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Austin Gil
Austin Gil

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File Uploads for the Web (3): File Uploads in Node & Nuxt

Welcome back to this series on uploading files to the web.

  1. Upload files with HTML

  2. Upload files with JavaScript

  3. Receiving file uploads with Node.js (Nuxt.js)

  4. Optimizing storage costs with Object Storage

  5. Optimizing delivery with a CDN

  6. Securing file uploads with malware scans

The previous posts covered uploading files using HTML and JavaScript. The steps required:

Today, we are going to the backend to receive those multipart/form-data requests and access the binary data from those files.

Some Background

Most of the concepts in this tutorial should broadly apply across frameworks, runtimes, and languages, but the code examples will be more specific.

I’ll be working within a Nuxt.js project that runs in a Node.js environment. Nuxt has some specific ways of defining API routes which require calling a global function called defineEventHandler.

 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
  return { ok: true };
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The event argument provides access to work directly with the underlying Node.js request object (a.k.a. IncomingMessage) through event.node.req. So we can write our Node-specific code in an abstraction, like a function called doSomethingWithNodeRequest that receives this Node request object and does something with it.

export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
  const nodeRequestObject = event.node.req;


  return { ok: true };

 * @param {import('http').IncomingMessage} req
function doSomethingWithNodeRequest(req) {
  // Do not specific stuff here
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Working directly with Node in this way means the code and concepts should apply regardless of whatever higher-level framework you’re working with. Ultimately, finish things up working in Nuxt.js.

Dealing with multipart/form-data in Node.js

In this section, we’ll dive into some low-level concepts that are good to understand, but not strictly necessary. Feel free to skip this section if you are already familiar with chunks and streams and buffers in Node.js.

Uploading a file requires sending a multipart/form-data request. In these requests, the browser will split the data into little “chunks” and send them through the connection, one chunk at a time. This is necessary because files can be too large to send in as one massive payload.

Chunks of data being sent over time make up what’s called a “stream“. Streams are kind of hard to understand the first time around, at least for me. They deserve a full article (or many) on their own, so I’ll share’s excellent guide in case you want to learn more.

Basically, a stream is sort of like a conveyor belt of data, where each chunk can be processed as it comes in. In terms of an HTTP request, the backend will receive parts of the request, one bit at a time.

Node.js provides us with an event handler API through the request object’s on method, which allows us to listen to “data” events as they are streamed into the backend.

 * @param {import('http').IncomingMessage} req
function doSomethingWithNodeRequest(req) {
  req.on("data", (data) => {
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For example, when I upload a photo of Nugget making a cute yawny face, then look at the server’s console, I’ll see some weird things that look like this:

Screenshot of a terminal with two logs of text that begin with ""/>

I used a screenshot here to prevent assistive technology from reading that gibberish out loud. Could you imagine?

These two pieces of garbled nonsense are called “buffers” and they represent the two chunks of data that made up the request stream containing the cute photo of Nugget.

A buffer is a storage in physical memory used to temporarily store data while it is being transferred from one place to another.


Buffers are another weird, low-level concept I have to explain when talking about working files in JavaScript. JavaScript doesn’t work directly on binary data, so we get to learn about buffers. It’s also OK if these concepts still feel a little vague. Understanding everything completely is not the important part right now, and as you continue to learn about file transfers, you’ll gain a better knowledge of how it all works together.

Working with one partial chunk of data is not super useful. What we can do instead is rewrite our function into something we can work with:

  1. Return a Promise to make the async syntax easy to work with.

  2. Provide an Array to store the chunks of data to use later on.

  3. Listen for the “data” event and add the chunks to our collection as they arrive.

  4. Listen to the “end” event and convert the chunks into something we can work with.

  5. Resolve the Promise with the final request payload.

  6. We should also remember to handle “error” events.

 * @param {import('http').IncomingMessage} req
function doSomethingWithNodeRequest(req) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    /** @type {any[]} */
    const chunks = [];
    req.on('data', (data) => {
    req.on('end', () => {
      const payload = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString()
    req.on('error', reject);
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And every time that the request receives some data, it pushes that data into the array of chunks.

