
Who's looking for open source contributors? (May 7 edition)

Ben Halpern on May 07, 2018

Please shamelessly promote your project. Everyone who posted in previous weeks is welcome back this week, as always. 😄

marktani profile image
Nilan Marktanner

Great discussion, thanks for opening that up!

Prisma (>7k stars) turns your database into a GraphQL API and we are looking for first time contributors and experienced contributors alike.

We welcome new features, bug fixes and documentation improvements to the core library (Scala) as well as our tooling suite around it (JavaScript/TypeScript).

We have many other open source projects beyond Prisma that are widely used in the GraphQL space - check them out on our open source page.

You can engage with us on Github or in Slack so we can help you getting started!

renegadecoder94 profile image
Jeremy Grifski

I guess I'll shamelessly post again this week because this was pretty successful last week.

I'm growing a collection of sample programs in as many programming languages as possible. If that sounds interesting, give the repo a star to help it grow.

When I shared this last week, I got my first two contributors, so thanks!

abdus profile image
Abdus Azad

Hi Jeremy. I like your idea. Because I'm a first-time contributor, I need some guidance to start contributing. Would you mind dropping me an email at So, that I can discuss about it with you. Please.

renegadecoder94 profile image
Jeremy Grifski

Definitely! I'm reaching out now.

renegadecoder94 profile image
Jeremy Grifski • Edited

I really have to thank everyone who has already started helping out. Last week, I was the only one working on the project. Now, I have 12 stars and 8 forks--incredible.

Thanks, Ben! This is really an awesome resource.

ephygtz profile image

Habari _Swahili for hello! ;-) _
Brilliant idea. I have a couple of code snippets I would love to add to the growing collection. I'm a first-time contributor and would really appreciate some guidance as well if it's not too much to ask for. ``

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renegadecoder94 profile image
Jeremy Grifski

Sounds great! I'll reach out now :)

bassemibrahim profile image

Hey Jeremy, love ur repo, will definitely contribute, i have been looking for a repo to be my first contribution, i think urs is perfect for this, reach out to me @

renegadecoder94 profile image
Jeremy Grifski

I agree! This is a great repo for people looking to get involved in open source. Let me know what you have in mind.

lpatmo profile image
Linda • Edited

CodeBuddies (295 stars) is a platform that lets anyone start a study group or schedule a virtual hangout to screenshare and learn together, with the premise that learning with other people makes getting through MOOCs and tutorials more fun. :)

Our learning hangouts are community-organized and fully remote because we believe that getting coding help and finding peer study partners shouldn't be limited by where one lives or by one's ability to commute to a local tech meetup after work.

The app is built using Meteor/Blaze (all CSS/Javascript on the frontend) and runs on MongoDB. We welcome new bug reports, documentation improvements to our (Github repo:, and first-time contributors on good-for-beginner issues. Coding help is available in the #codebuddies-meta or #cb-code channels on our Slack, as well as on the Github issue itself. If you're interested in working on an open issue, please leave a comment to indicate your interest in claiming it.

The community is super friendly on Slack (we have a pay-it-forward mentality) and we come from all around the world, spanning different ages and different professions. CodeBuddies lives thanks to the generosity of its members, Slack admin moderators, GitHub code contributors, website community mentors, & 501c3 monetary donations on our Open Collective.


codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Qub³d Engine Group is a brand new voxel-based engine and game project, aiming to make a mature and extensible Minecraft-like game, backed by a vibrant and friendly community.

Anyone with interest in or experience with the following technologies are encouraged to join the project. They're just starting up, so there's plenty of room to find your niche:

  • C++ (especially C++17)
  • Clang compiler (GCC secondary)
  • OpenGL
  • SDL2
  • Lua
  • Sphinx (documentation)
  • CMake

The easiest way to get started is to join the Discord room. Link is on the website:

maharsh007 profile image
Maharshi Choudhury

Want to sharpen my c++ skills. Can I help?

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Sorry, after my original reply, I realized you were referring to Qub³d, which actually broke up last year. :(

If you want to sharpen your C++ skills, however, you're welcome to check out the open source development work at MousePaw Media. If you have questions before getting started, reach out to me on our Phabricator Lobby chatroom (sign in with GitHub).

lexplt profile image
Alexandre Plt

Hi everyone !

I am currently working on a programming language project : Kafe created in C++17, using ANTLR4 to create the parser.

This language runs on a virtual machine, as Java does, and aims the field of scripting in video games, so I am giving a lot of importance to optimizations.

What I am basically trying to do is to create a language which can be read by anyone (simplicity is the keyword regarding the grammar), and can be used easily as a scripting language in video games, something easier than embedding Python without an external library for example.

