Three years ago, I started to dive deep into AWS certification. It was intense, rewarding, and—in true parent fashion—juggled around family life with little ones. Today, with renewed focus I’m diving back into AWS. For all the busy parents, carers, and professionals who are short on time and ”occasionally” interrupted, here are the tips and strategies that have worked for me.
Check out is funny you tube short which I used to promote this article on Linkedin
Define and Protect Your Study Space 🖥️
Creating a dedicated study space can make a huge difference especially if you’re working from home. But let’s be real—not everyone has an extra room just for work or studying, and sometimes, we make do with what we have. For me, setting up a study zone can mean anything from tidying my desk and laying out notes, to using the dining table, or even setting up one of those pop-up tables on the bed or my lap. Each space serves as a fresh option to get into “study mode.”
Sometimes, I even take my notes to the library or the gym cafe (thanks to their kids’ club!). Here’s the funny thing: I’d give myself two options—get in a workout or study—and somehow, I’d be at my most productive when sitting at the gym cafe!
The takeaway? It’s not about having the “perfect” study space but about using what you have. Switching up locations can keep studying fresh and is a way to adapt to life’s rhythms rather than force an ideal setup. The key is finding your focus, wherever it might be.
Involve the Kids (Yes, Really!) 👶👧
Kids can be the most curious (and surprising) study companions. When I first studied for AWS, one of my kids was in the “Why?” phase. I realized their questions actually helped me learn. Explaining cloud computing to a preschooler pushed me to simplify and articulate concepts in ways I wouldn’t have otherwise.
To make it even more interactive, my younger kid loved to sit next to me and “highlighted” my notes (with questionable accuracy, but enthusiasm counts). My older kid quizzed me, asking questions like game show hosts, and even let me use a “50/50” when I got stumped. Sure, it wasn’t my proudest mom moment sneaking in one AirPod listening to AWS Power Hour on Twitch during their 10th rewatch of The Emoji Movie, but sometimes you just make it work.
Use the Productivity Apps for Focus 🌳
For anyone who’s prone to distraction, the Forest app or others like it is a game-changer. It lets you grow a virtual tree for each focused session you complete—and if you stray from your task (or your phone), the tree withers. Reflecting on my “forest” of sessions at the end of a week is surprisingly motivating, especially after a busy week. Plus, it’s a visual reminder that every study session, no matter how short, adds up over time.
Take Advantage of “In-Between” Moments ⏱️
Life with kids and other responsibilities means uninterrupted study blocks are rare. So I make the most of those in-between times: waiting for the bus, for the oven to finish, or for school pick up. Sometimes, I’ll answer a few mock exam questions on my phone or listen to a podcast. These small blocks of time scattered throughout the day can add up to real progress. It’s all about maximizing the little pockets of time that might otherwise slip by.
Switch Up Your Study Materials 🎬
Variety keeps learning engaging. When screen fatigue sets in, I turn to books for an offline break (yes, actual pages!). Reading away from the screen gives my mind and eyes a much-needed reset. For interactive learning, Udemy courses are on the app on my phone - I cast them to the TV, follow along with hands-on exercises on my laptop, and switch rooms to keep things interesting. Changing the setting or material type can be refreshing, especially on days when focus feels hard to come by.
Organization 📝
Organization isn’t just about structure; it’s also about finding joy in the process. For me, that means keeping a binder with color-coded notes, jotting down key concepts and takeaways in different colors. The process of writing and color-coding notes helps reinforce the material. Plus, there’s something satisfying about looking back through a rainbow of study notes, tracking progress and insights along the way. For me, in the past (not during the exam of course!) I’ve used the study notes and temporarily wall papered the wall behind my desk with any key topics, so it was a constant reminder. I got this tip from a friend at the AWS Academy, and it hopefully explains the cover photo of another article I’ve written.
Make Technology Work for You (and Use Your Phone Strategically) 📲
Oddly enough, my phone has become my go-to study tool. Whether it’s jotting down notes or drafting AWS community builder applications, using my phone feels accessible. There’s something psychologically “lighter” about it compared to opening up my laptop—it’s quicker, more approachable, and makes it easier to fit studying into everyday moments. I also think of my phone as a tool for quick wins, which makes it feel less overwhelming than more “official” study sessions on my computer.
Embrace Short, Focused Study Blocks 🔍
With a busy household, finding uninterrupted time can be tricky. Rather than forcing long study blocks, I lean into shorter bursts—often just 15-20 minutes. I focus deeply, set a specific goal (like completing a lab or review session), and knock it out. These micro-sessions add up and help me stay consistent, even when time is tight.
Reflect on Progress Regularly (and Celebrate with a Winning Cup) 🏆
Taking a moment to look back on what you’ve achieved, no matter how small, is crucial for staying motivated. Reflecting weekly or monthly reminds me of how far I’ve come, whether it’s a completed mock exam or a day when I carved out a solid hour of study. And to make these wins even sweeter, I have a “winning cup”: a large, two-hand-required Le Creuset mug that’s reserved exclusively for warm drinks (because, as any parent or carer knows, a warm drink is a rare treat).
Whether it’s a career milestone like a promotion, a study breakthrough, or even a perfect dishwasher day, I savour those moments with my winning cup in hand. It’s my little ritual to honor achievements both big and small, reminding me that every victory counts.
The takeaway? Celebrating wins, no matter the size, keeps momentum going and adds a bit of joy.
Know Your Learning Style 🎓
One of the best things you can do to maximize your study time is to know your learning style. Everyone processes information differently, and understanding what works best for you can make your study sessions more efficient and enjoyable. Here are a few common learning styles—and remember, you might be a mix of these!
• Visual Learners thrive on diagrams, infographics, and visual aids. If this sounds like you, try sketching AWS architectures or using color-coded notes to reinforce concepts.
• Auditory Learners do best when they can hear and discuss information. Listening to AWS podcasts or explaining topics out loud (even to a toddler!) can make complex ideas stick.
• Reading/Writing Learners love reading text and taking notes. If you’re in this category, keeping a binder with detailed, organized notes can be a powerful tool.
• Kinesthetic Learners learn by doing. Hands-on labs, interactive exercises, and real-world practice are ideal for these learners. Spending time in the AWS console and experimenting will reinforce concepts naturally.
Most people are a blend of these styles, and figuring out your personal combination can help you tailor your approach. For example, I like combining color-coded notes (visual) with interactive labs (kinesthetic) to make sure I’m covering all angles. Experimenting with different methods and finding your ideal mix will make studying feel more natural and less like a chore.
Finally - Hold On to Your “Why” 🎯
I’ve mentioned previously that any parent of a three-year-old knows, “Why?” is a question that never gets old (for them, at least!). When I first started studying AWS, my child’s endless “Why?” actually became a surprisingly valuable tool. Trying to answer their questions forced me to dig deeper, clarify my own understanding, and stay engaged.
Beyond that, it reminded me of my own why. Why was I pursuing AWS certification in the first place? Was it to expand my career, build new skills, or create more opportunities? For me, it’s a mix of all of these, but most importantly, it’s about building a better future for my family. Holding onto this personal “why” has kept me going, especially during late nights and early mornings when motivation wanes.
If you’re on a similar journey, take a moment to reconnect with your own driver. Maybe it’s professional growth, curiosity, or providing for loved ones. Whatever your “why,” let it ground you, inspire you, and keep you moving forward.
AWS certification is a big, sometimes daunting, goal. Just remember to you keep your “why” in sight—just like a curious three-year-old.
Top comments (1)
Didn't know till your article to be a Kinesthetic Learner. Thank you 😉