Bookmark this page and check back periodically to see the updated list of published challenges and select solutions. Or follow @azureadvocates and @azurefunctions for announcements.
Welcome to #25DaysOfServerless. New challenges will be published every day from Microsoft Cloud Advocates throughout the month of December.
Learn how Microsoft Azure enables your Serverless functions.
✓ Sign up for a free account on Azure to get ready for the challenges!
✓ Have an idea or a solution? Share your thoughts on Twitter!
Update: Dec 1 We're live!!
Folks, grateful for all your kind thoughts💖. I spent most of today coding with a lovely group of people to be prod ready for #25DaysOfServerless of magic and puzzles! The first puzzle from @jenlooper is here and I can't wait to see what you're building!! AM - 01 Dec 2019
ℹ️ Overview
Contribute Your Solution!!! For each challenge, work on the solution in your own Github repo - then create a custom issue to our public repo so we can showcase your contribution!
Want to know more about the #25DaysOfServerless challenge?
There's no better place to start than these posts from our Azure Advocates. Discover the grinchy premise behind the stories, and find out how you too can participate in the fun!

Merry and Bright with Azure Advocates’ 25 Days of Serverless
Jen Looper ・ Nov 19 '19 ・ 4 min read

Introducing #25DaysOfServerless, an Azure Functions Challenge
Brandon Minnick ・ Nov 25 '19 ・ 2 min read
Come check back tomorrow (and every day from Dec 1 - Dec 25) for a new challenge that you can solve with serverless thinking!
⚡️ Challenges
Don't forget to check out the guidelines for contributing your solution and send us that PR!!
- The adventure begins. We're off to Tel-Aviv to spin up a Dreidel for Hanukkah. 1st up!.
- The journey continues. We're racing to Stockholm to light candles for St. Lucy's Day. Take another 2nd!.
- What's a journey without friends? We're heading to Redmond to swap gifts for Secret Santa. 3rd time's the charm!.
- Every adventure needs a feast! Head to Brooklyn to share a potluck with our friend Ezra. Feast on the 4th!.
- Feeling sentimental? Journey to the North Pole and help Santa sort his Naughty or Nice correspondence! Fly to the 5th!.
- Forgotten those Ruten resolutions? Head to Central Europe and remind kids to do good deeds! Sense the 6th?.
- Make festivities sustainable! Teleport to Guatemala City and help Miguel in his quest to help his neighbors! Sustain the 7th!.
- Avoid the chaos! Dash back to the North Pole and help the reindeer stay in the know about gift delivery status! Embrace the 8th.
- Don't be such a Scrooge! Get into the festive spirit by thanking people for their contributions! Nab the 9th!.
- Have an Epiphany! Head to Italy and help Befana get her gift-shopping done by discovering good deals! Track the 10th!
- Track the To-Dos! Leap to the North Pole and help elves store and track incoming wishlists! Elves the 11th!
- Deploy the Thank-Yous! Help Simona out and automate websites from Markdown! Thanks a Dozen!
- Crack some jokes!! Help the trolls discover their sense of humor with machine intelligence. Friday the 13th!
- Discuss some books! Help Joon chat with friends about their festive book haul. Friends the 14th
- The eyes have it! Help Anna see this amazing market without glasses.Frame the 15th
- It's Posada time. Help Xanath find the locations of all those amazing events. Seize the 16th
- Skippy and pals down under are ready for some sunshine! Can IoT help?Sizzle the 17th
- Santa's Elves are busy. Bring your vision and put a bow on it! Eighteenth's a Wrap!
- Inflate those Balloons! Help Julie track her air compressor needs with IoT. Need that Nineteenth!
- It's Gift Delivery time. Help kids know if their gift arrived with timely alerts. Time that Twentieth!
- Hook that glitch! Help the elves track those gift deliveries! Forever Twenty-One right?
- Backup and restore! Help Young-Bee rescue her friend from the grim reaper.Twenty-Two, what do you do? 🎄 DEC 22 🎄
Check back the next day to see an advocate's solution to the previous challenge. Get an extra dollop of inspiration to tackle the next one!
⚡️ Check out Jen's solution to challenge 1!

Spin Your Dreidel! Day 1 of the #25DaysOfServerless Challenge
Jen Looper ・ Dec 2 '19 ・ 3 min read
⚡️ Check out Jen's solution to challenge 2!

Lucy's Dilemma - Day 2 of the #25DaysOfServerless Challenge
Jen Looper ・ Dec 3 '19 ・ 3 min read
⚡️ Check out Christian's solution to challenge 3!

Webhooks - Day 3 of the #25DaysOfServerless Challenge
Christian Nwamba ・ Dec 4 '19 ・ 5 min read
⚡️ Check out Glaucia's solution to challenge 4!