The project works well on both Linux and Windows, and only needs those dependencies to be built :

  • CMake
  • C++17
  • Java (only if you want to tweak the grammar and need to rebuild the parser)
  • Java, Python 3.x, Ruby 2, GoLang (only if you want to run the benchmarks)

If some people are interested, I can create a Discord room to talk about the language and its features ! c:

soterox profile image

Interested in contributing to a project but when looking at the issues im like damn how do you do that

alvarocavalcanti profile image
Alvaro Cavalcanti

I know it can be hard. But you can try analyzing the code, looking for something you can improve. Be it a small refactor, improving its documentation, etc.

iamfrntdv profile image
Eduard Pochtar 👨‍💻 • Edited

It's a Docker tool that helps to initialise and run project of any complexity with a simple command line interface.

To start any existing project (local, remote) all you have to do is just to run simple command:

$:~ pocok run my-project

it will clone your project, pull all required images and run you project.
You can create multiple environments/plans for development, production, demo etc.
You can also create your own catalog/registry or use GitHub or Gitlab integration.

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

I have lots of tasks!


Fixing deploy inside travis (>100 stars):
Writing tests for eslint configuration (new project):
Writing flow type declrations (new project):


Writing docs (> 100 stars):


Fixing different issues (>850 stars):


Adding awesome cryptography links (> 1100 stars):

elbrujohalcon profile image
Brujo Benavides • Edited

Great topic!

I'm looking for Erlang devs to help me and my friends at Inaka with the lot of issues we have in our queue for Elvis and related repos :)

tbodt profile image

I made a JavaScript language server using ESLint and Tern. I use it in Vim, but it should work in any editor.

yorodm profile image
Yoandy Rodriguez Martinez

Care if I make an Emacs mode out of it? :D

tbodt profile image

Go right ahead! It probably already works with lsp-mode, but hell why not.

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yorodm profile image
Yoandy Rodriguez Martinez

No need, it work's fine with lsp-mode. Great stuff!!

machkernel profile image
David Stancu

vertx-ext-spa-ssr is a way to build Isomorphic JS apps on top of JVM/Nashorn/vert.x, imagine all the flexibility of JS with all of the parallelism and scalability of the JVM! This is very PoC at the moment, but I have plans to make a template file free engine that mirrors how server-rendered React is done on Node :)

warhol is a better way to write CanCanCan ability classes for Ruby apps, I would love to see it get some more exposure!

cadius is a cross-platform Apple II disk imaging utility that can make ProDOS images. We want to write block device support next and am looking for some retro computing enthusiasts to join the effort!

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

Orchid is a tool I recently released after working on it for over a year, and I'm just looking to get some traction on it, to get people using it in real-world situations. I'm currently using it for several sites of my own and at my work, but would love to get feedback from a larger community.

It's a static site generator for Java and Kotlin, and is especially great at generating documentation for all kinds of projects. It already documents Java and Swift code, and has plugins that bring the best features of other tools together in one place, like blogs, wikis, custom taxonomies, and presentations, and is designed to be really easy to extend.

Please check it out and let me know your thoughts and how I can make it better/easier to use. It's my first "major" open-source project but is doing very well at 56 stars right now, and I'm really excited about its future!

dreamingechoes profile image
Iván González Sáiz

Hi everyone!

Thank you for the discussion, Ben! A bunch of folks and I are building a curated list of articles, websites, and resources about diversity in technology, and I would like to share with you all to see if you would like to contribute or just share it. Here you have the awesome-diversity list! Any contribution will be highly appreciated.

Greetings! 😊

jameswlane profile image
James W. Lane III

I have three current projects I am working on polishing off.

I could use help from everything from documentation, to adding features, to help closing issues.

Status Board is a fork and replacement of Atlasboard. It allows you to make dashboards easily.

React Pure Loader are loaders built as React pure components using JS to CSS to handle styles.

Jest Express is a testing / mocking framework for testing Express apps with Jest.

alvarocavalcanti profile image
Alvaro Cavalcanti

Pierre DeCheck!

It's a pull request dependency checker! By referencing other issues/pull requests using keywords ("depends on #123" or "depends on some-user/some-repo#123") your pull request's check session will display the dependencies status (open or closed), that way you can merge it with more confidence.

I've labeled the existing issues trying to help contributors (look for "up-for-grabs" and "good first issue"):

shpigford profile image
Josh Pigford

Rockburg is a music industry simulation game!

lexmartinez profile image
Lex Martinez • Edited

I would like to share this one ocr-electron-vue, was initially an example project for an article that i wrote few months ago, but i see a lot of potential for that OCR tool, it haven't an open issues or roadmap yet but of course all the suggestions and contributions are welcome!

saltyshiomix profile image
Shiono Yoshihide

Nextron aims to make an Electron app with Next.js more easily.
This is a highly WIP Project, so PRs and contributers are welcome!

