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Arindam Majumder
Arindam Majumder Subscriber

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🤯 11 Exciting GitHub Repositories You Should Check Right Now⚡️

My favorite part about being in the tech community is the existence of open-source projects.

It's so cool that people all over the world contribute to valuable projects and make them available for free.

In this blog, we'll take a look at 11 such exciting GitHub repositories that you should check right now.

Let's jump right in!

Let's jump right in!

Crawlee: Automations are a breeze

Crawlee is a web scraping and browser automation library. It helps you build crawlers that can crawl websites and extract data.

When a website adds JavaScript rendering, you don't have to rewrite everything, only switch to one of the browser crawlers. When you later find a great API to speed up your crawls, flip the switch back.


Crawlee comes with three types of crawlers:

Cheerio Crawler: This is a simple HTTP crawler and parses data using the Cheerio library.

Puppeteer Crawler: This is a browser crawler that uses the Puppeteer library to render the page and extract data.

Playwright Crawler: This is a browser crawler that uses the Playwright library to render the page and extract data. Playwright is a more powerful successor to Puppeteer.

Along with scraping and automation, they provide a lot of tools to save the extracted data in a structured way.

Crawlee can also be used in many real-world use cases like scraping product data from an e-commerce website to bulk processing data from a spreadsheet.

You can read more about their study on using Crawlee in a real-world use case here.

Getting started with Crawlee

Crawlee is a Node.js library, so you'll need to have Node.js installed to get started.

It's available via NPX, so you can start a new project by running:

npx crawlee create my-crawler
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You can choose the Getting started template and then follow the instructions to get started. Then, you can run your crawler by running:

cd my-crawler
npm start
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You'll see something like this in the terminal as Crawlee boots up:

INFO  PlaywrightCrawler: Starting the crawl
INFO  PlaywrightCrawler: Title of is 'Crawlee · Build reliable crawlers. Fast. | Crawlee'
INFO  PlaywrightCrawler: Title of is 'Examples | Crawlee'
INFO  PlaywrightCrawler: Title of is '@crawlee/core | API | Crawlee'
INFO  PlaywrightCrawler: Title of is 'Changelog | API | Crawlee'
INFO  PlaywrightCrawler: Title of is 'Quick Start | Crawlee'
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Crawlee can be used in many other places like scraping data for creating an API, scraping data for a spreadsheet, or scraping data for a dashboard.

It's a powerful tool for scraping data and automating web browsers. They already have 16k+ stars on their Github Repository.

Check out more about Crawlee in their official documentation.

Give Crawlee a Star 🌟

Encore: The AI-Native Backend Framework

Encore is an open-source backend framework for building backend applications with languages like Go, JavaScript, and TypeScript which now also supports AI-powered development.

It's specifically designed to work with AI tools like GitHub Copilot to generate complete distributed systems.

It also checks all AI-generated code to ensure it correctly implements service definitions, API specifications, and infrastructure integrations.


Some key features that make it great for AI-powered development:

⚡️ Full System Generation: AI tools can accurately generate complete distributed systems with multiple services

⚡️ Production-Ready Validation: Automatically validates all generated code for correctness

⚡️ No Knowledge Gaps: Automatically provides documentation and observability through Service Catalog, API Docs, and Architecture Diagrams
⚡️ Infrastructure as Code: AI can generate and validate cloud infrastructure integrations

The platform is powered by Rust, making it blazingly fast - 9x faster than Express.js and 3x faster than Elysia & Hono in benchmarks.

Getting started with Encore

Install the Encore CLI by running:

brew install encoredev/tap/encore
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The above command is for macOS but you can find the installation instructions for other platforms on their official documentation.

To create a new app with AI-ready templates, run:

encore app create
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Select your preferred template and follow the instructions to get started. Once created, run your app with:

cd your-app-name
encore run
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Encore provides a development dashboard where you can monitor your app, explore API documentation, and visualize your architecture in real-time. Access it at http://localhost:9400.