Creating CRUD with Azure Functions & MongoDB
Glaucia Lemos ・ Dec 5 '19 ・ 9 min read
⚡️ Check out Chris's solution to challenge 5!

How you can learn Language Analysis using AI services in the Cloud and JavaScript
Chris Noring ・ Dec 6 '19 ・ 6 min read
⚡️ Check out Christian's solution to challenge 6!

Build a Slack /remind Clone - Day 6 of the #25DaysOfServerless Challenge
Christian Nwamba ・ Dec 7 '19 ・ 9 min read
⚡️ Check out Sandra's solution to challenge 7!

Miguel needs our help - Day 7 of the #25DaysOfServerless Challenge
Sandra Ahlgrimm ・ Dec 8 '19 ・ 5 min read
⚡️ Check out Jason's solution to challenge 8!

Build a Serverless Status Page with Azure Functions, SignalR, and Static HTML
Jason Hand @ wearing a ・ Dec 9 '19 ・ 5 min read
⚡️ Check out John's solution to challenge 9!

Automate Your Replies to GitHub Issues with Serverless
John Papa ・ Dec 10 '19 ・ 12 min read
⚡️ Check out Jasmine's solution to challenge 10!

Create a website with daily deals from Twitter using Logic Apps and Blob Storage
Jasmine Greenaway ・ Dec 11 '19 ・ 4 min read
⚡️ Check out Chris's solution to challenge 11!

Learn Serverless Database trigger in JavaScript, CosmosDB + Slack
Chris Noring ・ Dec 12 '19 ・ 12 min read
⚡️ Check out Christian's solution to challenge 12!

Caching Serverless Responses - Day 12 of the #25DaysOfServerless Challenge
Christian Nwamba ・ Dec 13 '19 ・ 5 min read
⚡️ Check out Simona's solution to challenge 13!

Build your jokes generator using Machine Learning and Serverless
Simona Cotin ・ Dec 14 '19 ・ 5 min read
⚡️ Check out Chris's solution to challenge 14!

How YOU can learn to build real-time Web Apps that scales, using .NET Core, C#, Azure SignalR Service and JavaScript
Chris Noring ・ Nov 1 '19 ・ 14 min read
⚡️ Check out Sandra's solution to challenge 15!

Learn to automatically analyze your images using AI services to find keywords, title and other useful metadata
Sandra Ahlgrimm ・ Dec 16 '19 ・ 5 min read
⚡️ Check out Tania's solution to challenge 16!

Let the posadas begin - Day 16 of the #25DaysOfServerles challenge
Tania Allard ・ Dec 17 '19 ・ 6 min read
⚡️ Check out Dave's solution to challenge 17!

Skippy, Kenny, and Willy need our help - Day 17 of the #25DaysOfServerless Challenge
Dave Glover ・ Dec 19 '19 ・ 6 min read
⚡️ Check out Brandon's solution to challenge 18!

#25DaysOfServerless Day 18 Solution: Wrapping the Perfect Gift
Brandon Minnick ・ Dec 19 '19 ・ 8 min read
⚡️ Check out Christopher's solution to challenge 19!

How to get usable state from IoT events? #25daysofserverless
Christopher Maneu ・ Dec 21 '19 ・ 5 min read
⚡️ Check out Jeremy's solution to challenge 21!

Create a Stateful Serverless <⚡> Holiday Registry
Jeremy Likness ⚡️ ・ Dec 22 '19 ・ 12 min read
🦝 Meet The Team
Meet the people behind the mayhem (in alphabetical order, by first name)! We'll add one profile a day ( | twitter) - do say hello and share your comments and ideas with us!
- Brandon Minnick | @TheCodeTraveler
- Chris Noring | @chris_noring
- Christian Nwamba | @codebeast
- Christopher Maneu | @cmaneu
- Dave Glover | @dglover
- Em Lazer-Walker | @lazerwalker
- Glaucia Lemos | @glaucia_lemos86
- Jan Schenk | @jansche
- Jason Hand | @jasonhand
- Jasmine Greenaway | @paladique
- Jen Looper | @jenlooper
- Jeremy Likness | @jeremylikness
- John Papa | @johnpapa
- Justin Yoo | @justinchronicle ⚡️ Dec 22 ⚡️
- Nitya Narasimhan | @nitya
- Sandra Ahlgrimm | @sKriemhild
- Simona Cotin | @simona_cotin
- Tania Allard | @ixek
Thank you for checking these out! Don't forget to bookmark the page and revisit it for updates throughout December 2019!
Top comments (3)
Hey all - just adding a post to let you know that we made it even easier to submit your solutions now.
Instead of forking the repo and creating a pull request, simply SUBMIT AN ISSUE with your name, challenge number and solution repo. That's it!
Yei! Already submitted an issue with my solution for day 3. It has been fun!
Thanks so much for not just doing the challenges but writing posts and sharing your expertise. I think that's what makes this challenge so amazing 🎉