Further readings :)

janglee123 profile image
Meru Patel

Currently, there is no good looking epub reader for linux. Most of reader/viewer just render text like html page. So I took initiative to make epub reader for Linux.

The project is Electron based so it can be run on any OS though.

It is in early stage of development and has some basic features for reading.

Projects needs work on ui/ux and I am finding someone who would like to work on ui/ux. It will be great experience.

abs0 profile image
David Brownlee

For anyone looking for something completely different, how about learning monkeyc and adding some features to a Garmin widget. There is a free SDK which comes with a complete watch simulator so you don't even have to have a watch :)

suprnova32 profile image
Patricio Cano

I'm joining in a bit late this time, but as you my have seen from older posts, AlloyCI is always looking for contributors. Want to learn Elixir, but don't feel comfortable yet with tackling an issue by yourself? Don't worry! Just try to install and run AlloyCI, and if you find something in the documentation unclear, or missing, these are great first contributions as well. Even if it's just to fix a typo. It gets your feet wet!

harrymlevine profile image
Harry Levine • Edited is always looking for open source contributors, as well as mentors.

Operation Code is a nonprofit devoted to helping our military veterans learn software development, enter the tech industry, and code the future!

Our site is comprised of a Rails API backend and a React frontend.

You can find out more by joining our Slack community, or pinging us in GitHub!

rossdrew profile image

EmuRox A 6502 Emulator (hopefully soon an NES emulator) which has a hacked together MOS6502 Swing based debug interface that I'd like someone with better UI skills to give some care to.

deven96 profile image
Diretnan Domnan • Edited

Creating a desktop application to detect wireless activity such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Python and PyQt5 built and looking for feedback to help improve on the project.

Contributions are highly welcomed and encouraged

GitHub logo bisoncorps / signalum-desktop

A Desktop application for the signalum python library

Signalum Desktop

A Desktop application on the Signalum Python Library/CLI Tool The Signalum Desktop application is an attempt to develop a single tool for analysing and visualizing your wireless environment over a range of Bluetooth Devices, WiFi Devices and hopefully more.

Written entirely in Python3, Signalum Desktop currently accomplished the following:

  • Basic wifi SSID and Bluetooth identification
  • Signal Visualization
  • Wifi and Bluetooth RSSI Values calculation
  • Export - Ability to export values to excel worksheet

This application was bootstrapped with Fman Build system



Supported Protocols


Bluetooth operates at frequencies between 2402 and 2480 MHz, or 2400 and 2483.5 MHz including guard bands 2 MHz wide at the bottom end and 3.5 MHz wide at the top. This is in the globally unlicensed (but not unregulated) industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) 2.4 GHz short-range radio frequency band. It is a standard wire-replacement communications protocol primarily designed for low power consumption…

nodunayo profile image
Nadia Odunayo

I'd love some help with Speakerline, the website featuring a library of conference proposals to help demystify the speaking process.

I have big visions for the project, but working full-time on a new product means that I can't dedicate as much time to open source development as I'd like to.

I've got a lot of first-time issues to ones that require more thinking. Please have a look at the website, the repo, and the Issues list, and see if this is something that interests you.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! ☺️

michelleglauser profile image
Michelle Glauser

Techtonica (a nonprofit I started that provides free tech training with stipends and job placement to women and non-binary adults with low incomes) discovered that our participants need an app similar to typing practice websites out there, but for Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts and we haven't found it anywhere!

A volunteer started on the keyboard shortcuts project but went back to school and has been unable to continue on it.

Can you help? Please find more info here:

josecage profile image
José Cage

Thanks for this great opportunity.

My main (open source) project where I need collaboration/contribution is (doesangue means "donate blood"). An open source and free API/platform for blood donors, blood banks, hospitals.

You can read a little more in this medium post.

The Core API was created with Laravel. So Artisans are welcome here. But more than Laravel, we need people to help us with frontend (SPA, Vue) and sure, with design.

You can found me in twitter as @cagejose, GitHub: JoseCage

shannonreca profile image
Shannon Reca

Hi all,

I would love for a community to support and contribute to my project BKDR in-browser code editor. I've reach a point were I had started to implement extensions, but have yet to return to it because of other projects.

Contribute on Github
Download and use


sch00lb0y profile image

Distributed embedded in-memory cache for go

toepoke_co_uk profile image
⚽ ⚽ - Helps organise football matches with your mates ⚽

notrab profile image
Jamie Barton

Be awesome to get some ideas and support for the graphql commerce boilerplate

maximousblk profile image
Maximous Black
abbhishek971 profile image

Page not found :-/

pedropcruz profile image
Pedro Cruz

Well my own portfolio xD
What do you think? What did you improve? Many thanks cheers!