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Ashutosh Dash
Ashutosh Dash

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Social login OAuth with LinkedIn

With LinkedIn's user base expanding, an increasing number of software-based businesses will seek to include Linkedin as a social login to increase user registration. It will draw an increasing number of customers to the business' service.

Here is a user-friendly tutorial for developers on how to integrate LinkedIn OAuth into your project.

1. Set LinkedIn Developer Account

Go to and click on Create React App

home page

Before filling out the form make sure you have a company page and you have proper permission to use that page in your app because the app will be verified by the Page Admin.
Fill all the details and click on the Create App in the bottom right.

app description

2. Verify your app

After filling up the form you will be redirected to your app dashboard which looks like this:

app dashboard

Go to the Settings section and click on the Verify button.


A pop-up will appear which will ask you to Generate URL which will give you a link which is needed to be sent to your Page Admin.

Generate URL

When the page admin will open this link, the page will appear as below and the Page Admin will need to click on Verify.

verification by page admin

Now the app dashboard will look like this with the date of verification.

app is verified

3. Add LinkedIn Sign service to your service

Now in this step, you need to go to the Products section and click on the card which says Sign In with LinkedIn

developer products

After agreeing to the Terms and Service, the card will be shown under the Added Products on the same page

4. Create auth token

Now we need to create an access token to be able to integrate it into your login/sign-up screen.
So now you need to go to the OAuth 2.0 tools page on the right side section of Auth.

auth section

And click on the Create Token button.

generate tokens

Now a page will show where you need to select scopes. Make sure to check r_emailaddress and r_liteprofile and then check the confirmation box and select the Request access token.

generate token permissions

And now a sample login box will appear where you have to select the Allow button.

sample login

After that, you will have your access token which we will be going to test out in postman in the next step.

access token

5. Test Access Token from Postman

This is the final step of this tutorial.
First, copy the Access Token and open the Postman app.
Past in the request URL field and set the method as GET. (You can learn more about the LinkedIn Sign-In Methods here)
In the Authorization tab, set the authorization type as OAuth 2.0 paste the access token in the relevant field and click on the Send button next to the request URL field.

postman test access token

If you are getting your first name and last name that means your access token is working properly.

I appreciate you spending the time, very much. I wish you had more grasp of the LinkedIn sign-in process after reading this post. I highly recommend reading over the official documentation here.

Feel free to correct my mistakes and let me know how to improve them. You can connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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