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Let's see where people stand...
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Muzaffar Hossain -
Chakir Ayoub -
Oleg Dubovoi -
alex sob -
Top comments (45)
Will be great if we can add some more detail to question. The term developer can be divided as three right ?
1) Full stack
2) Back-end developer
3) Front-end developer
And many are confident on certain parts, for me I have confidence on back-end design and implementation. When it comes to front-end i literally have to google everything(for back-end i sometimes dont google ;) ).
Back-end developer is one who can
Front-end developer is one
Full-stack developer is one
All the knowledge of what back-end and front-end developer have.
This is probably true— But I came across this question in my mind just thinking about how confident people and unconfident differ in such arbitrary ways sometimes.... Regardless of the topic at hand. Some people seem to be generally confident.
Frontend engineer will design the UI? I thought a designer would do that.
There were times, when we don't have enough designers in team; at that time front end engineers also work on design part.
I know a guy who worked in my team, who was very good in bringing mock UI (using Photoshop), HTML, CSS, JS.
I have not seen anyone else who were better like him even when they were specialized in designing part or coding part alone. It was great skill set. Miss that guy :(
I agree there's people who can design and build applications and be good at it. But these are two separate jobs and should be treated as such. I've seen this mentality in small startup founders hoping for one person to build and design everything. The person can easily end up being overworked.
I like the question because it is phrased in a simple way. You just answer "yes" or "no" based on your intuitive feeling about what you're doing in your daily job or role, the specifics don't really matter.
I'd say "yes" because I like to have a positive mindset.
But I think confidence can only be expressed in levels.
For instance:
Unless you had something else in mind?
I am not, I have experience building marketplaces , apps and another stuff, but I fail every time I try logic tests on job interviews :(
Logic test is fine, but I failed the timed hackerrank test. For some reason, they think algorithm are important for frontend people too.... T_T Even though for me that sense of design, being able to translate business needs, building something your users will love matter more than algorithm...(at least for frontend).
Agree with you, logic test shouldn't be the main skill for a frontend job interview, it is really unfair if you can pass a HackerRank test but you don't have good code practices when you build a website, reject the idea of learning new code languages or you don't have good communication with your team
Yeah so many things that are important in the work is ignored. Or rather people who are good as a whole are brushed off for a narrow focus on one not so important aspect.
Who cares about freaking logic tests when you're capable of doing all of the way more important stuff that you mentioned? You should answer this question with YES !
haha yeah, but it doesn't feel good to fail so many job interviews for the same problem.
Long time ago I failed some sort of stupid "IQ test" for a high-end hotshot company ... it was annoying but it didn't put me off that much, employees there had to dress up in business suits and so on so it wasn't my thing anyway. But, if you fail all of those interview questions then either you need to study up a bit or practice more, or maybe it's just psychological (fear? stress?), that could also be the point.
Sometimes I think work for companies is not for me, I am fear to dress up those business suits too haha I am happy building things by my own. Yes my problem is psychological but I am working on it
I am writing software for 25 years, and I can build anything I want, but I will fail any logic interview test I am not prepared for.
Last year someone called me for an interview for a new contract position, and ask me to do a test, I just closed the phone, not interested.
The thing is: someone spend days writing some logic question and it became so obvious to him, and then he comes and asks it in an interview expecting you to figure it out in 5 minutes :-) you do not want to work with such a person because he does not have the logic to calculate that :-)
I agree, that is quite common. I do a lot of interviews as a contractor (and always refuse to do take home sample projects for similar reasons)
What particularly annoys me (when I have seen it from the other side of the fence) is they often don't even ask their current developers to do the same test in order to calibrate the answers they get. Sometimes they are just trying to show their managers how proficient they are compared with all these "terrible candidates who can't even answer this question, which is so basic I could do it in 10 minutes [because I wrote it]"
And managers are impressed - "we have a real team of experts here, it's so difficult to find candidates that are good enough!" - give me a break! 😂
Oh, this comment makes me feel better haha, I am not the only one at least. I don't know why many companies focus on this kind of tests or board logic tests instead of other skills
I think they do it because it's easy and it gives them a quantifiable result that they can put in a spreadsheet (and developers love numbers!) even if the questions have nothing to do with the actual job
I'm confident until I actually do something, lol
How do you set up polls on DEV?
I'm confident in neuroplasticity, which in turn cultivates my technical abilities. While I'm still realistic about my abilities, I'm also optimistic about my abilities. Over the years I've produce results, and after each project I improve as a developer with fortified mental models.
It behooves us to remember that the human brain is pliable like any other muscle! Each time we learn something new, we undergo a neurogenesis, forming new brain synapses and neural connections. If you're not feeling confident now, then introspection, strategy, and a growth mindset will catapult you towards confidence. Happy Hacking 🚀
The older I get the more I realize that I have no effing clue.
I've become more confident over time. Over time I've been able to answer more questions that other developers ask me, which shows me that I have fairly good knowledge in what I do. I also feel like I understand aspects of programming much more and can explain the reasoning behind what I do and why much better.
That doesn't mean complacency though. There is always more to learn.
Further, it shouldn't result to arrogance. I always say that things should be team decisions, not decisions made by a single person. The team has a discussion on what they perceive to be pros and cons for things. I'll mention my own, and other team members may contradict them. That's fine because the goal is to make the best decision and to learn, not to be arrogant.
I answered yes - I'm confident because I stick to stuff that I know - I'm not trying to do things that are outside of my reach (or pretend that I would be able to).
But I'm seeing in the preliminary results that close to 50% said "no" ... I'm a bit shocked, that's serious folks, why do people answer that? "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF !" :-)
Awesome question! I was curious to see how others feel.
For me, the old saying applies: the more I know, the more I realize I know nothing (or little). My confidence level peaked around year 4 or 5 in my dev career. Then the curve flatten.
I know much more now (comparing to the naive 25ish years old me), but I feel there are tons of things I still need to learn, and that I'm wrong many times before finding an answer😅.
So, I'd say, I'm not confident, I put a healthy dose of doubt in many things that I do. And it goes double when I'm working on heuristic things like software design.
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