With 8.7k+ stars on their Github Repository and 70+ contributors, Encore is quickly becoming the go-to framework for AI-powered backend development.

Give Encore a Star 🌟

Kitops: Manage your AI pipelines with ease

In today's time of AI, managing these huge pipelines utilizing AI is a pain.

Kitops is the solution to this problem. It's a platform for managing AI pipelines.

KitOps is an open source DevOps tool that packages and versions your AI/ML model, datasets, code, and configuration into a reproducible artifact called a ModelKit.


ModelKits are built on existing standards, ensuring compatibility with the tools your data scientists and developers already use.

Getting started with Kitops

To get started, ensure that you have the Kitops CLI installed.

Then, create a new folder and navigate into it:

mkdir my-kitops-project
cd my-kitops-project
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The Kitops CLI will guide you through the process of creating a new Kitops project.

To check the version:

kit version
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To login:

kit login
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Get a sample ModelKit file from HuggingFace as mentioned in this guide.

Complementing the ModelKit is the Kitfile, a YAML-based configuration file that simplifies the sharing of model, dataset, doc, code and configurations.

Here's how a sample Kitfile looks like:

manifestVersion: v1.0.0

  - Jozu
  description: Updated model to analyze flight trait and passenger satisfaction data
  license: Apache-2.0
  name: FlightSatML

- description: Jupyter notebook with model training code in Python
  path: ./notebooks

  description: Flight satisfaction and trait analysis model using Scikit-learn
  framework: Scikit-learn
  license: Apache-2.0
  name: joblib Model
  path: ./models/scikit_class_model_v2.joblib
  version: 1.0.0

- description: Flight traits and traveller satisfaction training data (tabular)
  name: training data
  path: ./data/train.csv
- description: validation data (tabular)
  name: validation data
  path: ./data/test.csv
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As you can see, it's a simple YAML file that instructs KitOps about what to bundle. This type of configuration is very similar to the Dockerfile in Docker.

You can find the detailed documentation here.

They're still a growing community and have 600+ stars on their Github Repository.

Give Kitops a Star 🌟

Browserbase: Your AI's window to the web

Browserbase is a platform that gives you ready-to-use web browsers for your AI applications and automation needs.

What makes Browserbase special is how easy it works with popular tools like Playwright, Puppeteer, or Selenium. You don't need to change your existing code - just point it to their browsers and you're good to go!


The platform comes with some really cool features:

  • Super Fast: Each browser gets 4 vCPUs, so pages load quickly
  • Easy to Watch: You can see what your browser is doing in real-time
  • AI-Friendly: Works great with AI tools and comes with their own framework called Stagehand
  • Smart Protection: Handles CAPTCHAs automatically and uses smart proxies to keep your automations running

Getting started with Browserbase

First, install their SDK (they have both Node.js and Python versions):

# For Node.js
npm install @browserbase/sdk

# For Python
pip install browserbase
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Here's a simple example using their Node.js SDK:

import { Browser } from '@browserbase/sdk';

async function main() {
    const browser = new Browser();
    const page = await browser.newPage();

    await page.goto('');
    await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });

    await browser.close();
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They provide a playground where you can test your scripts before running them, and their AI can even help you write code!

Their Github Repository is growing fast with 7.5k+ stars on their main project Stagehand, which helps you build AI web browsing tools.

You can learn more about Browserbase in their official documentation.

Give Browserbase a Star 🌟

Astro: Your static site builder

As developers, we all have to have a nice portfolio to showcase our work. Or someone like me might need a blog to write about experiences and learnings.

Astro is a static site builder that is super fast and SEO friendly.


It supports multiple frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte. It also has the support for markdown and MDX.

Astro comes with a lot of built-in themes and components. You never have to start from scratch, although, you could. You can find the full list of themes here.

Getting started with Astro

To install astro, run:

npm create astro@latest
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Or you can install Astro manually by running:

npm install --save-dev astro
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Astro themes

Astro has a massive community with 49k+ stars on their Github Repository.

