Software you have installed on your machines to get stuff done.
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Software you have installed on your machines to get stuff done.
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
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Sudhanshu Chaubey -
Top comments (69)
The number one most important software for me is Cold Turkey, which is a website/application blocker to stop me from mindlessly browsing the internet all day. I only wish there was a mobile version!
For programming I use VSCode and Firefox, for to-do lists and reminders I use TickTick and for all my bigger thoughts I put them into Trello (I love Trello!)
I've also just recently picked up Dropbox Paper for writing blog post drafts. I've tried Notion in the past but I wasn't too big of a fan of their content blocks system.
I considered Notion for my blog post drafts as well since I'd heard good things about it (and since it also supports markdown) but it wasn't for me. I might give Dropbox Paper a try. I currently use Laverna and recommend giving it a try.
I just moved to Notion for the new year 😭 They enticed me with a student plan and exporting to Markdown
Alternative to cold turkey: go fu#$ing work
I think you would find this useful Digital Detox
Just installed Cold Turkey! It's awesome! Just what I need.
Notion - documentation, organization, everything
Todoist - todo list
VS Code - code editor
iTerm2 - terminal
Figma - design tool
Brave - browser
Alfred - Spotlight replacement/automation
Flycut - clipboard mgmt
Spectacles - window mgmt
LastPass - password mgmt
Rocket - emoji picker
Vanilla - menu bar icon mgmt
Dato - time zones
I just use:
is more thatmore
. That is for sure.I highly recommend markdown in VSCode for organizing ideas the line movement/copy macros make for super easy adjustments, and markdown makes for nice lists and snippets.
VS Code, bash scripts and alias's, PG Admin, Postman, Slack, Brave. My productivity has also increased greatly since I switched to Linux (Manjaro Gnome edition FTW 🔥). I've been grudgingly trying to switch from nano to vim and I really want to put in the effort to get vim down really well so I can get the Vim emulator extension in VS Code. So that's a work in progress, atm.
LeechBlock NG is a must have on all my browsers.
Evolution is my email, calendar, todo list, and contact book. It's my favorite PIM to date. (I host my own Calendar and Todo lists on my personal instance of Nextcloud.)
Simplenote is how I track notes.
And, most recently (yesterday), I finished v2.0 of Timecard for keeping track of my time! I used v1.0 all through high school, and I've been meaning to rebuild it for years. I'll be adding Pomodoro features to it in the near future.
Personal Nextcloud servers are the way to go! 🔥
Most important ones:
I also use Trello for simpler stuff like managing my recipes
How are you finding Basecampe Personal? How are you using it?
I'd like to think that I would enjoy basecamp the same way I enjoy DHH and Jason Fried's ideology and approach to work but I'm having trouble switching to their product for day-to-day management.
I am using for managing myself and two important personal projects.
It took some time to get used to it - like with everything new, right?
A tipping point for me was when I discovered and read the "How we work" section of the Basecamp Handbook. Every feature in basecamp makese sense when you have this context:
Basecamp Handbook: How we work
Thanks for sharing! Been meaning to try Basecamp ever since they came up with the free personal plan a while back.
I'm a great fan of using multiple productivity tools. After evaluating a lot of tools, here is the current set of tools that works great for me.
I sync most of my documents with Google Drive and all my code repositories are in Github.
For task management, my company uses Jira and so adhering with it for my work tasks. I personally use Asana for managing all my side projects and creative projects.
I use Oh my Zsh with iTerm as my Terminal.
All my notes go in iCloud Notes, which syncs seamlessly between all my devices. I browse using Safari (Recently switched and I feel its faster than other browsers. Also seamlessly syncs all tabs between all my devices)
Git GUI - Github Desktop, Github Mobile (via iOS Testflight)
I use Magnet as my window management tool which helps me to arrange the windows on the big screen I use (28 Inch 4K monitor)
IDEs - As an iOS developer I should be using Xcode the most. Other than Xcode, I use VS Code.
Thanks for recommending @ohmyzsh!
Thanks for mentioning Magnet. I didn't know it and since I'm forced to work on Mac now, this is something I might use while yearning for i3 ;)
As a Java dev mainly I hold tight to JetBrains IDEA (IntelliJ), for Python scripting I keep PyCharm, and for everything else I am moving to VSCode from Notepad++. When it comes to taking notes, I am in the process of adopting markdown in VSCode. There is also Oracle SQL Developer for database queries, and SoapUI for SOAP interactions.
The biggest single win for me productivity-wise was switching project-wide search from silver-searcher to ripgrep. Man, it's fast...
Also, I'd recommend using bat instead of cat to read files in the terminal, as it has syntax highlighting, paging etc.
In my daily basis I use :