DEV Community

What are your programming goals for 2017?

Ben Halpern on December 29, 2016

tbodt profile image

I want to finish reading the HTML standard. I'm working on my own browser optimized for web scraping, so knowing a lot about how a browser works is important.

By the way, the HTML standard is an excellent read. About a thousand pages of clear, detailed specifications of every single detail of what a browser does. Incredibly interesting and informative.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Fascinating. The HTML standard does look really interesting as I take a glance. I've been reading the CommonMark markdown spec myself lately. How did you first get interested in the browser project?

tbodt profile image

My company does a lot of web scraping, it's basically the entire business. Originally we were using Selenium and PhantomJS, but we started running into scaling issues. So now a scraping grid consists of 32 servers each with 8 cores and each costing hundreds of dollars a month. The servers are mostly at like 30% CPU usage. We have like 300k in free servers from various hosting companies so improving efficiency isn't too high priority, but something will have to be done eventually.

The obvious alternative to Selenium is to just make HTTP requests, but we have to crawl a lot of really crappy sites that use JavaScript for no apparent reason, and we want to be able to add a new site without spending a lot of time figuring out how to form spoof. So we're just making our own browser. It uses V8 to run JavaScript, which I had to write a Python C++ extension to do.

Admittedly it's not the most useful thing I could be doing. But it's hella fun.

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Well whether or not this specific activity is "useful", I'm sure you'll get a hell of a lot out of reading the whole HTML standard!

oneearedmusic profile image
Erika Wiedemann

To clarify, the standard found here?

That's good to know it's a solid & clear read, I'll have to make some time to work through it.

tbodt profile image

That's the one.

oneearedmusic profile image
Erika Wiedemann

1) Graduate (about to start my final semester)
2) Get a MVP version of my cooking helper app on at least 3 friends phones. V1 is for Android, and the server is written in Scala, both new for me. I recently got a copy of The Lean Startup, and hope to apply some of those ideas to the first release.

matteozuccon profile image
Matteo Zuccon

Is it a native app or u use some Scala framework?
I do not have any experience with apps, I would like to know more :)

oneearedmusic profile image
Erika Wiedemann

I'm intending to build a native app. Hoping to keep it simple, and make calls to a Scala API. I'm also hoping to make it so both the app & a web interface can use the same endpoints. I also don't have any experience, so this project is certainly experiment-oriented rather than launch.

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matteozuccon profile image
Matteo Zuccon

ok, good luck with that! The common REST/graphql API endpoint is a good idea.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Lean Startup is definitely critical reading for this kind of thing. Good luck with the launch. What made you choose Scala for the server?

oneearedmusic profile image
Erika Wiedemann

I'm interested in learning some functional programming, and felt this was a better option for a microservice than haskell. That's also on my to-learn list.

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mtalsmith profile image

Clojure is an interesting and productive lisp. You might find the principles there intriguing as well.

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oneearedmusic profile image
Erika Wiedemann

Aah, that's great to know! I'll look into that some more - I've had coworkers apply some Clojure styles & ideas to our codebase with great results.

gonzalodelgado profile image
  • Write at least 3 simple games
  • Learn at least 3 new languages (already learning Haxe, want to also learn Lua, and maybe Lisp)
  • Write my own todo-list app
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Nice! What platform are you targeting for the games?

gonzalodelgado profile image

The one I'm currently working on is written in Haxe, which makes it easy to port to almost any platform, so that'd be a PC (Linux, Windows, MacOS) release, and maybe Android :-)

If I learn Lua, I'll probably make another game using LÖVE, which I believe also makes it easy to port to any PC OS.

Lastly, I want to make a game for the Uzebox :-D

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I've never done any game development, and feel like such an outsider that I don't even know where to start, but it's something I'd like to carve out some time to try. Any starter suggestions for a total noob?

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gonzalodelgado profile image

I totally felt like that for years!

Then I stumbled upon Handmade Hero, which provided a huge inspiration.

Also, finishing any "make your own game" tutorial (HaxeFlixel's is quite good) helps a lot in motivating you to work on making a simple game of your own.

