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Aarush Luthra for AWS Community Builders

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Automating My Web App Deployment with AWS CI/CD

Manually deploying my web application wasn’t difficult, but it quickly became annoying. Every update meant SSH-ing into my EC2 instance, copying files, installing dependencies, and restarting the server. I knew it was time to shift to a better, automated way —so I explored AWS CI/CD tools to make my life easier.

At least that was what I thought…

My first few attempts were filled with with failed builds, missing permissions and unexpected deployment failures. It took me time to get it up and running but once it was up, the advantages were clear. CodePipeline handled the entire workflow from getting the latest changes from GitHub to deploying it. CodeBuild ensured that the dependencies were installed correctly while CodeDeploy made sure the deployment on EC2 was a success!

Then came security! Out of curiosity, I tested my site using Gobuster to check for exposed directories and files. And behold—my whole logic was , up for the taking🤯! That was the moment I realized—security🔐 and deployment🚀 need to go hand in hand.

Here’s how I did it, the mistakes I made, and the steps I took to secure my site !

Why automate with AWS CodePipeline?

The next question after deciding to integrate CI/CD into my project was: Which tool to use? . There were plenty of options —GitHub actions, Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD—but AWS CodePipeline was the bestfit for my need. It checked all the right boxes:

🔐Security? Covered. IAM roles, encrypted SSM parameters.

🗄No CI/CD server. Unlike Jenkins, there’s no need to manage the underlying infrastructure.

☁️Seamless AWS Integration. Works effortlessly with EC2, SSM, DocumentDB, and more.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

✅ Access to AWS Management Console

A GitHub repository containing your application

Besides this you’ll need appropriate permissions to allow services to interact seamlessly. The diagram below gives an overview of how everything connects.

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Setting up the Pipeline

It's time to build the CI/CD pipeline step by step.

Step1: Connect GitHub to CodePipeline

We create a pipeline from AWS Management console and select GitHub as source. We authorize AWS to access the repository and choose the branch. And let the magic begin 🪄

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Step2: Configuring AWS CodeBuild

AWS CodeBuild compiles and packages the code before deployment. It ensures that every change is built and tested before moving to the deployment stage. To configure CodeBuild, firstly setup the environment and then define build steps in a buildspec.yml file. This file defines how to install dependencies, prepare artifacts.

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My buildspec.yml

version: 0.2
      nodejs: 16   #Nodejs version
      - cd Backend      #navigate to your directory
      - npm install     #install the dependencies
    - '**/*'
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Make sure to integrate it with CodePipeline

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Step3: Creating an EC2 instance and integrating it with CodeDeploy

Next, we setup an EC2 instance. AWS CodeDeploy automates the complete deployment process ensuring updates are rolled out efficiently and seamlessly

In this setup, I have choose Amazon Linux instance with permissions to access Systems Manager (Parameter Store), CodeDeploy and DocumentDB. Systems Manager allows us to securely retrieve environment variables while DocumentDB serves as our database.

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Additionally, it is important to ensure that appspec.yml and are placed in the root directory of the repository. appspec.yml defines the entire deployment lifecycle while gets executed to configure the instance with necessary dependencies such as Apache server.

My appspec.yml file:

version: 0.0
os: linux
  - source: /
    destination: /var/www/html
  - object: /var/www/html
    pattern: "**"
    owner: ec2-user
    group: ec2-user
    - location:
      runas: root
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sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y httpd
sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd
cd /var/www/html/Frontend
sudo echo "CONFIG = { PUBLIC_IP: '$(curl -s' };" > config.js
cd /var/www/html/backend
aws ssm get-parameters --names "MONGO_URL" "PORT" --with-decryption --query "Parameters[*].[Name,Value]" --output text | awk '{print $1 "=" $2}' 
sudo yum install -y nodejs
sudo npm install -g pm2
sudo pm2 start index.js
echo "Deployment complete and server restarted successfully."
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Make sure to create an application in AWS CodeDeploy and set up a deployment group. I chose the In-Place deployment type for now and used a single instance (the one we created earlier). Don't forget to associate an IAM role with the deployment group —it is crucial for CodeDeploy to manage deployment on your instance.

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Navigate back to CodePipeline page and ensure that you have correctly added the the CodeDeploy application name and the deployment group. This ensures that the deployment stage knows where to deploy the application

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Step4: Testing the pipeline

Everything is configured and ready to be run !! Push a commit to your repository and see the magic happen🪄🪄

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AWS CodePipeline executes the following steps to deploy your application with zero manual efforts

1️⃣Detect the change and trigger the pipeline

2️⃣Use CodeBuild to compile and package the code

3️⃣Deploy it to EC2 via CodeDeploy

Pro Tip📝

Don't tell me you pushed your .env file to GitHub… 😬 Make sure to store your DocumentDB credentials in SSM Parameter Store. It keep your secrets safe 🔏 and ensures your application retrieves it at runtime.

Here’s how mine looks

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Troubleshooting Errors

If you do run into some failed builds, deployment issues don’t worry, we have all been there ! My Pipeline at one point my pipeline looked like this

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And here’s how it looks once everything works

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One trick to debug your errors is to check logs from the CodeDeploy Agent on EC2. It will provide you insights into potential misconfigurations. Check it out by running:

sudo tail -f /var/log/aws/codedeploy-agent/codedeploy-agent.log
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If BeforeInstall, AfterInstall, or ApplicationStart fail check the logs by running the following command:

sudo tail -n 50 /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/deployment-logs/codedeploy-agent-deployments.log
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GoBuster vs My Deployment: Exposing My Own Mistakes

After deploying my application and feeling I ran Gobuster against the IP… and let’s just say, it was an eye-opener.

Directories and all my files were sitting there in plain sight!

I ran the following command:

gobuster dir -u http://<ip> -w lists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
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And this is how one can easily see my code files present

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Mitigation Steps:

It was time to make things secure. I SSH-ed into my EC2 instance and modified the apache configuration files. Check the commands below:

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
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Now, replace the directory block (for the root directory) with the following

<Directory /var/www/html>
    Options -Indexes
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted
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To secure your other files (if there) such as use the following code block

<FilesMatch "^(\.env|\.git|config\.php|\.htaccess)">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
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Wrapping It Up 🎯

This journey was a mix of automation and a little bit of shock (thanks to Gobuster!). The biggest lesson? Ensuring that the application is SECURE🔐 is as important as getting it running.

A small misconfiguration exposes more than what you anticipate! Keep it secure, keep it running !!🚀☁️

Thank your for reading !!

Aarush Luthra

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