We want all you glorious devs to upload videos!
We had started doing some videos in collaboration with a couple of members, for example:
We have had these videos on-site for a while now, but initially our video experience was pretty iffy.
Is anyone else experiencing issues playing the video? I am on Firefox (tried a few different networks).
Edit: Oh, videos do not work in Firefox!
Actually. Edit edit: Firefox seems to buffer the entire video before playback starts.
But we made a lot of improvements and playback is much improved. It better be, I put a lot of work into making the transcoding work properly and automatically.
Now we're ready for a private beta for user uploading
Everyone will soon be welcome to upload programming videos to the platform now. Warning, the upload process is still quite ugly but it seems to work for the most part. But we're not going to sit around until the UX is perfect. We'd love to have a handful of folks give this a try and start uploading tutorials, vlogs, or anything in between.
Even though the early days are janky, this should be a great part of dev.to and ultimately I think this is going to make videos folks make much more discoverable, contextualized, and with healthier discussions than on YouTube.
So how do I sign up?
Leave a comment here if you want me to switch on your access. Please link to an example of a video you've made in the past or describe the kinds of videos you plan to share.
Basically show that you are legit in some way, that you plan to upload videos soon. Posting videos you've already posted to YouTube is 100% okay. Regular dev.to users with lots of on-site activity will have a lower burden of proof.
Eventually this will be available for everyone, but will be limited early on.
Top comments (31)
Awesome. I would like to get access to post native videos on Dev.to Community. I create high-quality educational videos on Software Engineering Interview Tutorials. I will deep dive into various topics related to system design, coding, and behavioral interviews.
Some of our recent successful videos on Youtube:
Top Facebook System Design Interview Questions:
Part 1: youtube.com/watch?v=hykjbT5Z0oE
Part 2: youtube.com/watch?v=Hq8pZ8G2Lm8
Our Dev.to Page: dev.to/TheInterviewSage
Our Youtube Channel: youtube.com/TheInterviewSage
Oh woah, I haven't ever done a video before, but I really like doing webinars... maybe this would be a good opportunity to get started!
Great, I'll send you instructions in case you want to get started with this.
Cool, thanks!
This is awesome! I would love to give this a shot, I have been thinking about making a series for the new experimental language on the Ethereum blockchain, Vyper, and think this would be a perfect opportunity.
I do not like YouTube for various reasons and do not care about monetizing the series, I think the dev.to community would be far more receptive to the videos. Although I haven't posted much on the site, I have browsed it every day since the day I signed up and have gained so much value, so I am also motivated to contribute in some way.
You win for being one of the first to reply. I'll give you permission and send over the instructions tomorrow.
Dope! Looking forward to it, going to go to town today and start prepping some content 🤘
This sounds promising, but I have deleted all of my videos and I have no plan for making one in the near future. I'd better improve my skill first. By the way, could you tell what's the biggest benefit for uploading videos directly to dev.to? I mean, there've been good places to upload videos and if only we can embedded it in our articles. Anyway, I've been enjoying myself writing and reading at dev.to!
We would like to do a few series on CSS stuff and it would be fun to have a front and center video for it.
Here's an example on Scrimba: scrimba.com/c/c6Wmrksp and an example on YouTube: youtube.com/watch?v=7C2elO-crRo . Linking to the videos would probably be fine too - but after finding /videos - we're curious what the story is with that. (It's kinda hard to find because the infinite scroll doesn't let us reach the footer)
Just checking to see if Videos is still an active feature? I am trying a sample upload now (still gives me a transcoding message) but wanted to understand (for future usage) if this was something we should/could use consistently especially for tutorials, and what guidelines there were for the length/topic/tags/formats for videos if so.
Hey, is video still a beta feature? I would like to post some videos.
Mainly talks and meetup recordings related to Containers, Kubernetes, DevOps. You can find some examples here.
This is a great idea, but please don't make the videos auto-play, or make them auto-download. I visited one of the articles with video the other day on my phone, and it immediately started downloading hundreds of megabytes of video. It almost ate up my entire data plan.
The video should only start downloading after I click play, not before.
Hello, not sure if this is still an open request, but can I haz access as well?
Bottom of left left sidebar menu in /dashboard
I'd be interested. Done a few posts with embedded YouTube vids already.
Great, I'll add you tomorrow and send you the details.