DEV Community

Cover image for Meme Monday
Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern Subscriber

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Meme Monday

Meme Monday!

Today's cover image comes from last week's thread.

DEV is an inclusive space! Humor in poor taste will be downvoted by mods.

Top comments (41)

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

This week I published a couple of comiCSS cartoons:

Cartoon with 4 panels titled 'halloween costumes'. First panel: the CSS3 logo with a skeleton make up on, and the text 'CSS will go as a skeleton... because it is at the core of all styling'. Second panel: the CSS modules logo with Frankenstein's monster features, and the text 'CSS Modules will go as Frankenstein because it is made of many parts and components'. Third panel: The boostrap logo wrapped in clothe, and the text: 'Bootstrap will go as a mummy... because it is old and dusty, but it gets the job done'. In the last panel, the Tailwind logo with fangs and the text: 'Tailwind will be Dracula... because it sucks.'

Comic with 4 panels. In the first one Frankenstein's Monster looks menacing yelling 'Be very scared of Frankenstein's Monster!'. A person replies 'You are not a monster, you are just misunderstood'. The monster replies 'I use divs as buttons... on purpose'. The person looks disappointed and terrified in the last panel.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Good stuff πŸ˜…

getsetgopi profile image
GP • Edited

Source: Internet
Image description

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'm feeling this today!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Let's kick things off with this week's awful AI-generated meme

rust programming

primetarget profile image
Ethan Anderson

meme monday

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

At least this code local environment is : zero
Chuck Norris TODO list
Image description

webbureaucrat profile image

I have become nix-pilled on this and it's beautiful. If you feel this way about managing a local environment I recommend using Nix.

blenderman profile image

meme monday

gallowaydeveloper profile image
Galloway Developer

meme monday

richmirks profile image
Richard Mirks

meme monday

ivis1 profile image
Ivan Isaac

meme monday

syxaxis profile image
George Johnson • Edited

I started my career in 1987 and yep I remember you'd call up Oracle HQ here in UK and request they post you patches in the post. You wait 2 days for them to arrive!

I remember the first time I downloaded a set of graphic drivers for Windows 3.1 from an FTP site over 2400 baud modem, it's was like a miracle.

"bloody kids today", "back in my day" and "we used to...", god I feel old!

sawyerwolfe profile image
Sawyer Wolfe

meme monday

dreama profile image

meme monday

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