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Easy development environments with Nix and Nix flakes!

In this article, we shall cover declarative development shells with Nix flakes! If you're new to Nix, I recommend checking out the previous two articles in this series to get a better understanding, since this article assumes that you've read the previous two already.

Let's revise: Creating a Shell

The previous article introduced you to the nix shell command, which downloads/builds packages and puts you in a shell environment with them in the $PATH.

You need not run the examples given below, they're just provided for illustration purposes.

By default, nix shell drops you into a shell (which is your login shell) with the packages in $PATH. You can also specify an arbitrary command to run, for example:

# Postgres client
nix shell nixpkgs#postgres_17 --command psql
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Similarly, you can also use another shell (that should exist in $PATH)

nix shell nixpkgs#nushell --command nushell  #
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You can also run multiple commands like so:

nix shell nixpkgs#gnumake --command sh -c "make && make install"
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If you want to run the package itself, you need not use nix shell, since the nix run command also exists.

nix run nixpkgs#vim -- --log some.log
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There are some more things that nix shell can do, which I will not be covering here, but they are covered in the reference manual.

Using nix shell to create a development environment

This can be done, but it is tedious. Imagine having to type dozens of dependencies manually by hand every time you want to enter your development environment, or even if you put it in a script, or use the --stdin argument, you'll still have the risk of installing a different version of the package than required. You may also like to customize the shell environment a bit more, like populating environment variables, running commands before the shell starts, etc.

Instead, there's a better way..

Creating a Development Shell with Flakes

Development shells (or shell environments as they're called in non-flake land) are a feature of Nix that allow you to all the things mentioned above — install specific versions of packages, set environment variables, run commands before the shell starts, etc.

Let's start with the same flake.nix as last time. You could copy it from here, but I'd like to digress a bit by introducing Nix templates!

Templates are a way for you to create, well template folders which are declared by a flake. Nix can then copy those files over from a flake into your current directory with the nix flake init command. Nix makes templates declarative and versioned too!

Contrary to the command's reference manual, there's no need for the template itself to be a flake!

A template is pretty easy to create, you just need to add an attribute set called templates in your flake's outputs. The keys of the attrset are the template names, and the values are an attribute set with three fields: description, a description of the template; path, the path to the template folder; and welcomeText, some text that is output when someone uses the template.

I've made the simple flake from last article into a template hosted at this article series' GitLab page, it looks like this:


  outputs = {...}: {
    // ...
    templates.simple = {
      description = "A simple flake";
      path = ./a-simple-flake;
      welcomeText = ''
        Welcome to Nix!

        This flake exports a single package, `hello`, which can be
        executed by running:

        $ nix run #.hello

        Check out my article series on Nix for more information!
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You can use a template by using the nix flake init command. Beware that nix flake init will copy the template's files to the current directory, but it will not overwrite existing files:

nix flake init --template gitlab:arnu515-tutorials/nix#simple 
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Note that Nix checks the fragment simple (called a flake output name) starting from the templates attrset, then the rest of the flake, unlike in nix shell/run/build, which started from the packages attrset, then moved to the legacyPackages attrset, then the rest of the flake.

Creating a development shell

Now let's create the development shell. This will be created in the devShells attrset, which looks just like the packages attrset, i.e. it has another attrset inside it for each system (like x86_64-linux), and those attrsets declare development shells inside them.

Just like packages, a development shell named default is the default development shell.

Here's a simple shell that has the hello package:

  description = "Nix devshells!";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-24.11";

  outputs = {nixpkgs, ...}: let
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
  in {
    devShells.${system}.simple = pkgs.mkShell {
      packages = [ pkgs.hello ];
      shellHook = ''
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There's quite a few changes from earlier! First, the hello package was removed, since we don't need it for this demonstration. Then, two variables called system and pkgs were created using the let ... in ... construct. Finally, we create a shell using the pkgs.mkShell function, specifying packages to be put in path, and a shellHook to run before the shell starts. Let's dissect this one-by-one.

The ${...} syntax does string interpolation, replacing itself with the evaluated string inside the braces. pkgs.hello evaluates to the nix store path of the hello package. Thus, we need to append /bin/hello to actually point to the hello executable. Note that just hello could also have been specified, since it will be available in $PATH, but it is better to specify an absolute path like this so you know where your dependencies are coming from.

