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Top 8 Web development projects for beginners

If you’re looking to truly grow (not just follow cookie-cutter tutorials) and build a portfolio that screams, "I’m serious about this!", here are 8 web dev projects that go beyond the basics and will genuinely help you stand out as a beginner.

1. Interactive Quiz App

Building a quiz app might sound pretty straightforward, but here’s the twist: don’t just focus on the questions. Add some personality to it. Integrate features like score-tracking, a countdown timer, and maybe even multiple categories. This will force you to think about conditional rendering and state management. The best part? You’ll get to practice your JavaScript logic like a pro.

2. Responsive Portfolio Site with a Twist

No one’s impressed by another single-page portfolio, right? Wrong. When you add a twist to it. Instead of the usual “Here’s who I am and what I do,” think of incorporating animations, custom fonts, or even themes that change based on the time of day. Something that screams you.

3. Weather App Using OpenWeather API

A classic. But what makes it a standout is how you style it. Use the OpenWeather API to fetch real-time data, but go a step further—add icons, animations for different weather types, or a search bar for city lookups. This project will get you comfortable with APIs and data rendering.

APIs are everywhere. Knowing how to fetch, display, and style data from an API is a skill you’ll be using a lot.

4. To-Do List with Local Storage

“Oh, another to-do list?” Yes, but one that remembers. Use local storage to ensure the list doesn’t disappear when you refresh the page. Try adding categories or different themes. Push yourself to make it a full experience, not just a list.

Practicing with local storage is underrated. It’s one of those things that’s simple but incredibly useful, and it’s often a stepping stone into understanding databases.

5. E-commerce Product Page Clone

Pick a popular e-commerce site like Amazon, Etsy, or whatever catches your eye. Don’t just stop at the product cards—go for the filters, the sorting options, and even pagination if you’re up for it. This one will stretch your CSS and JavaScript skills and get you comfortable with layouts.

E-commerce projects are a go-to for many companies. Having one under your belt gives you practical experience and some major brownie points with potential employers or clients.

6. Budget Tracker with Data Visualization

Build a budget tracker that shows users how they’re spending over time. Add charts to make it visual, maybe with libraries like Chart.js. You’ll gain experience with data, and if you want to take it up a notch, try adding a form for custom spending categories.

This one’s all about data handling, organization, and creating something that’s genuinely useful. Plus, visualizing data is one of those skills you’ll use forever.

7. Blog Platform Using Markdown
Think of this as a mini blog app but with markdown support. Use something like marked.js to allow users to write their posts in markdown and see it converted to HTML. You’ll get practice with user inputs and handling libraries—both huge wins.

Blogging platforms are great for practicing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionalities. Plus, Markdown is widely used, and supporting it adds a unique touch to your portfolio.

8. Real-time Chat App with WebSockets

Build a simple chat app using WebSockets, like Socket.IO. Keep it minimal—one room where users can join, send messages, and see each other’s updates in real-time. It’s hands-down one of the most fun projects and a great way to understand WebSocket basics.

These projects will get you noticed, sure, but they’ll also push you past the “beginner” phase a whole lot faster.

And remember, the goal isn’t perfection. It’s to learn, to tweak, to break things, and to figure out how to fix them.

Top comments (2)

daniel_ma_4ea0d9971ef2dcf profile image
Daniel Ma

I love how EchoAPI simplifies JavaScript API testing, allowing me to focus on coding rather than debugging.

balrajola profile image

So true!