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Shakir for AWS Community Builders

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Amazon Grafana demo with EKS

Hello πŸ‘‹, in the previous post, we have seen about Grafana Cloud with an AWS subscription. In this post, we are going to see about Amazon Grafana(which is a fully managed service in AWS), with some demo on couple of metrics collected via Prometheus from EKS. Let's get into action!!!

Create cluster

I have created an EKS cluster for the purpose of this exercise. For more info on creating clusters you can see this video.

eksctl create cluster --name grafana-demo-eks --zones=us-east-1a,us-east-1b

aws eks list-clusters
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    "clusters": [
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Install Prometheus

We would be fetching metrics with prometheus, hence we can add the helm repo for prometheus on the local system.

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
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Scope to the cluster and create a separate namespace on which we can install prometheus.

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name grafana-demo-eks
kubectl create namespace prometheus
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The prometheus chart comes with a stack of components, by default. We don't need all of those. For this exercise, we'd just need the prometheus server and kube-state-metrics. We also don't need persistent volume for this lab. So we can define a values file like below.

cat <<EOF > my-values.yaml 
    enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
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We can now install a prometheus helm release with the prometheus helm chart.

helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus -n prometheus -f my-values.yaml 
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The status of helm release installation can be checked.

helm ls -n prometheus 
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And the pods should be running.

kubectl get po -n prometheus
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
prometheus-kube-state-metrics-59649d78f-249vb   1/1     Running   0          77s
prometheus-server-547848c6c5-xpzcb              2/2     Running   0          77s
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Access Prometheus

We can access prometheus via port-forwarding.

kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-server 8080:80 -n prometheus
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Forwarding from -> 9090
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 9090
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Note: you can press ctrl c to stop port fowarding...

You should be able to access the prometheus expression browser on http://localhost:8080.

Let's try a sample query kube_apiserver_clusterip_allocator_allocated_ips with promql.
Prometheus expression browser

So you are seeing a couple of hits, it seems good.


We would now setup Amazon Prometheus. The idea is to forward metrics from the local prometheus we installed previously, to Amazon managed Prometheus.
Amazon Prometheus Icon

I have created a workspace in Amazon Prometheus, with the name grafana-demo-k8s. Once created, it would show you all useful details that are required to rewrite metrics from our local prometheus. Make a note of the remote write URL on this page.

Follow this link to set up service roles for the ingestion of metrics from Amazon EKS clusters.

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Setup variables for the AWS account ID and AMP rewrite URL.

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Update values file with the details of AMP.

cat <<EOF > my-values.yaml 
    enabled: false
  - url: ${REMOTE_WRITE_URL}
      region: us-east-1
      max_samples_per_send: 1000
      max_shards: 200
      capacity: 2500
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false

    name: "amp-iamproxy-ingest-service-account"
    annotations: "arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:role/amp-iamproxy-ingest-role"
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Substitue the variables in the values file and make a new file.

envsubst < my-values.yaml > my-subst-values.yaml  
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Upgrade the helm release with the new values file.

helm upgrade prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus -n prometheus -f my-subst-values.yaml
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Now let's set up Amazon Grafana.
Amazon Grafana

I am creating a workspace here, with name grafana-demo-eks.
Create workspace button

I have selected AWS IAM Identity Center as the authentication method, and created a user with email, first and last name.
Setup authentication

A verification link will be sent to this email using which the password could be set.

I am choosing the same VPC as that of the kubernetes cluster. For the AZs I have choosen the private subnet in both. And, default for the security group.
Network settings

Select the data source as AMP.

I have kept rest of the settings to their default and created the workspace. One thing I have noted is there were only two availabe versions of Grafana which are 9.4 and 8.4 for now in Amazon Grafana, where as Grafana cloud had the latest version 10.2.0. Once the workspace is created, you should see a workspace URL that can be used to access the Grafana portal.

In th worskspace page, under the authentication tab click Assign new user or group and select the correct user that was created earlier. Also make the user admin, as by default it will be given the viewer role.
Admin role

You can login to the workspace URL with the IAM identity email and the password set during email verification.
Login to Grafana

You should see a page like this:
Amazon grafana portal

Visualize on Grafana

Add datasource in Grafana
Go to Home > Apps > AWS Data Sources > Data sources and add the AMP datasource like below.
Add datasource

Let's try adding a panelπŸ“Š. Go to Home > Dashboards > New Dashboard and Add a new panel here. Let's try to see the number of pods in each namespace. The query we use for this purpose is sum(kube_pod_info) by(namespace). Note that the legend at the bottom would show that Last null value as configured in the right side of the screenshot below.
Pod count per namespace

So it says the default namespace has 1 pod, the prometheus namespace has 2 pods, and the kube-system has 10 pods. Let's try validating this with kubectl.

kubectl get po -n default --no-headers | wc -l; kubectl get po -n prometheus --no-headers | wc -l; kubectl get po -n kube-system --no-headers | wc -l
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Awesome, it's matching. I am saving this panel with name Pod count per namespace, and given the dashboard the name grafana-demo-eks.

Now let's try with one other panel, this time we will see the no. of services by namespace. We can use this query sum(kube_service_info) by(namespace). And instead of the default timeseries visualization, let's try with pie chart. We'll show both value and percent in the pie chart as shown in the screenshot below.
Pie chart

We shall validate this too, with kubectl.

kubectl get svc -n default --no-headers | wc -l; kubectl get svc -n prometheus --no-headers | wc -l; kubectl get svc -n kube-system --no-headers | wc -l
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Cool, the service count per namespace is matching.

Alright, we had some practice with tools like prometheus and grafana in the AWS world with kubernetes. And, we have tried visualizing metrics that are collected by kube-state-metrics. We used prometheus for scraping the metrics from kube-state-metrics, which is ingested to the AMP workspace. We added AMP as a datasource in Grafana to build the panels. So, here is the final look of our 2 panel dashboard.
Final dashboard

So the AWS resources we have created in this exercise are: An EKS cluster, a grafana workspace, and a prometheus workspace. So make sure you are deleting those when you are done, to avoid billingπŸ’°... For EKS cluster jus do it from the cli: eksctl delete cluster --name grafana-demo-eks.

Thanks for reading !!!

Top comments (4)

femolacaster profile image

Very insightful post.

exc450km profile image

May I know the cost for running this lab?

networkandcode profile image
Shakir • Edited

I believe it could be somewhere between 2 and 5 USD(approximately), considering it can be finished in 2hours, the costly piece is EKS in this lab, We can mostly get away free with AMP and Amazon managed Grafana. But yes you can try with low compute options for EKS.

exc450km profile image

Thank you. This helps. I will try the lab