Next, let's talk about what pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; }; does. The import function takes in a path, and evaluates it if it is a path to a Nix file, or evaluates the default.nix file within the directory if it is a path to a directory (which is the case when a flake reference, like nixpkgs is passed to import), and returns the evaluation. Since nixpkgs points to the nixpkgs flake, which is a directory, it evaluates the default.nix file present within the flake, which in the case of nixpkgs returns a function accepting, among others, an argument for the current system, which is what we have passed to it. It then returns the set of packages for that system, which is what is bound to pkgs.

The pkgs.mkShell function creates a development shell / shell environment for us. A shell environment is actually just another derivation (that's why it is possible to run nix develop on packages itself). In fact, pkgs.mkShell is just a wrapper around stdenv.mkDerivation, with some conveniences like specifying packages instead of nativeBuildInputs, and concatenating shellHooks from all inputs, as visible in its source code. There also exists a pkgs.mkShellNoCC, which does the same as pkgs.mkShell, but does not introduce a C compiler in the shell. This is useful if you're developing projects that do not need a C compiler installed.

Let's enter this shell by running:

$ nix develop .#simple
Hello, world!
(nix:nix-shell-env) bash-5.2$ which cc  # a C compiler was added to thes shell by Nix
(nix:nix-shell-env) bash-5.2$ exit

$ which cc  # different C compiler!
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With nix develop, the flake output name is searched starting from devShells, then packages, then legacyPackages, and finally the whole flake.

An actual development environment

The earlier examples were really simple! Let's create an actual development environment with a better shell, a NodeJS install, pnpm, and even a redis database!

  description = "Nix devshells!";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-24.11";

  outputs = {nixpkgs, ...}: let
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };

    # A custom config for valkey
    # Declative configs!
    valkeyConfStr = ''
requirepass super-strong-password
port 12345

    # This special package writes the valkey configuration to
    # a text file. For more such packages, see:
    # The package outputs the path to the file
    valkeyConf = pkgs.writeTextFile {
      name = "valkey.conf";
      text = valkeyConfStr;
  in {
    devShells.${system} = {
      simple = pkgs.mkShell {
        packages = [ pkgs.hello ];
        shellHook = ''

      default = pkgs.mkShell {
        packages = [
          # newer versions of redis are not packaged in
          # nixpkgs, so we're using valkey, an open-source
          # fork of redis maintained by the Linux Foundation


          # the friendly interactive shell!


        shellHook = ''
          ${pkgs.valkey}/bin/valkey-server ${valkeyConf} &
          exec fish
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The default shell in the above flake adds Valkey, NodeJS 22, the PNPM package manager, and the fish shell to the environment. It also starts Valkey in the background through a shell hook, passing it a custom config (declared via Nix!) and runs fish so we're dropped in the fish shell instead of our login shell.

The exec command replaces the currently running process with the command specified. If fish was run without exec, it would drop you into your login shell with the shell environment (or run any additional commands in the shellHook if there were any) after you exit fish instead of exiting the devshell as expected. With exec, when you exit fish, it'll exit the environment too.

Let's enter the shell:

$ nix develop
155483:C 15 Jan 2025 15:56:27.317 * oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Valkey is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
155483:C 15 Jan 2025 15:56:27.317 * Valkey version=8.0.1, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=155483, just started
155483:C 15 Jan 2025 15:56:27.317 * Configuration loaded
155483:M 15 Jan 2025 15:56:27.318 * monotonic clock: POSIX clock_gettime
        .+########+########+.           Valkey 8.0.1 (00000000/0) 64 bit
    .+########+'     '+########+.
 .########+'     .+.     '+########.    Running in standalone mode
 |####+'     .+#######+.     '+####|    Port: 12345
 |###|   .+###############+.   |###|    PID: 155483
 |###|   |#####*'' ''*#####|   |###|
 |###|   |####'  .-.  '####|   |###|
 |###|   |###(  (@@@)  )###|   |###|
 |###|   |####.  '-'  .####|   |###|
 |###|   |#####*.   .*#####|   |###|
 |###|   '+#####|   |#####+'   |###|
 |####+.     +##|   |#+'     .+####|
 '#######+   |##|        .+########'
    '+###|   |##|    .+########+'
        '|   |####+########+'

155483:M 15 Jan 2025 15:56:27.320 * Server initialized
155483:M 15 Jan 2025 15:56:27.320 * Loading RDB produced by Valkey version 8.0.1
155483:M 15 Jan 2025 15:56:27.320 * RDB age 2934 seconds
155483:M 15 Jan 2025 15:56:27.320 * RDB memory usage when created 0.91 Mb
155483:M 15 Jan 2025 15:56:27.320 * Done loading RDB, keys loaded: 0, keys expired: 0.
155483:M 15 Jan 2025 15:56:27.320 * DB loaded from disk: 0.001 seconds
155483:M 15 Jan 2025 15:56:27.320 * Ready to accept connections tcp