So with that function set up, we can actually await that returned Promise until the request has finished receiving all the data from the request stream, and log the resolved value to the console.

export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
  const nodeRequestObject = event.node.req;

  const body = await doSomethingWithNodeRequest(event.node.req);

  return { ok: true };
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This is the request body. Isn’t it beautiful?

Sceenshot of a terminal containing a long string of unintelligible text including alphanumerical values as well as symbols and characters that cannot be rendered. It legitimately looks like alien writing

I honestly don’t even know what a screen reader would do with if this was plain text.

If you upload an image file, it’ll probably look like an alien has hacked your computer. Don’t worry, it hasn’t. That’s literally what the text contents of that file look like. You can even try opening up an image file in a basic text editor and see the same thing.

If I upload a more basic example, like a .txt file with some plain text in it, the body might look like this:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="dear-nugget.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain

I love you!
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Notice that the request is broken up into different sections for each form field. The sections are separated by the “form boundary”, which the browser will inject by default. I’ll skip going into excess details, so if you want to read more, check out Content-Disposition on MDN. The important thing to know is that multipart/form-data requests are much more complex than just key/value pairs.

Most server frameworks provide built-in tools to access the body of a request. So we’ve actually reinvented the wheel. For example, Nuxt provides a global readBody function. So we could have accomplished the same thing without writing our own code:

export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
  const nodeRequestObject = event.node.req;

  const body = await readBody(event.node.req);

  return { ok: true };
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This works fine for other content types, but for multipart/form-data, it has issues. The entire body of the request is being read into memory as one giant string of text. This includes the Content-Disposition information, the form boundaries, and the form fields and values. Never mind the fact that the files aren’t even being written to disk. The big issue here is if a very large file is uploaded, it could consume all the memory of the application and cause it to crash.

The solution is, once again, working with streams.

When our server receives a chunk of data from the request stream, instead of storing it in memory, we can pipe it to a different stream. Specifically, we can send it to a stream that writes data to the file system using createWriteStream. As the chunks come in from the request, that data gets written to the file system, then released from memory.

That’s about as far down as I want to go into the low-level concepts. Let’s go back up to solving the problem without reinventing the wheel.

Use a library to stream data onto disk

Probably my best advice for handling file uploads is to reach for a library that does all this work for you:

  • Parse multipart/form-data requests

  • Separate the files from the other form fields

  • Stream the file data into the file system

  • Provide you with the form field data as well as useful data about the files

Today, I’m going to be using this library called formidable. You can install it with npm install formidable, then import it into your project.

import formidable from 'formidable';
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Formidable works directly with the Node request object, which we conveniently already grabbed from the Nuxt event (“Wow, what amazing foresight!!!” 🤩).

So we can modify our doSomethingWithNodeRequest function to use formidable instead. It should still return a promise because formidable uses callbacks, but promises are nicer to work with. Otherwise, we can mostly replace the contents of the function with formidable. We’ll need to create a formidable instance, use it to parse the request object, and as long as there isn’t an error, we can resolve the promise with a single object that contains both the form fields and the files.

 * @param {import('http').IncomingMessage} req
function doSomethingWithNodeRequest(req) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    /** @see */
    const form = formidable({ multiples: true })
    form.parse(req, (error, fields, files) => {
      if (error) {
      resolve({ ...fields, ...files });
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This provides us with a handy function to parse multipart/form-data using promises and access the request’s regular form fields, as well as information about the files that were written to disk using streams.

