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Ashutosh Mishra
Ashutosh Mishra

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Frontend Devs: What are the favorite tools from your daily workflow?

Hello, all frontend developers. I am curious what tools do you use in your daily workflow and how do you benefit from them?

It could be anything a Chrome extension, VS Code Extension, maybe some AI Code writer, whatever you can't live without.

Please tell me in the comments. I am curious to hear your answers.

Top comments (25)

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

Good question! There are so many, but I'll keep it to my top 5

  • Arc Browser
  • Warp Terminal
  • Obsidian
  • GitHub Copilot
  • Figma VSCode extension
sean_kegel profile image
Sean Kegel

Love Arc browser! Also, dev tools for React/Vue/etc.

ashutoshmishra profile image
Ashutosh Mishra

React Dev Tools is amazing. Looks like I have to also try Arc browser now

ashutoshmishra profile image
Ashutosh Mishra

Awesome list!

quriosapien profile image
Kumar Gaurav

What's with Warp Terminal that you find useful ??
Just curious to know. I used it for a while but it was almost same as normal terminal with ohmyzsh

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg • Edited

Oh geez, there's so much to love about it!

  • It behaves like a text editor. If you mistyped something, you can just click that part of the command and change it, not more having to hold down arrow keys or remember shortcuts. Just click the text and edit like you would in any text editor.
  • I really like the block structure they have. It makes it really easy to save or share output.
  • The AI assist is really good. Now I don't have to leave the terminal to go look up how to write some command for something I haven't done in months.
  • The built in pane support is awesome. I no longer have to install and configure something like tmux to have multiple panes in the same window (I generally have around 6-8 panes going in a single window).
  • The command completion is great out of the box.
  • Super small thing, but I like to change up the appearance of my setup often, and Warp makes it really to create custom themes.

I could go on, but I would end up writing a book, so I'll stop here. Hopefully that gives a little sense of why I love Warp so much.

somespi profile image

simple but time-saving for me, VS Browser VS Code extention.

ashutoshmishra profile image
Ashutosh Mishra

This is new to me, I have to try this

rohandebroy profile image
Rohan Debroy

Just use Simple Browser, which is built into vscode. No need of separate extension. The only disadvantage of Simple browser is you cannot open multiple instances of it,

syeo66 profile image
Red Ochsenbein (he/him)


ashutoshmishra profile image
Ashutosh Mishra


sujit-shrc profile image
Sujit Kumar

neovim is best

vivekalhat profile image
Vivek Alhat

I extensively use these Chrome extensions:

  1. Debug CSS - To quickly see element outlines and layouts

  2. ColorZilla - A simple color picker

  3. WhatFont - To check what font a site is using

ashutoshmishra profile image
Ashutosh Mishra

Quite handy tools

specialkanon profile image
Special K

I recently just switched to Linux and other than Adobe stuff, I'm not missing windows at all! My workflow hasn't changed much, other than experimenting with some open source apps here and there. Here's what i'm working with:

  • Brave Browser, I think my favorite plugin is
  • Hyper Terminal with zsh and Starship prompt , all managed with It makes keeping track of my dotfiles and scripts so much easier.
  • Obsidian. I can't live without it anymore.
  • VS Code and CodiumAI. I use chatGPT a lot for troubleshooting code too.
  • and lastly, here's my new favorite way to make color schemes.
rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

Love this header!

master_aless profile image
Jhon Alessandro • Edited


geeks of this world called earth 🌍

  • Codeium: Definitely! It's very useful, because as long as you are writing your code, it gives you clues, suggestions, code templates, and it earns you so much time.
  • Codesnap: I like to share the stuff I do while I'm coding, and this is a great tool that allows me to share those things with a catchy, beautiful and decent touch

There are more, but I dare to say that those ones are the most used in my case hehehe 😆

cipas profile image
Goiceanu Ciprian
  • Slack
  • Toggl Track: Chrome extension
  • Github Copilot
  • Warp Terminal
  • Bookmarks: VSCode extension

I use Slack intensively for communication purposes and track my working hours with Toggl, pretty easy to do a timesheet with it at the end of the month.

Copilot and Bookmarks gets into the productivity category I think, Copilot being the number one stop shop for code completion.

Warp got into this list because we need nicer terminals in our life :).


rayyannafees profile image
qddegtya profile image
Archer (炽宇)

Here's my awesome-ng-tools list: awesome-ng-tools

adlinke profile image

Hello everyone!👋

sushantawalekar profile image

VS Code

javavista profile image
Javier Carrion

I love using Git Graph a VS Code extension. Codeium for VS Code for quick AI explanation or refactoring.

bilal1718 profile image
Muhammad Bilal

React dev tools
Git bash

melih_gul profile image
Melih G. • Edited

thanks. this content and comments have been helpful for me.