You can check out more about Astro in their official documentation.

Give Astro a Star 🌟

Langchain: Build LLM applications with ease

Langchain is becoming my go-to for every LLM related project. And it being open source, I'm loving it even more.

Langchain is a framework for building LLM applications. It provides functions to help you integrate LLM capabilities to more than just text.


It provides tools for embedding, vector stores, chains, agents, and more.

You can create powerful RAG pipelines and agents with Langchain. A RAG pipeline is a pipeline that uses a LLM to answer questions based on a given context.

This context can be from a vector database or a simple text file. The reason we use a vector database is to reduce the context window and improve the accuracy of the results.

Getting started with Langchain

Langchain is available for Python and JavaScript.

To install Langchain, run:

pip install langchain
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and with conda,

conda install langchain -c conda-forge
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They also provide tools for deploying your apps on the cloud using a service called LangGraph.

They have 100k+ stars on their Github Repository. If you're not already using it, you should.

Give Lanchain a Star 🌟

Bun: A fast runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript

Bun is an all-in-one JavaScript runtime & toolkit designed for speed, complete with a bundler, test runner, and Node.js-compatible package manager.

Bun aims for 100% compatibility with Node.js. It's a great tool for building web applications.

It ships as a single executable called bun. It's written in Zig and powered by JavaScriptCore under the hood, dramatically reducing startup times and memory usage.


The bun command-line tool also implements a test runner, script runner, and Node.js-compatible package manager, all significantly faster than existing tools and usable in existing Node.js projects with little to no changes necessary.

Installing Bun

To install Bun, run:

curl -fsSL | bash # for macOS, Linux and WSL
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powershell -c "irm|iex" # for Windows
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Bun also provides a docker image that supports both Linux x64 and arm64 architectures.

Bun is a package manager, supports templating, bundling, testing and so much more out of the box.

They have 76k+ stars on their Github Repository.

Give Bun a Star 🌟

Shadcn: Say goodbye to boring UI

Creating a good UI is hard. That famous quote which is almost believed by everyone that "Backend is actually easier than frontend" is actually true.

Shadcn helps us out here.


Shadcn is a library of pre-built components that you can use to build your UI. It's usually used with Next.js but they have support for other frameworks like Vite, Remix, Astro, etc.

The best part is you don't have to install all the components at once like in other libraries. You can install only the components you need whenever you need them.

It's as simple as saying: "I want a button, so I'll install the button component and use it in my app." You don't have to worry about the styles or the implementation details.

They also provide a lot of templates to get you started. You can find the list of templates here.

Getting started with Shadcn

To install Shadcn (for Next.js), run:

npx shadcn@latest add
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You will be prompted with a few questions, just choose your preferred options.

And done! You can now start adding components to your app.

Let's add a button to our app:

npx shadcn@latest add button
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You will see a new file components/ui/button.tsx in your project.

You can use it in your app by importing it and using it like this:

import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"
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They have 80k+ stars on their Github Repository.

Give Shadcn a Star 🌟

Supabase: The Firebase alternative

Supabase is an open-source firebase alternative with support for Postgres database to build your web, mobile and AI applications.

Supabase provides authentication, real-time database, instant APIs, Edge Functions, Realtime subscriptions, Storage, and Vector embeddings.


And the best part is you can use it for free. They provide two free projects to get you started.

I have used supabase in so many of my projects. It's easy to start with, provides auth capabilities, and has a lot of other features that are useful.

They also provide templates to start with. You can find the list of all templates here. They have framework specific templates, web app demos, mobile app demos and a lot more.

Getting started with Supabase

Getting started is easy. Just sign up on their website and create a new project.

Then it depends on what you want to do. You want to implement authentication? follow this, want to use the database? follow this, want to use the storage? follow this.

They have a CLI to help you get started.


With over 77k+ stars on their Github Repository, it's a great tool to build your next project.

Check out the official documentation to get started.

