes:
Image | Size | Weight |
lion.jpg | Original | 1 330 Ko |
lions-lg.avif | 1024px | 52 Ko |
lions-lg.jpg | 1024px | 141 Ko |
lions-lg.webp | 1024px | 118 Ko |
lions-md.avif | 768px | 30 Ko |
lions-md.jpg | 768px | 81 Ko |
lions-md.webp | 768px | 67 Ko |
lions-sm.avif | 640px | 23 Ko |
lions-sm.jpeg | 640px | 60 Ko |
lions-sm.webp | 640px | 51 Ko |
Learn more in this detail post:
Article No Longer Available
Thanks for reading this tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writting for Dev.to!
You can learn more about this library, like how to keep the original file in the output images and much more!
A gulp plugin to generate responsives images.
A gulp plugin to generate responsives images.
I make web apps and I often need to generate images of multi formats and size from a single image. For example, an image "lion.jpeg", that is declined like this:
- lion-sm.jpeg
- lion-sm.webp
- lion-sm.avif
- lion-lg.jpeg
- lion-lg.webp
- lion-lg.avif
Sharp can do this, and since I use Gulp for my everyday tasks, I created a plugin to automatize this task.
- Based on Sharp
- Takes options to generate images by sizes and format
- Supports theses formats:
- jpeg
- png
- gif
- webp
- avif
- heif
- tiff
- Can pass Sharp specific options to customize even more the image generation
- Written in TypeScript, so you get type hints for the options
In your terminal:
npm install --save-dev gulp-sharp-responsive
With Yarn:
yarn add --dev gulp-sharp-responsive
Sidenote: all the following example uses the TS version of gulpfile. This is why you will…
Happy optimizations!
Top comments (9)
For those how might be curious, to group images into output directories named after their filename base, filename excluding suffixes, I used the gulp plugin "rename" (npmjs.com/package/gulp-rename) as in the following. Helpful when dealing with a lot of images.
Hello again, I want to be able to calculate widths based on the approximate percentage of the screen that they will occupy. For example, one of my sizes for a full screen image is 1200. For images that are 1/4 that width, how would I do math in the gulpfile (e.g., 1200/4) to produce a 300px image? I want to avoid having to manually calculate the new widths.
I know this is probably wrong, but something like this?
{ width: (1200 / 4), format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-lg" }, jpegOptions: { quality: 50, progressive: true } },
{ width: (1400 / 4), format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-xl" }, jpegOptions: { quality: 50, progressive: true } },
Ideally, I would like to be able to pass the divisor (command line option) when running the task--e.g., "gulp sharpImage --4". If there is no given command line divisor, the original size would remain unaffected. How would you do this, with an additional package such as npmjs.com/package/gulp-param or could I use node's process.argv to do this?
Thanks, Sam
So this is the solution I came up with following this tutorial, sitepoint.com/pass-parameters-gulp.... At the top of gulpfile.js add the following code:
Assign div as arg.d and provide a fallback if arg is null to 1 (i.e., div = arg.d || 1). Note, since I mainly going to show featured images at full screen at widths 576px and below (mobile screens), I am not dividing the xs size by a divisor. Also since the the gulp-sharp-responsive is not able to process non-integer widths, I had to round the quotient with the round function. I am sure there is a better way with less redundant code. If you have any suggestions to improving it please let me know.
export task:
The result:
Running "gulp sharpImg" results in the default const widths defined, whereas running "gulp sharpImg --d 4" results in images 1/4 their default width.
So,I posted the above code, knowing than it was less than ideal, on stackoverflow looking for feedback and someone submitted this gem (stackoverflow.com/questions/728107...
gulp sharpImg
resizes and reformat images according to the specified breakpoints. Whereas running
gulp sharpImg -d 3
(-d followed by a divisor number) will create fractional widths, in this case 1/3 of a full screen image. Using this format one can easily add other command options. For example, one could have a command option -w, for generating custumized widths through the command line rather than having to edit the gulpfile.js.
Thanks for the great gulp tutorial. There isn't a lot of such gulp tutorials online so much appreciated. However, I am not getting any result from running the plugin. I am wondering if you might have any suggestions.
I've installed sharp and this plugin, "npm install sharp gulp-sharp-responsive --save-dev", following the instructions on the npm website (npmjs.com/package/gulp-sharp-respo...) and your tutorial.
I tried this:
const { src, dest } = require("gulp");
const sharpResponsive = require("gulp-sharp-responsive");
const img = () => src('src/assets/images/process/*.jpg')
formats: [
// jpeg
{ width: 640, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
// webp
{ width: 640, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
// avif
{ width: 640, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
module.exports = {
with this in my package.json:
"scripts": {
"img": "gulp img"
Alternatively, I tried the classic function approach but got the same result.
function sharpImages() {
return src('src/assets/images/process/*.jpg')
formats: [
// jpeg
{ width: 640, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "jpeg", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
// webp
{ width: 640, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "webp", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
// avif
{ width: 640, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-sm" } },
{ width: 768, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-md" } },
{ width: 1024, format: "avif", rename: { suffix: "-lg" } },
exports.sharpImages = sharpImages;
In both cases, when I run "npm run img" or "gulp sharpImages", all I get is this in the terminal:
[14:12:35] Starting 'sharpImages'...
[14:12:35] Finished 'sharpImages' after 227 ms
No test directory, no images, nothing. I am using node v16.15.0. Any suggestions?
Thanks so much for the appreciation 🙏
Could you please give me a public repository with your code? So I can give this a try on my machine to see what's wrong
Hi, so I thought I would give it another try, and this time it worked! Perhaps, I didn't have a dependency installed or perhaps I had a syntax error in the src url? In your tutorial, you don't mention installing sharp via "npm install sharp". Is that a requirement, or does "npm install --save-dev gulp-sharp-responsive" automatically install all the needed dependencies? Thanks for the awesome plugin!
Hi, I'm so glad it finally worked for you!
Indeed installing solely the package will automatically require all necessary dependencies, including "sharp". Maybe your issue was during the compilation of sharp itself, I know I had lots of random issues (because it needs to recompile sharp from sources, and if for example the network is fluctuating or a filesystem issue occurs, the whole process finishes but then the executable is corrupted). That's my best guess...
At least now you're good to go, have fun with it!
Rather than specifying a media condition for each source, could the above html example be simplified to the following, letting the browser choose based on the widths given in the srcset element (see blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2015/1...)? I haven't tested it, yet.