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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern Subscriber

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Why Forem is Special with Ben Halpern

Ben is a co-founder of Forem, the open source social network platform designed for empowering community. He is from Halifax, Nova Scotia and has a focus primarily in web development.

Here is a download link to the talk slides (PDF)

This talk will be presented as part of CodeLand:Distributed on July 23. After the talk is streamed as part of the conference, it will be added to this post as a recorded video.

Top comments (42)

fdocr profile image


ben profile image
Ben Halpern


reecem profile image
Reece M • Edited

The Forem's picker looks like Discord server pickers. Looks cool though

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

For sure

reecem profile image
Reece M

Was the chat panel live when you were talking and this came through? 🤔

ceeoreo profile image
Ceora Ford

I love how the name "Forem" was created! That's so clever

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer

Forem is a veritable GAME-CHANGER! Super excited to learn more about it. Thanks @benhalpern! 🌱

tfrick47 profile image
Terri Fricker

I loved hearing the history of how Dev and Forem have come into being.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'll be giving this talk later today, where I'll be walking through all of these slides and giving more info about forem.

I'll also be happy to answer questions here after my talk. But I'm also here if anyone wants to ask about forem stuff ahead of the talk. 😊

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini • Edited

First thing that comes to my mind when thinking "multiple instances of forem" is something like Is this analogy correct-ish?

And with that in mind, considering an eventual multi language support, do you think that it should work inside the original DEV as a feature (like a per user language preference) or it makes more sense to be in a separated place like or

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Yup— Not so different from stack exchange, but each thing is its own thing entirely. We may host other forems, but we don't run them. Everyone can leverage their own domains, move off if they change their minds, port data, etc.

DEV/Forem has some support for multi-language, but we are working on improving the overall feature set for content and i18n... But separate instances for language defaults may also make sense for DEV... And certainly for some forems.

leewynne profile image
Lee Wynne

Oooo that one in the middle looks coooooool!!!!

bestape profile image
Kyle MacLean Smith

Great talk! Thank you for sharing your principles. Looking forward to seeing where Forem grows. Cheers.

tfrick47 profile image
Terri Fricker

I hear so much positivity. "from the bottom of our hearts", "collaboration is a superpower". Thank you.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Awwww thanks 😄

omarkhatib profile image
Omar • Edited

forem is dev , and dev is forem ,
dev is build for developers , developers build dev.
Btw I make a PR and I can say that you should do it also , because the minds behind this forem are great you will get helpful tips from them , also redirection and discussion about your code!

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

And your PR benefits not only DEV, but all current and future communities built on Forem!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


guruguy00 profile image
Ken Darling

Is that a Rick Roll?

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

I loved that it wasn't referenced. Just a slide with this Youtube video as an embed.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

This was the inspiration behind that.

Thread Thread
itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

You're my favorite person. I'm such a better person for having clicked that link.

Thread Thread
guruguy00 profile image
Ken Darling

He got me too

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

This talk is

on fire

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

In covid days, it's probably the most I've really spoken outloud all at once in a long time. So I'm I didn't entirely stumble through it 😝

bryantit profile image
Bryant Richards

I love this. I was just thinking about creating a community page for a local community. I am very interested in checking this out. Kudos on being open source!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Keep in touch with us, I'm going to be building a forem for my own family to stay in touch, and I think if I can convince them to buy in, anyone can! 😄

bogdaaamn profile image
Bogdan Covrig • Edited

So it's official @ben ? It's DEV-T-O, not DEV-TO 🧐

dpells02 profile image
David Pellegrini

I've been wondering this forever! -TO makes sense if you want it to mean TO-gether, but being from T-O-ronto, Ben might have a secret meaning

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

We say "dev to" most of the time, but if I'm trying to be clear I say "dev dot tee oh", but mostly just try to say DEV....

TBH, I'm just glad we know how to pronounce Forem for now and forever 🌱

Thread Thread
bogdaaamn profile image
Bogdan Covrig • Edited

But since I learnt that Forem is actually Forem, I really need to decide how much I need to emphasize on eeem 🌱

iainfreestone profile image
Iain Freestone

Looking forward to watching the talk, my alarm is set for 21.58

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Heck yeah

akhekade profile image
Atul Khekade

The more Im using and learning about FOREM, the more Im falling in love with it. At XDC Network (a blockchain layer1 network) we have a growing dev community of 5000+ (overall community of over 2 Million). We are looking to give them a Coder friendly forum. So our team set one up on Is there a possibility to take assistance of someone at and FOREM to help us set it up?

bogdaaamn profile image
Bogdan Covrig

Here we gooooo 🌱 forem 🌱

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


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