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Sedat SALMAN for AWS Community Builders

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AWS IoT Stories #03: MQTT Protocol

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol designed for communication between devices in low-bandwidth, high-latency, or unreliable networks. It is commonly used in the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication.

MQTT Protocol Attack Surface

The attack surface of MQTT refers to the vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access or disrupt the functioning of the MQTT system. Some common attack vectors in MQTT include:

Unsecured connections: MQTT relies on TCP/IP for communication, and if the connection is not secured using a secure version of the protocol (e.g. TLS), it can be intercepted and tampered with by attackers.

Unauthorized access: If proper authentication and authorization measures are not in place, attackers may be able to gain access to the MQTT system and its data.

Malicious payloads: Attackers can send malicious payloads (e.g. malware) through the MQTT system, which can compromise the security of the devices receiving them.

MQTT Protocol Attack Types

There are several types of attacks that can be carried out against MQTT systems, including:

Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks: In this type of attack, the attacker intercepts the communication between the MQTT client and the broker and can modify the messages being sent.

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks: In a DoS attack, the attacker sends a large number of requests to the MQTT broker in an attempt to overwhelm it and prevent legitimate clients from accessing the service.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks: A DDoS attack involves multiple attackers and is more powerful than a single DoS attack. The goal is still to overwhelm the MQTT broker, but with a larger number of requests.

Creating a Secure Architecture on AWS to Avoid MQTT Attacks

To create a secure architecture on AWS to protect against MQTT attacks, consider implementing the following measures:

Use TLS to secure the connection between the MQTT client and the broker. This will prevent attackers from intercepting the communication and tampering with the messages being sent.

Implement proper authentication and authorization measures. This can include using strong passwords, implementing multi-factor authentication, and using role-based access control.

Use network security measures such as firewalls and security groups to protect the MQTT system from external threats.

Monitor the MQTT system for unusual activity and implement incident response processes to respond to any potential threats.

Reducing the Attack Surface on AWS

To reduce the attack surface on AWS, consider implementing the following measures:

Use security groups and network access control lists to limit access to the MQTT system to only authorized IP addresses and ports.

Regularly update the MQTT system and the underlying infrastructure to address any known vulnerabilities.

Use a WAF (Web Application Firewall) to protect against common web attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

Implement DDoS protection measures such as traffic shaping and rate limiting to mitigate the impact of DDoS attacks on the MQTT system.

Securing MQTT Against Protocol against DoS and DDoS Attacks

To secure the MQTT protocol against DoS and DDoS attacks, consider implementing the following measures:

Use TLS to secure the connection between the MQTT client and the broker. This will prevent attackers from intercepting the communication and tampering with the messages being sent.

Implement proper authentication and authorization measures. This can include using strong passwords, implementing multi-factor authentication, and using role-based access control.

Use network security measures such as firewalls and security groups to protect the MQTT system from external threats.

Monitor the MQTT system for unusual activity and implement incident response processes to respond to any potential threats.

Use DDoS protection measures such as traffic shaping and rate limiting to mitigate the impact of DDoS attacks on the MQTT system.

Implement load balancing to distribute the traffic across multiple servers and reduce the risk of a single server being overwhelmed.

Use a WAF (Web Application Firewall) to protect against common web attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

Examples of Secure MQTT Architectures on AWS

Here are two examples of secure MQTT architectures on AWS:

Example 1: MQTT with TLS and AWS IoT Core

In this example, the MQTT client communicates with the broker using a secure connection (TLS) and authenticates using X.509 certificates. The broker is hosted on AWS IoT Core, which provides additional security features such as device registry, device shadow, and rules engine.

Example 2: MQTT with TLS and AWS Greengrass

In this example, the MQTT client communicates with the broker using a secure connection (TLS) and authenticates using X.509 certificates. The broker is hosted on AWS Greengrass, which allows for local data processing and messaging in edge devices. The MQTT system is protected by a WAF and is behind a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) with a bastion host for secure remote access.


MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol that is commonly used in IoT and M2M communication. To secure MQTT against attacks, it is important to implement measures such as TLS, proper authentication and authorization, and network security. On AWS, there are several services such as AWS IoT Core and AWS Greengrass that can be used to host the MQTT broker and provide additional security features. By implementing these measures and following best practices, it is possible to create a secure MQTT architecture on AWS.SESA

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