> ps 
   PID TTY          TIME CMD
 153101 pts/3    00:00:00 fish  # this is login shell
 153205 pts/3    00:00:04 fish  # this is the fish process started by `nix develop`
 155483 pts/3    00:00:00 valkey-server  # valkey is running in the background
 155654 pts/3    00:00:00 ps
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And you see that valkey has started in the background! To exit valkey, you need to kill it yourself, like so:

> kill 155483
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If valkey isn't killed, it'll continue running in the background, even after you exit the devshell!

If you want to kill valkey when you exit the shell, you can change your shellHook to kill the valkey process on exit:

shellHook = ''
  ${pkgs.valkey}/bin/valkey-server ${valkeyConf} &
  echo Killing valkey server
  # `ps` lists all processes, `grep` searches for a line with `valkey-server`
  # in it. `awk` grabs the first column (the PID) from the output, and 
  # `xargs` sends stdin as arguments to `kill`.
  ps | grep valkey-server | awk "{printf \$1}" | xargs kill
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Improvement needed: If you have another way to achieve this, then please let me know in the comments!

We can't use exec anymore, since we need to execute commands after fish exits.

Now running nix develop starts valkey, drops you into a shell, and when you exit the shell, valkey will automatically be killed!

Pinning package versions:

This usually isn't required, since flakes are already pinned to exact commits via. the flake.lock file, which should be checked into version control. So even if you enter a development shell ten years from now, you'll have the same version of all packages as the flake.lock (provided that GitHub still exists :P).

To update package versions, you can run nix flake update, which will fetch the latest commit of the branch of all your inputs.

But if you still want a specific version of a package, down to the patch version, you can use a nixpkgs input that has exactly that package. Do note that you may have to build that package yourself if the Nix build cache doesn't have it, as is common with quite old versions of packages.

Before doing that, do search nixpkgs for alternate versions of packages that may exist, for example, nixpkgs has node 18, 20, and 22 in it. Many popular packages are split into different nixpkgs for major versions.

With the disclaimers out of the way, let's learn how you can pin a specific version of a package. For this example, we'll add Node 16 (an end-of-life version that you totally shouldn't be using) to the environment.

First, we need to find a commit of the nixpkgs repo that has Node 16. The latest commit should be enough. There are tools like NixHub that help with exactly that. If you check the page for nodejs on NixHub, you can see all the versions of node that were ever published on nixpkgs. Copy the nixpkgs commit for nodejs 16.20.2, i.e. the part in "Nixpkgs Reference", except the flake output name, but do keep it in mind (#nodejs_16), which happens to be a71323f68d4377d12c04a5410e214495ec598d4c.

A screenshot of NixHub for  raw `nodejs` endraw  version  raw `16.20.2` endraw , and the nixpkgs commit is highlighted with a black outline

Now, add that to our environment like so:

  description = "Nix devshells!";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-24.11";

    # NEW
    nodejs_16_nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/a71323f68d4377d12c04a5410e214495ec598d4c";

  outputs = {nixpkgs, nodejs_16_nixpkgs, ...}: let
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };

    # NEW
    nodejs_16 = (import nodejs_16_nixpkgs { inherit system; }).nodejs_16;

    # ...
  in {
    devShells.${system} = {
      # ...
      default = pkgs.mkShell {
        packages = [

          # NEW: replaced node 22 and pnpm with node 16


        # ...
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Running nix develop will actually give us an error claiming that this version of Node is end-of-life, which it is.

$ nix develop
       … while calling the 'derivationStrict' builtin
         at <nix/derivation-internal.nix>:34:12:
           34|   strict = derivationStrict drvAttrs;
             |            ^

       … while evaluating derivation 'nix-shell'
         whose name attribute is located at /nix/store/2csx2kkb2hxyxhhmg2xs9jfyypikwwk6-source/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:336:7

       … while evaluating attribute 'nativeBuildInputs' of derivation 'nix-shell'
         at /nix/store/2csx2kkb2hxyxhhmg2xs9jfyypikwwk6-source/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:380:7:
          379|       depsBuildBuild              = elemAt (elemAt dependencies 0) 0;
          380|       nativeBuildInputs           = elemAt (elemAt dependencies 0) 1;
             |       ^
          381|       depsBuildTarget             = elemAt (elemAt dependencies 0) 2;

       (stack trace truncated; use '--show-trace' to show the full, detailed trace)

       error: Package ‘nodejs-16.20.2’ in /nix/store/bxygxxbgcc7s82wn8a8wdp4gd34hiw4w-source/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/v16.nix:28 is marked as insecure, refusing to evaluate.