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'm feeling inspired now. I think I've always thought of game development as something that was painful and tough and something to leave for other folks, but it's also so fun to be a total noob and learn something from the ground up.

I'm taking on the goal of writing one simple game this year. I'm going to start with a follow-along tutorial while I scheme the game I want to make.


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binaryidiot profile image
Kris Siegel

@ben , what language(s) do you know best? Looks like from your Github page you use a lot of JavaScript and Ruby. You can do game dev in both of those! In fact using the canvas to create basic games isn't super difficult once you get used to it.

Most platforms / frameworks will provide you with an update and a render loop (or some sort of abstraction over one). Basically render paints whatever items that should be drawn and nothing else (no calculations unless absolutely necessary) and update is where you do all your collision detection, movement, etc. So you update your character's movement in the update loop and draw wherever the character is in render.

You could even get fancy and go with webGL :)

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I mostly write in Ruby and JS, but I'd love to take the opportunity to do something totally different. I'd gladly take suggestions. I think I'm more concerned with tooling than language preferences, so something with good support and stable community that will allow me to have an enjoyable experience developing on my Mac.

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gonzalodelgado profile image

Haxe's syntax is pretty close to Javascript, and it's easy to get it up and running on a Mac (although the homebrew install didn't work well for me, had to download it and its dependencies myself).

Also, if you're feeling extra inspired, make sure to check this out: ;-)

And if you're ever uninspired, reading books like The making of Prince of Persia or Masters of Doom helps a great deal with that :-)

denisenepraunig profile image
Denise Nepraunig

My goals for 2017 are:

  • release an app to the app store
  • improve my #Swift skills
  • create more feminine @NERDpraunig developer t-shirts:

In general I want to focus more on my health - I am currently reading "The Healthy Programmer.

And I want to blog again and share my very positive developer experience, like my story "From Secretary to Software Developer: the hard way" which I submitted to medium:

ben profile image
Ben Halpern
  • Good luck with the app release process, Apple makes you jump though hoops 😒

  • I love that if/else tee!

  • Would you recommend that book so far? I'm always on the lookout for programming-related books that come in audiobook form and that one does.

  • Congrats on your journey so far, and feel free to use this platform to tell more of your story, as well as blog about Swift and share your burgeoning expertise with the language.

eljayadobe profile image

2018 checking in. How did 2017 go?

tanyapowell profile image
🌟t powell 🌟

I have a few small attainable goals for 2017

  • Blog more about dev life
  • Contribute to more #opensource projects
  • Tweet more 😜
  • Finish off a couple of personal projects
  • Have a play with vue.js (I've heard so many great things)
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

What are the personal projects?

kwelch profile image
Kyle Welch

My biggest goal for 2017 is to be more engaged in the community. I hope to do so by blogging experiences, speaking at conferences and meetups, and more contributions to open source.

This past year I have dipped my toe on some of these but I want to submerge myself and commit to it.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

And I think you're doing a great job with it, and as you know, Jess and I are here to help you make the most of our channels.

May I ask why you decided to make this a focus? Have you tried to deliberately do much of this stuff in the past?

kwelch profile image
Kyle Welch

Open source is something I attempted before but I consistently felt I was not good enough to take on any of the issues and didn't dedicate enough time to it. After attending my first conference (since HS), I found my place or to put it better I found my passion. I took my first steps toward speaking this year on a FP panel at a local conference and also gave a talk on RRv4 at a local meet up.

I think mentoring/teaching has always been a strong point for me but it was typically focused to within the workspace. My self-awareness has gotten me past any of the imposter syndrome I had, which has me ready to share with a larger audience.

cvallejosh1 profile image

Read following books: "Passionate Programmer,Pragmatic Programmer, Effective Java, Design Patterns, Clean Code, Domain Driven Design"
Improve my development productivity
Contribute to open source in Java
Share my knowledge in blog
Get more involved in mobile dev

stephaniecodes profile image
  • Get another dev job ASAP. It's proving more difficult to find my second job compared to my first. Seems like my 2 years of experience and immense passion/drive aren't enough. Everyone wants 3-6 years experience. :-/ I also want to move from Ruby on Rails to Javascript.

  • Speak at a conference. I've already submitted 2 proposals and hope I get one accepted.

