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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern Subscriber

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How often do you clean your screen/keyboard?

And what do you use to clean it?

Top comments (88)

avalander profile image

I didn't know you're supposed to clean them.

only8britt profile image

Almost never.☠️ When I'm on a long call sometimes I'll dust off my screen with my fingers like an animal

dechamp profile image

I respect this method.

emmabostian profile image
Emma Bostian ✨

I don't... I want the world to know how much of a trash human I am

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I sort of operate under the assumption that you're pretty much flawless Emma 🤷‍♂️

zeslova profile image
Simon Newby

Hear hear, to dead skin and lunch remains 😂

msfjarvis profile image
Harsh Shandilya

It's okay we'll always love you

You're breathtaking

msamgan profile image
Mohammed Samgan Khan

if that's the case, you just redefined the word trash for me.

dechamp profile image

Once the sun hits the screen, on a day that I happen to be in the right spot as I'm walking back from the coffee machine. I will notice the 1000+ finger prints on my screen, which every time I ask myself, when did I touch my monitors?! Then i wait a week, and clean it if I remember....

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

This laptop's a little over four years old, now, so...

Well, I clean the screen once it gets grotty enough that I start making reading mistakes. But the keyboard? If I were to dump it out and add water to the dumped-contents, I could probably make a hearty soup, at this point.

seangwright profile image
Sean G. Wright

Thanks for the reminder... 🤣

kaleigh profile image

whenever I'm in public and realize how dirty it is

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

I think I clean every 6 months. My screen is always clean since I rarely hold it and I don't eat anything in front of my computer so my keyboard may be clean.

anwar_nairi profile image

I think I eat so much in front of my computer that my keyboard has now a diet composed of my favorite junk food 😂

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Hahaha! If you won't clean that, you'll have unwanted visitors soon😂😂😂😂

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Clearly, you don't live with pets (that get nose- or sneeze-prints) or a wife who's used to a touch-enabled screen. :p

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Hahaha I actually have 4 dogs. haha and yeah I'm not married yet so I'm safe :p

mmaitoza profile image
Michael Maitoza

Am I a germophobe? No. I just hate the look of the keyboard on my screen every other day. It really bothers me when I see things on my screen that doesn't belong there. So I wipe both the screen, with microfiber and the keyboard with a regular cloth. Then, just to be extra careful I have the original thingie that came with the computer to separate the keyboard and screen. Now if that doesn't scream geek I don't know what does. After reading other people's answers to this qustion I feel a little creepy. So to answer the question after all that I would say at least once a day.

amorpheuz profile image
Yash Dave

Owing to the dusty as hell environment I live in, Gotta clean the keyboard with buds every weak and screen with a microfiber. Learnt the lesson the day my screen got keyboard key-shaped scratches permanently 😭😭.

dechamp profile image

this makes me remember my scratch on my screen.... now i'm sad with you.  😢

tiguchi profile image
Thomas Werner

When I spill coffee on it

cappe987 profile image

For my laptop: I clean off the keyboard with an alcohol handwipe and wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth every few months.

For my desktop: I just wipe off the monitor with my shirt when it looks dusty. I've cleaned the keyboard three times in the 5 years I've had it, about time to do it again. And that cleaning includes removing all the key caps (gaming keyboard) and washing them in a bowl with water and soap, and using compressed air to get rid of all the crap under the keys.

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

Work or home? Because those are two very different answers lol

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Leaving the work one get gross encourages hot-seaters to sit elsewhere (though not quite as effectively as replacing a standard keyboard with an ergo-keyboard).

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

Thankfully I have a cube, so nobody will steal my seat. That doesn't make my statement sound good though, now I just sound like a filthy animal!

Thread Thread
ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

I have an assigned cube, too, but... There's more people than seats at the one facility I work at. So, if a desk is empty (and mine is 3 of 5 days), there's the chance someone will sit in it.

To be honest, I wouldn't care, but I freaking hate coming back into the office and finding things messed with. After the third time of finding my electric sit/stand desk left in the "stand" position (and several of my desk-ornaments on the floor), I said, "fuck this noise" and disabled the actuators. Similarly, I went to the thrift store to buy a blazer to leave on the back of my chair to discourage people from "borrowing" my seat.

Shouldn't have to do that stuff, but, people don't care about being good guests.

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

You can? (I look at my keyboard) oh.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

All the time!

photo of meghan washing a keyboard in the sink

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Action shot!