Give Supabase a Star 🌟

Remix: Build better websites

Remix is a full stack web framework that lets you focus on the user interface and work back through web standards to get a fast, secure, and highly interactive experience.

Remix is built on top of React-Router and is four things:

  • A compiler
  • A server-side HTTP handler
  • A server framework
  • A browser framework


What makes Remix special is its focus on web standards and modern UX patterns. Instead of building static sites, Remix leverages distributed systems and native browser features to create super fast, interactive applications.

One of the coolest features of Remix is nested routing. Routes can be nested inside other routes, and each route can load its own data.

Getting started with Remix

To create a new Remix project, run:

npx create-remix@latest
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This will create a new Remix project with everything you need to get started. You can choose from different templates.

Once created, you can start your development server:

npm run dev
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Remix has 30k+ stars on their Github Repository and is used by companies like Shopify, Microsoft, and GitHub.

You can learn more about Remix in their official documentation.

Give Remix a Star 🌟

FastAPI: Build APIs at lightning speed

FastAPI is a modern web framework for building APIs with Python. It's designed to be fast, easy to use, and ready for production.


It uses Python's type hints to automatically validate data, generate documentation, and provide editor support. This means you write less code and catch errors early.

FastAPI is built on top of two powerful libraries:

  • Starlette: Handles all the web parts
  • Pydantic: Takes care of data validation

Getting started with FastAPI

To install FastAPI with all its recommended features, run:

pip install "fastapi[standard]"
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Create a simple API by making a file called

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def read_root():
    return {"message": "Hello, World!"}
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Run your API with:

fastapi dev
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That's it! Your API is now running at Visit to see the automatic interactive documentation.


The framework is super fast too - it's one of the fastest Python frameworks available, matching the speed of NodeJS and Go.

They have 80k+ stars on their Github Repository and a growing community of developers.

You can learn more about FastAPI in their official documentation.

Give FastAPI a Star 🌟

That’s a wrap! These are the top 11 GitHub Repos you should definitely explore to stay ahead in 2025. Some projects are very new and open for contributions.

If you found this article useful, share it with your peers and community to spread the word about these incredible tools.

Got other awesome open-source projects in mind? Drop them in the comments—I’d love to hear your recommendations!

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Thank you for Reading!


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Top comments (22)

jwilliamsr profile image
Jesse Williams

Awesome article, thanks for including KitOps!

arindam_1729 profile image
Arindam Majumder

Glad you liked it!

Really love the work Kitops Team is doing 🔥

perisicnikola37 profile image
Nikola Perišić

I would like to add this:

This tool is built using React.js and TypeScript. It has very good architecture and all mediors and seniors there should check this out.

arindam_1729 profile image
Arindam Majumder

Cool, I will give it a Try!

perisicnikola37 profile image
Nikola Perišić

Thank you! Please give it a star if you find it useful

Thread Thread
arindam_1729 profile image
Arindam Majumder

For Sure!

keyru_nasirusman profile image
keyru Nasir Usman

Crawlee and Shadcn are the best for me😊

arindam_1729 profile image
Arindam Majumder

Yes, They are soo good!

astrodevil profile image

Nice one!

arindam_1729 profile image
Arindam Majumder

Thanks for checking out!

debadyuti profile image

Would love for you to take a look at Fluvio and StateFul Dataflow.


Stateful DataFlow Examples:

onlyfave profile image

Nice resources😌

arindam_1729 profile image
Arindam Majumder

Glad you liked them!

tanmoys95268896 profile image
Tanmoy Sinha

I'm planning to use some tools.

arindam_1729 profile image
Arindam Majumder


Let me know how that goes!

hemath923604 profile image

Great List!

arindam_1729 profile image
Arindam Majumder

Thanks for checking out!

djones profile image
David Jones

Great list Arindam

arindam_1729 profile image
Arindam Majumder

Thanks for checking out

debarun67 profile image
Debarun Biswas

good one Arindam

arindam_1729 profile image
Arindam Majumder

Thanks for checking out!

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