  • Make at least 2 outfits with integrated LEDs & an arduino and coded completely in Javascript using Johnny-Five. I just started working with hardware (raspberry pi) and have gained enough confidence to tackle making wearables now.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Yay for submitting proposals!! What subjects are you looking to speak on?

stephaniecodes profile image

Getting started w/ hardware + Building art stuff with hardware. I just started and despite feeling completely inadequate in that area, I managed to make some neat stuff & gain confidence to move onto bigger projects (like making wearables this year).

tonytalkstech profile image
Tony Morris

My stated goals were to blog more, teach more, and finish a personal project. More details:

  • Blog more: I'm a firm believer in contributing to the C# and .NET communities, especially with how I work with both in my day job. How we utilize libraries and solve hard problems is something I find useful in sharing.

  • Teach more: I am a senior resource at my company. It's my goal to get my developer team members to get at or above my technical acumen and delivery skills.

  • Finish a personal project: I'm great at starting personal projects, typically ASP.NET websites. Time to finish one, hopefully before spring!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

My personal realization that finally let me get finishing was to realize that projects I'd abandoned years ago, regardless of how misguided they seemed at the time, would have been awesome had I only kept grinding away at them. Eventually it would tip and get to cruise control. But by ditching them and starting over again, I was always starting over.

So I chose a project I knew would eventually turn out awesome if I just kept at it. That's this site, and it's still a work in progress, but it's getting a bit better every week.

realzedgoat profile image

Good observation on the finish vs restart. The other hard part about side projects is they can run over such a long timeframe that you can get demotivated by the difference in quality across components (code or otherwise). I think this can spur the temptation to start over, eg, "I'm so much better now! If I start from scratch it will be nothing but puppies and perfection!".

Catch being of course, you will continue to grow, especially if you are building things as a calling. Think the balance is to remember that if you're applying your trade you'll always be better than yesterday, so rework the critical bits (like gaping security or structural issues), and push forward to done.

Having a goal to open source something can compound this, since you know one day some bright young things are going to be lobbing entirely legitimate pull requests at your old, duct tape code from when you were first getting started.

lilymercy profile image
Meheret Girma
  • Get my first full stack developer job, do what I love to do.
  • I have been writing about my coding boot camp experience for myself but never really published it as a blog. I would love to publish my experiences as a blog and encourage people to pursue their dream. -Contribute to open source project in my skills and level.
jess profile image
Jess Lee

Hey Meheret! You could publish your experiences on :)
Are you done with the boot camp yet?

lilymercy profile image
Meheret Girma

Hey Jess, that sounds a good idea, I think I might do that. Yes, I am done with boot camp.

dataandme profile image
Mara Averick

In 2017 my goal is to contribute to open source projects. As an avid user of R, I reap the benefits of open source materials on the daily. And, lo and behold, just by asking the rstats twitterverse for ideas, I quickly got a bevy of great suggestions-- all of which were less intimidating than my internal vision of what "contributing" to open source might entail. Issue fixes, building extensions, refactoring old code etc. are all well and good, but starting out by lending a hand with documentation, or reviewing packages makes this goal seem much more approachable.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

My first contribution to a "big" open source project was adding some events to the calendar on the Reactjs website. 😊

kelly profile image
Kelly Vaughn
  • Get better at time management. I'm often underestimating the length of a time a project will take because of changes in scope. (I get paid for the out of scope work, but it still pushes the launch date back.) It's resulting in a significant amount of project overlap.

  • Build my first public Shopify app. I've built two apps for clients, but I'd like to sell my first app in 2017. I have the idea, I just need to figure out how to build it (using Ruby on Rails).

  • Get more involved in the local dev community. Atlanta has a strong community of developers and I'm spending too much time on the sidelines. I'd love to join in on a hackathon or help out with an after school coding program.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern
evansendra profile image
Ev Doge

(1) Write basic toy apps in Rails+TurboLinks, Elm, React+Flux, Angular 2
(2) Bring my main client's messy Angular 1 stack up-to-speed with the "winner" from (1)
(3) Continue blog documenting my experience living/working abroad
(4) Learn Czech (okay, not-so-programming I guess, but it's still a language ;)

reactiveintent profile image
Mvsica Donvm Dei

Keep moving forward with JS, RxJS, FP and VueJS. While there are other options I am confidant (after taking a good look around) that these choices can get me to where I'm going. Hope to release a dream app that has been patiently waiting for a universal deployment platform.