Now, we can examine the request body:

export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
  const nodeRequestObject = event.node.req;

  const body = await doSomethingWithNodeRequest(event.node.req);

  return { ok: true };
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We should see an object containing all the form fields and their values, but for each file input, we’ll see an object that represents the uploaded file, and not the file itself. This object contains all sorts of useful information including its path on disk, name, mimetype, and more.

  file-input-name: PersistentFile {
    _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function (anonymous)] },
    _eventsCount: 1,
    _maxListeners: undefined,
    lastModifiedDate: 2023-03-21T22:57:42.332Z,
    filepath: '/tmp/d53a9fd346fcc1122e6746600',
    newFilename: 'd53a9fd346fcc1122e6746600',
    originalFilename: 'file.txt',
    mimetype: 'text/plain',
    hashAlgorithm: false,
    size: 13,
    _writeStream: WriteStream {
      fd: null,
      path: '/tmp/d53a9fd346fcc1122e6746600',
      flags: 'w',
      mode: 438,
      start: undefined,
      pos: undefined,
      bytesWritten: 13,
      _writableState: [WritableState],
      _events: [Object: null prototype],
      _eventsCount: 1,
      _maxListeners: undefined,
      [Symbol(kFs)]: [Object],
      [Symbol(kIsPerformingIO)]: false,
      [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
    hash: null,
    [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
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You’ll also notice that the newFilename is a hashed value. This is to ensure that if two files are uploaded with the same name, you will not lose data. You can, of course, modify how files are written to disk.

Note that in a standard application, it’s a good idea to store some of this information in a persistent place, like a database, so you can easily find all the files that have been uploaded. But that’s not the point of this post.

Now there’s one more thing I want to fix. I only want to process multipart/form-data requests with formidable. Everything else can be handled by a built-in body parser like the one we saw above.

So I’ll create a “body” variable first, then check the request headers, and assign the value of the body based on the “Content-Type”. I’ll also rename my function to parseMultipartNodeRequest to be more explicit about what it does.

Here’s what the whole thing looks like (note that getRequestHeaders is another built-in Nuxt function):

import formidable from 'formidable';

 * @see
 * @see
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  let body;
  const headers = getRequestHeaders(event);

  if (headers['content-type']?.includes('multipart/form-data')) {
    body = await parseMultipartNodeRequest(event.node.req);
  } else {
    body = await readBody(event);

  return { ok: true };

 * @param {import('http').IncomingMessage} req
function parseMultipartNodeRequest(req) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    /** @see */
    const form = formidable({ multiples: true })
    form.parse(req, (error, fields, files) => {
      if (error) {
      resolve({ ...fields, ...files });
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This way, we have an API that is robust enough to accept multipart/form-data, plain text, or URL-encoded requests.

📯📯📯 Finishing up

There’s no emoji rave horn, so those will have to do. We covered kind of a lot, so let’s do a little recap.

When we upload a file using a multipart/form-data request, the browser will send the data one chunk at a time, using a stream. That’s because we can’t put the entire file in the request object at once.

In Node.js, we can listen to the request’s “data” event to work with each chunk of data as it arrives. This gives us access to the request stream.

Although we could capture all of that data and store it in memory, that’s a bad idea because a large file upload could consume all the server’s memory, causing it to crash.

Instead, we can pipe that stream somewhere else, so each chunk is received, processed, then released from memory. One option is to use fs.createWriteStream to create a WritableStream that can write to the file system.

Instead of writing our own low-level parser, we should use a tool like formidable. But we need to confirm that the data is coming from a multipart/form-data request. Otherwise, we can use a standard body parser.

We covered a lot of low-level concepts, and landed on a high-level solution. Hopefully, it all made sense and you found this useful.

If you have any questions or if something was confusing, please go ahead and reach out to me. I’m always happy to help.

I’m having a lot of fun working on this series, and I hope you are enjoying it as well. Stick around for the rest of it :D

  1. Upload files with HTML

  2. Upload files with JavaScript

  3. Receiving file uploads with Node.js (Nuxt.js)

  4. Optimizing storage costs with Object Storage

  5. Optimizing delivery with a CDN

  6. Securing file uploads with malware scans

Thank you so much for reading. If you liked this article, and want to support me, the best ways to do so are to share itsign up for my newsletter, and follow me on Twitter.

Originally published on


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