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Aurélie Vache
Aurélie Vache

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Terraform CLI Cheat Sheet

Several years ago, when I started learning and using the Terraform infrastructure as Code (IaC) technology, I started looking for a cheat sheet and found none.

At first I thought to myself thin, it would be so useful to have one and then I started to think to myself what if I created one?
But who am I to be able to create one? I am not Hashicorp ^^, I am a nobody.

And finally, I started to create the cheat sheet with all the tips I knew about the Terraform CLI and all the things I found important and useful to know.

Today, I updated my original Terraform CLI Cheat Sheet and I hope you'll like it and it can help you:

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You can find the Terraform CLI cheat sheet updated and complete PDF version in my GitHub repository.

If you like it, it would be nice to star it in order to increase its visibility and help other pople :-).

Top comments (7)

christianwitts profile image
Christian Witts

That's a nice cheat sheet you have there. 👍
As you have a section for terraforming, you might be interested in terraformer [1] which supports a lot more providers than just AWS. :)


aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache

Thanks Christian.
I used a lot terraforming and discover later than terraformer exists.
I'll play with it :).
About GCP I talk about the official gcloud command: gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export --resource-format=terraform

christianwitts profile image
Christian Witts

The resource-config export is so much nicer to use than my previous shell script to iterate through every resource type and export with terraformer. Thanks for that tip :)

jonasbn profile image
Jonas Brømsø

Nice work.

Now that you have the content, you could consider creating a version for the for macOs and zeal for Linux - it the same dataset.

There is a list here and currently Terraform is not mentioned.

The guide is available here.

aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache

Thanks for the tips!
I'll take a look :-)

astroparam profile image
Parmeshwar Patidar

it's definitely gonna help me.

aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache

Happy it can help you :)