As an entrepreneur on a quest to improve a specific field of software I feel I bypass many career opportunities, when it comes to what might be popular. However, my first mission is to deliver my app and 2017 is looking like the right time for making that happen!

sravanti profile image
Sravanti Tekumalla
  • Write an app in elm 😎
  • Read lots of code!! I've learned so much just by reading code on GitHub.
  • Related to ^^, read more source code.
  • Read about the fundamentals (e.g. HTML standard, best JS practices, etc)
  • Contribute to open source for the first time
  • Learn a new framework (?) Unsure about this one.
  • Teach others what I know about React / Redux
  • Start writing about code / dev stuff regularly!
shanekilkelly profile image

I'd like to fill out my knowledge of Elixir/Erlang/OTP, and do some more side-projects with said tools.

I would also like to backfill my comp-sci fundamentals and maybe go back to Math fundamentals and work up to a decent knowledge of Stats and Probability.

srikanthav profile image
Srikanth A V

What I want to do:

  1. Learn front-end web development
  2. Improve my current skill - (native mobile app development)
  3. Learn a server side lang / framework and concepts.
  4. Learn the concepts of functional programming


  1. Brush up on html, css and learn good practices in JavaScript - freecodecamp, obj oriented js book, learn vue.js

  2. Learn advanced topics in iOS development (my daily job). Port some of my simpler iOS apps to Android. Basic study of how react native and xamarin work

  3. I am confused here. I am not sure if I should first learn rails and webdev through Michael Hartl's book and then learn core or nodejs or directly jump to phoenix/elixir

  4. Do the coursera course on func programming in scala and then learn f# or Elixir to test my knowledge by building server side apps

amueller profile image
Andreas Mueller

Focus on big-picture plans instead of getting drawn into--and trying to catch up with--the gory details.
Instead of letting my development (or rather reviews) be defined by what other people work on, prioritize myself.

adambrandizzi profile image
Adam Brandizzi

I will work consistently to

  • practice progressive enhancement.
  • become competent in accessibility.
  • learn about Machine Learning.
  • get my "Editable Web Pages" pet project to production. I want to use it myself at least!
  • learn Haskell (I'm kinda good with that, I want to get to the point to help something like Pandoc with a fix.)

Some things I intend to work on:

  • write a specific half-chat/half-forum app for Liferay.
  • learn Odoo. I love Python but never have the opportunity to use it, Odoo seems to be a good path.
  • learn Rust.
  • write my own to-do list web app. Again :)
davidpdrsn profile image
David Pedersen

I have been doing quite a bit of Haskell this year. My CS bachelor project was in Haskell. While I enjoy the language, I don't think the tooling or documentation is very good. So I would like to dive into Rust. It seems to have a type system inspired by Haskell, while being more beginner friendly.

nipafx profile image
Nicolai Parlog

I've started a few side projects and want to focus on making them usable. This is where they stand as of now:

  • WorkflowyFX should one day become a Chrome / Firefox plugin that makes using the awesome Workflowy even awesomer. At the moment it does almost nothing and must be installed locally. Mpf.
  • JUnit Io is where I want to collect JUnit 5 extensions. The project is almost set up, including publishing nightly snapshots, and ready to gather features. But as with WorkflowyFX, nothing usable was published yet.
  • I don't even know whether the third thingy is worth mentioning. It's hardly a project and more of a learning exercise. I thought it would be nice to have a tool that lists recent releases of the biggest open source projects so I wrote something in Kotlin (my first time) that asynchronously (my first time) connects to GitHub (you can guess). Not least thanks to a friend I made good progress just yesterday and it may become usable soon. Ish.

With WorkflowyFX, I have to get it into two browser stores (Chrome, Firefox), which I'm sure will be an "interesting" experience. JUnit Io needs some more infrastructure (documentation, website, ...) but from then on it should be "just coding" as publication is automated. Finally, the "recent releases" thing just needs to be finished and put onto GitHub.

