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Muhammad Atif Iqbal
Muhammad Atif Iqbal

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Flask: A Comprehensive Guide


Flask is a micro web framework for Python, designed to be lightweight and modular while still offering the flexibility needed to build robust web applications. It is widely used for its simplicity, scalability, and extensive community support. This guide will take you from the very basics of Flask to advanced features, ensuring a solid understanding of the framework.

Read Flask with Examples

1. What is Flask?

Flask is a web framework for Python that provides tools, libraries, and technologies for building web applications. Unlike Django, which is a full-fledged web framework with built-in features, Flask follows a minimalistic approach, allowing developers to choose their tools as needed.

Features of Flask:

  • Lightweight & Simple: Does not come with built-in ORM, authentication, or admin panel.
  • Modular: Allows integration of extensions as per project needs.
  • Flexible: Supports RESTful API development.
  • Jinja2 Templating: Provides powerful templating for rendering dynamic HTML pages.
  • WSGI-based: Uses Werkzeug, a WSGI toolkit for request handling.

2. Setting Up Flask


To get started, install Flask using pip:

pip install flask
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Creating a Simple Flask Application

Create a Python file, e.g.,, and write the following code:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
    return "Hello, Flask!"

if __name__ == '__main__':
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Running the Flask App

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Navigate to in your browser to see the output.

3. Routing in Flask

Flask provides routing functionality to map URLs to functions.

def about():
    return "This is the about page."
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Dynamic Routing

def greet(name):
    return f"Hello, {name}!"
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URL Converters in Flask

Flask allows type-specific URL converters:

def show_post(post_id):
    return f"Post ID: {post_id}"
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Using Multiple Routes

def contact():
    return "Contact us at"
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4. Flask Templates with Jinja2

Flask uses Jinja2 for rendering dynamic content in HTML.

Creating an HTML Template

Create a templates directory and add index.html inside:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>Welcome, {{ name }}!</h1>
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Rendering the Template

from flask import render_template

def welcome(name):
    return render_template('index.html', name=name)
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Using Control Structures in Jinja2

{% for item in items %}
    <li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
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Extending Templates

Create base.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>{% block title %}My Site{% endblock %}</title>
    <nav>My Navigation Bar</nav>
    {% block content %}{% endblock %}
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Extend in another template:

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Home{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
    <h1>Welcome to my site!</h1>
{% endblock %}
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5. Handling Forms and User Authentication

To handle user input, Flask provides the request object.

from flask import request

@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        username = request.form['username']
        return f"Welcome, {username}"
    return '''<form method="post">Username: <input type="text" name="username"><input type="submit"></form>'''
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User Authentication with Flask-Login

from flask_login import LoginManager, UserMixin, login_user, logout_user

login_manager = LoginManager()

class User(UserMixin):
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6. Flask with Databases (SQLAlchemy)

Flask supports integration with databases using SQLAlchemy.

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///data.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class User(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(100))

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<User {}>"
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Fetching Data from Database

def get_users():
    users = User.query.all()
    return {"users": [ for user in users]}
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7. Advanced Backend Concepts in Flask

Middleware Implementation

def before_request():
    print("Before handling request")
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Background Tasks with Celery

from celery import Celery

app.config['CELERY_BROKER_URL'] = 'redis://localhost:6379/0'
celery = Celery(, broker=app.config['CELERY_BROKER_URL'])

def background_task(x, y):
    return x + y
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Caching with Flask-Cache

from flask_caching import Cache

app.config['CACHE_TYPE'] = 'simple'
cache = Cache(app)

def cached_view():
    return "This is a cached response."
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WebSockets with Flask-SocketIO

from flask_socketio import SocketIO

socketio = SocketIO(app)

def handle_message(msg):
    print('Received message:', msg)
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Read that article with Examples


Flask is a powerful framework that provides the flexibility to develop everything from simple web pages to complex APIs. By mastering Flask, developers can efficiently build scalable and maintainable applications. This guide covered everything from setup to deployment, authentication, databases, middleware, caching, WebSockets, and background tasks, providing a strong foundation for working with Flask.

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