Version Control (Git) Basics
Hi !! In this blog tutorial, I will be listing out all the necessary and only command that you will ever need to start your GIT journey. You can bookmark this blog and come back to it, whenever it is necessary.
Checking the git configuration
git config -l
Setting up your git username
git config --global "pramit"
Setting up email
git config --global ""
Caching credential
git config --global credential.helper cache
Initialize repository
git init
Adding filename to staging area
git add file_name
Adding all the files to the staging area
git add .
Add only certain files to the staging area
example add all files starting with "comp"
git add comp*
Checking repo Status
git status
Commit changes
git commit
Commit changes with a message in it
git commit -m "YOOOO!!! This is a message"
Add to staging area and commit changes with a message in it
git commit -a -m "YOOOO!!! This is another message"
To see the commit history
git log
Commit history and the following file changes
git log -p
Show specific commit in git
git show commit_id
Statistics about changes
git log --stat
Changes made before committing them using diff
git diff
git diff some_file.js
git diff --staged
Removing tracked files
git rm filename
Rename files in git
git mv oldfilename newfilename
Revert unstaged changes
git checkout file_name
Revert staged changes
git reset HEAD filename
git reset HEAD -p
Modify and add changes to the most recent commit
git commit --amend
Rollback the last commit
git revert HEAD
Revert a previous commit
git revert comit_id_here
Create a new branch
git branch branch_name
List branch in git
git branch
Create a branch and switch it Immediately
git checkout -b branch_name
Delete a branch in git
git branch -d branch_name
git merge branch_name
Commit log as a graph in git
git log --graph --oneline
Commit log as a graph in git of all branches
git log --graph --oneline --all
Abort a conflicting merge
git merge --abort
Adding a remote repository
git add remote
View the remote repo URL
git remote -v
Get more info about remote repo
git remote show origin
Push changes to the remote repository
git push
Pull changes from remote repo
git pull
Check remote branches that git is currently tracking
git branch -r
Fetch remote repo changes
git fetch
Current commit logs of the remote repo
git log origin/main
Merge remote repo with the local repo
git merge origin/main
Get the contents of remote branches in Git without automatically merging
git remote update
Push a new branch to the remote repository
git push -u origin branch_name
Remove a remote branch in git
git push --delete origin branch_name
GIT rebase
(transfer completed work from one branch to another using git rebase)
git rebase branch_name
Force a push request in git:(VERY DANGEROUS)
git push -f
Git tips and tricks
Blank commits
git commit --allow-empty -m "yooo"
Prettify Logs
git log --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate
Clean up local branches
git config --global fetch.prune true
- you can clean up local branches that have been merged
git branch --merged master | grep -v "master" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d
File that specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore
Happy coding!!
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Top comments (6)
One I recently discovered and really like is git switch.
git switch
and in particular
git switch -c
It allows you to move all the uncommited changes you've done so far to a new branch.
This is really useful when you are working on something and then realize you really should have created a seperate branch for your changes
Good cheatsheet of commands but one can accidentally delete the live branch if it's not named
.An easy way is to exclude it like:
In the cleanup local branches section
Awesome one.
Thanks, i think this will be of so much help to me🙂
Very Useful