I would like to continue to dabble in Kotlin and JavaScript (I'm a one-trick Java pony) and get to at least a decent level of productivity in both languages.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I've never distributed a Firefox extension, but the Chrome store was a breeze. Quick and simple process.

funkyidol profile image
Kshitij Aggarwal
  • Learn the art of testing (in Android)
  • Improve my development productivity
  • Read the following books: "Effective Java", "Clean Coder", "Working effectively with legacy code" and try to really learn from them & implement them.
radicalrafi profile image

-release 2 c++ libraries and 2 Python Projects
-finsh and release a machine learning project :movie and music recommendation website/app
-learn haskell and maybe release something
-but generally just more knowledge and project and meeting more devs

rosemariesays profile image
  • Hone my Java skills (create a desktop pomodoro app for myself with specific features)
  • Create a progressive web app for monitoring event and club attendance at my college
  • Take an intro to data science course
  • Complete the 30-day hackerrank challenge and the technical interview challenge

All of this is to create a better portfolio for myself. I ultimately just want to learn more by actually doing. Going to try to fit in re-learning Ruby to help a friend out with their production web app.

eaglerockdude profile image
ken mcfadden

Keep focused on my goals...just about when you start learning backbone angular shows up and then u start that and react shows up....I am new to the open source world but at some point does this seem ridiculous? That said...I want to integrate my ruby/rails with React mostly because I like the extra benefit you get with react native..but thats 2017 I draw the more new frameworks!

matteozuccon profile image
Matteo Zuccon

Improve my Python coding skills, learn Scala and use more Apache Spark and Hadoop.

In the spare time I would like to write some Bots (I already wrote one and I like the direct code-application-user interaction) for Telegram and Messenger, to be part of some tech community, follow more tech events/summits and contribute to some open-source project.

In the extra-spare time I would like to play with my RaspberryPI and get into the IOT world.

Write me if you have some nice ideas :)

mishelashala profile image
Michell Ayala
  • Start teaching JavaScript half-time to my Friends.
  • Deep Dive into Erlang/Elixir/Elm
  • Get involved in some OSS Project.
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Ooooh those are really great goals. How did you wind up with the goal of teaching your friends, did they approach you?

Elixir/Elm seems like the hot web stack for 2017. What got you interested in those languages in particular?

mishelashala profile image
Michell Ayala

I have a friend which actually do elixir and she's learning React... but she does not know anything about js ecosystem. So I want to help her.

And about erlang/elixir/elm: currently i am working as front end dev and we have the backend writen in elixir. Its a great opportunity.

alexkindle profile image

make verilog development less painful, especially for beginners with FPGAs

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I've never heard of verilog, so I looked it up. How are you going about making it less painful?

alexkindle profile image

tooling for the language is generally quite bad - each platform has a (bad) proprietary toolchain, and the open source options are slim-to-none, so i'm working on a linter!

binaryidiot profile image
Kris Siegel

I have 3.

First, I want to try and give back more to the community. Most of my social media work and writing has been about my own projects and biases. But I love writing and teaching. So I'm setting up where I'm going to post topics that, while I'm interested in, are designed so a reader can take something away from it (e.g. a development how-to article). I'll never put ads on it and hope to get a few others to contribute to it in due time (I eventually want to get into publishing of free e-books on this site but that's down the road a bit).

I also want to do more outreach over twitter, etc. I created a #SideProject list so I can track people and bug them on finishing their 2017 side project :)

Second, I have a list of items I want to wrap up on my open source library msngr.js. Mostly minor improvements, hardening and supporting newer development techniques like using promises.