       Known issues:
        - This NodeJS release has reached its end of life. See

       You can install it anyway by allowing this package, using the
       following methods:

       a) To temporarily allow all insecure packages, you can use an environment
          variable for a single invocation of the nix tools:

            $ export NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1

          Note: When using `nix shell`, `nix build`, `nix develop`, etc with a flake,
                then pass `--impure` in order to allow use of environment variables.

       b) for `nixos-rebuild` you can add ‘nodejs-16.20.2’ to
          `nixpkgs.config.permittedInsecurePackages` in the configuration.nix,
          like so:

              nixpkgs.config.permittedInsecurePackages = [

       c) For `nix-env`, `nix-build`, `nix-shell` or any other Nix command you can add
          ‘nodejs-16.20.2’ to `permittedInsecurePackages` in
          ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix, like so:

              permittedInsecurePackages = [
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Fortunately, the error also provides an easy fix:

$ NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 nix develop --impure
# valkey output truncated ...
# you can append > /dev/null to the valkey command in shellHook
# to supress this output

$ node -v
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Success! You're now using an old, unsupported version of node!

Be warned! If you're reading this article in the future, and decide to use this version of NodeJS, then don't be surprised if you have to build NodeJS from scratch! (It's not a fast build, by the way).

Automatic shell environments with direnv

A devshell discussion with Nix is not complete without introducing direnv. direnv is a tool that very simply runs commands based on the current directory. It is tedious to run nix develop to get into a development shell every time. It's also tedious to remember to exit the dev shell when you're done. direnv automatically does this for you, so it's a valuable addition! It also allows you to use these shells within non-terminal editors like VSCode and JetBrains.

Just a small fix:

There's a small thing we need to change in flake.nix. It's quite a bad idea to start Valkey every time the devshell is opened, since more than one instance of a dev shell can exist at the same time. Instead, wrap the valkey command

  # ...
  outputs = {nixpkgs, nodejs_16_nixpkgs, ...}: let
    # ...

    # NEW
    valkeyScript = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin
        ${pkgs.valkey}/bin/valkey-server ${valkeyConf}
  in {
    devShells.${system} = {
      # ...
      default = pkgs.mkShell {
        packages = [



        shellHook = ''
          # NEW: Replace valkey startup and shutdown code with this
          export PATH="${valkeyScript}/bin:$PATH"
          # NEW: Add exec back
          exec fish
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This change adds a shell script called start-valkey to the environment, which runs valkey with the specified configuration. Now, to start valkey, you just run start-valkey, and press Ctrl-C to stop it. This allows us to have multiple shells in that environment now.

Install direnv:

direnv is packaged in most linux distros, but since this is a Nix guide after all, let's install it via. nix by running this command:

nix profile install nixpkgs#direnv
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You also need to hook direnv into your shell, since direnv needs to know when you've changed directories. Follow the instructions on this page for your shell. For bash, you need to add eval "$(direnv hook bash)" to the end of your ~/.bashrc, and restart your terminal after that.

To tell direnv we want it to start the development shell when we cd into this folder, add an .envrc in the folder, with the following contents:

# Need to set `stty sane` for fish
if [[ $SHELL =~ "fish" ]]; then
  stty sane

use flake
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This will make direnv automatically enter your development environment. Just run direnv allow, to allow executing this .envrc, and you're automatically dropped into the development environment, with glorious Node 16 available!

If you're using fish as your login shell, remove exec fish from the shellHook in the flake, otherwise direnv will go on an infinite loop, since the fish spawned by the devshell spawns direnv which sees that it should enter the devshell, which spawns a fish, which spawns a direnv, ... and so on.

Other alternatives to development shells built with Nix

If writing a devshell on your own seems more complicated than necessary, you can use tools like Devenv or Devbox (by the same team that built NixHub), which are both built on Nix. Devenv provides nice wrappers to automatically add languages, services (like postgres or redis), etc. on top of your flake, without having to do the shenanigans we had to do with Valkey. Devbox on the other hand, lets you skip writing Nix entirely, since they have their own CLI and lock file that pull packages from nixpkgs.


You've now learned one of the most powerful features of nix! In the next few articles, we'll cover packaging for Nix!

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