What popular belief is not true or not completely true in web development?
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What popular belief is not true or not completely true in web development?
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Cheikh Seck -
Jaligama Satyaveer -
Top comments (26)
One of the most annoying ones is that web development is easy and that everyone can create a website. Of course, maybe my grandpa can create a website but there are a lot of factors that a website requires to be performant and accessible among the other stuff. There are also zillion frameworks and this field is advancing on a week level, and there is always something new to be learned so that you can stay up to date. So you should be prepared to spare some time weekly for learning new stuff. Beside this, for web development, you only need to have a solid knowledge of Javascript and CSS, for now, you don't need to know ten programming languages to start looking for a front-end job.
Another common misconception is that when you finish the website your work is done 🙃If we're talking about production applications this is far from true.
You don't need to be an expert at maths to be a good web developer. That's mandatory for the data science and machine learning but in web development, you'll use your math skills on rare occasions only.
And you don't need to have a CompSci degree to start working as a web dev, this is mandatory for data science and ML (although there are exceptions here too as well). I'm self-taught (and no degree) and I've been working as a frontend dev for almost 3 years now 😎
Mr. Tasevski,
I would love to have a talk with you about how you started with Web Development. I am in college for computer science but I know I can do this on my own. Is there anyway I can come into contact with you?
Common ones I have encountered:
No let's just stop there and call it MVP /s
1) Think that web designer and web developer are the same.
2) Also, that web designing is easy.
3) Think that everything is done on the back-end and the front-end is just "making things cute".
As a backend developer myself, I understand fully that frontend is as hard as backend, if not sometimes harder.
Ya sure, backend normally deals with stuff like business logic, but frontend requires a bunch of hard work to make everything look RIGHT.
Custom Components/Widgets is just as complicated.
Making things cute is not as simple as it sounds on paper:)
3rd one is one of my biggest pet peeves ever.
I can do frontend (and backend) but I can't design for shit.
Kill me please.
"My son made a website (Wordpress) in school, why do you charge so much?" and a hundred variations of this sentiment.
many think web development is the same as frontend Development..
but the Web is a Client-Server architecure 😅
Doesnt everything need to interact with a server though nowadays... You won't be doing front end in a silo unless you're on a huge team.
Because I can make a website, I can fix your printer.
Great ... can you pop round? Mine's not working...
From non-technical people: They just think you make pretty html pages - even for "Amazon scale" apps.
No idea what goes into the backend -> queuing work asynchronously, message brokering, distributed architecture, service segregation, exploring domain contexts, CQRS and/or event sourcing domain events, etc.
How do you even explain to non-technical people what you do in this case? "I make really complicated web applications?" is the best I can come up with 😂
That every developer who could code able to do anything. But at the end coding and actual delivering finished product is a big difference.
Yeah, maybe back in the days of Microsoft Frontpage frontend was easier. Now it's a little bit insane, as you're noticing with your fronted experiments I guess.
I don't know if backend is truly easier (distributed programming is not necessarily easy) but there's a ton more documentation and established practices.
@asparallel Yeah, there's a lot of differences between US and Europe jobs when talking about this field, but requirements for the field entry can be also different from country to country in Europe as well.
Btw, we've worked with Indian companies once or twice and after seeing what code abominations are coming from them I don't think that we (from Europe) can be compared to them on the same level.
Also, note that while I don't have a degree and I'm self-taught that doesn't mean that I don't know any CompSci theory and math. You don't need to know these things that much for field entry, but once you're settled you have no excuse for not knowing them, you should sit down and spare some time to learn about software architecture, CompSci theory, and math or those things will come around and bite you for sure.
Another thing is that I'm currently working as a full-stack engineer to be exact, I'm doing some coding on the backend (C#, Node) and working on DevOps infrastructure as well. I was thinking about going to college this year, but it's just a waste of time here, and I'm good learning on my own.
@dcmdorazio Please finish college, while degree sometimes is just a paper it can be useful for a number of things later on in your life.
I plan on it. I was just looking for more guidance on how to be better while I continue my degree. Thanks
Sure, feel free to DM me if you need help with something. What I can suggest you is to find something you love to do and then practice the hell out of it until it becomes the second nature to you :)
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