Third, I started at the 2016 Launch Hackathon. I demonstrated that my expert A.I. system could handle scheduling and rescheduling complex appointments while tracking their context. I need to finish taking my initial prototype, which barely worked on a single computer, and get it deployed and working fully in the cloud.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Very noble list of things to get done this year, Kris. You're welcome to cross-post any of your articles here, as well as let us know if you need a hand with anything. Thanks for being a great supporter in 2016.

anadev profile image
  • develop something with a new language or framework
  • launch an app
  • be engaged in the community
  • (and finally) graduate
jess profile image
Jess Lee

What new languages or frameworks are you considering?

anadev profile image

I'm thinking about React Native, Symfony, Ruby, C#... but I'm not sure on wich begin hahaha Do you have any sugestions? (:

bogdangaliceanu profile image
Bogdan Galiceanu
  • Learn more about cryptography
  • Play with as many HTTP(2) settings and features as possible to determine what works best for perf
  • Learn more TypeScript and F#
tribex profile image
Joshua Bemenderfer

Finally get a side-project into production for people to use.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Any idea of what the project would be?

tribex profile image
Joshua Bemenderfer

Currently working on this,

hussaini profile image
Hussaini Zulkifli
  • learn deeper on Laravel and Android
  • contribute to open source especially on PHP library/framework
  • blog something about what I learned or book that I read
  • teach people as to share my knowledge and sharpen my teaching/presentation skills
  • kickstart my side project which is about book sharing app

Looks greedy though. But I hope I can at least accomplish one or two.

chwatson profile image
Chuck Watson

Finally complete my personal web site. It's nothing complicated. I just keep starting and stopping on it.

kenny_pizza profile image
Kenneth Pirman

A thousand times this.

lightalloy profile image
Anna Buianova
  • release at least 1-2 pet projects
  • first Android app
  • get a deeper knowledge of ruby/rails/oo design
  • read several programming books and write a review on them (I have a list :)
  • refactoring on my existing pet project
legolord208 profile image

None - I have literally no ideas for projects D:

oneearedmusic profile image
Erika Wiedemann

No project ideas, but what about small daily challenges instead? E.g., Project Euler, Advent of Code 2015 or 2016 (always open). You'd get your daily dose of new problem solving. You could event implement solutions to some of the puzzles in different languages and create a little cookbook of neat-o things.

legolord208 profile image

Somehow I can't even find those interesting. I am a weird person

paragoniescott profile image
Scott Arciszewski

Get sodium_compat finished, make WordPress's automatic update secure against infrastructure attacks.

aaronmyster profile image

365 katas on

mrkezii profile image
David Kezi

master javascript using - Eloquent javascript and you dont know JS
30 days of code with wes bos
write a blog post a month
learn MEAN well

bionboy profile image
Luke Floden
  • Learn SQL and possibly build a site with users
  • Learn how to make cool web animations
swizzard profile image

more haskell (I want to grok monad transformers)
less Web dev (at least when I'm not getting paid for it)
write a game(-like thing) and/or something procgen-related

melanef profile image

Enhance my Software Architecture skills by formally learning SOLID principles, Agile and TDD. I feel my dev game is good enough but I'd like to do more and do it better.

tidusjar profile image

Get started with .net core.

Port my app Ombi to .Net Core

simonbaeumer profile image
Simon Bäumer
  • Learning R and Python
  • Getting more familiar with the concepts of DDD
  • And start studying informatics :)
denial profile image
daniel T.

Save the world with some code

greggawatt profile image

To get more comfortable with algorithms so I can start applying them in my everyday work.

oohsinan profile image
Omar Sinan

1) Release an app to the Appstore. (problem is, haven't got any idea of an app)
2) Learn how to write cleaner and more readable code.

bora profile image
Bora Yalcin

Yesterday I wrote a post about my 2017 developer goals :D

taym95 profile image
Taym Haddadi

I want to find my first Ruby on Rails,Reactjs job .

mtalsmith profile image

Launch three products in the AR/VR space, write a Golang book, and get hired by Microsoft to work on devops tooling and machine learning for Azure.

saidarab profile image
Said Arab
  • Get better in dev and doc writing
  • Build some good oss
  • Contribute to software dev
jess profile image
Jess Lee


  • Blogging
  • Public Speaking


  • Taking bizzaro freelance jobs


  • Building out features on
  • Organizing meetups with Make A Diff
Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Have you made a game that others don't enjoy?

p0k8_ profile image
Parwat Kunwar

Learning Asynchronous JavaScript

eddymens profile image

I am going back to the basics
Write more CSS
Try out the mobile platform
A whole lot more on IOT