What are your favorite VS Code themes (color and file icon themes)?
Let's get a list of themes together so we can all find new ones to try out.
My Favorite Color Themes
- During the day: Night Owl
- At night: Azure Dark Theme
Quick Tip: If you want to have your theme changed based on the time of day check out the Sundial extension.
Top comments (43)
I'm a big fan of dark themes, right now I'm using Tokyo Night and it's awesome!
That is very nice
OMG yeah, he is so awesome !
Can you let me the know the font you are using?
I'm using Synthwave x Fluoromachine and it's freakin' rad
source @SBinLondon
... I think something popped on my head, I'm not even sure if I like or not...
classic, but I couldn't watch at it for a longer time :D
I find Eva Theme light to be very suitable for copy-pasting formatted code blocks into documents due to the noticeable background color and good contrast.
Eva theme light
Oh man I like that idea of using a specific theme to show code in documentation/presentations. Thanks for sharing!
Last year I made a monotone theme. Sometimes the colorful ones were kind of taking my attention.
here my theme
Very film noir. I like it!
Yes there definitely is some needed balance with a theme, fun but not too distracting and easy on the eyes. Thanks for sharing your theme
I also did one for myself, because, well, it was fun and I hated random changes when I just found a theme I love.
It's really based on the one dark and material dark theme.
It's called The Best Theme
Excellent name and thanks for sharing 🙂👍
I honestly realized later that this name is actually really good chosen in terms of marketing :D
I just switched to Dracula (soft variation not the default one)
For light mode, I use Bracket Light Pro Bold
🌚 Shades of Purple
🌞 Bluloco Light
Woot woot, Shades of Purple.
Thanks for your support. Creator of Bluloco Themes here :)))
Hey Umut, thanks for following me on Twitter!
I'm using Kaia.
For day time,
One Dark Pro

, and
Jane One,

and Night Owl for nights.
I'm very keen on the default theme.
same here, using dracula's default version
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