I usually keep it to cool colors, but sometimes I surprise people with a red light that floods the room. Over Zoom I’ve gotten responses like “red alert!”, “Steve’s at a rave!” or “oh no, is something wrong?” 😂
I've been a professional C, Perl, PHP and Python developer.
I'm an ex-sysadmin from the late 20th century.
These days I do more Javascript and CSS and whatnot, and promote UX and accessibility.
You don't have to do anything with kits like these. They're usually self-adhesive so you stick them to whatever and away you go. I've got a 2m lightstrip in my kitchen (and some others) and I ran it along the edge of my cupboards by peeling off the tape and pressing it into place. Low-effort, high-reward - give it a go?
The external GPU in the top right. While it doesn’t provide all the extensibility of a Thunderbolt 3 Dock, it does allow me to upgrade the GPU over time and boost GPU acceleration in apps I depend on like VSCode. Both monitors are connected to the eGPU, then 1 Thunderbolt 3 cable goes to the MBP, which charges the MBP as well. At first there were issues with disconnecting the eGPU in Mohave but those issues have since been corrected by Apple.
French web developer mainly but touches everything. Volunteer mod here at DEV. I learn Nuxt at this moment and databases. — Addict to Cappuccino and Music
Greedings I am Dimitrios Desyllas aka pc_magas.
I am a php software engineer.
I am interested in privacy enhancing technologies, cryptography and reverse engineering.
Acharnes, Greece
MSc at Digital Systems Security at Univercity Of Peireus
Yo Wazz up bro!
Volunteer Sysadmin at ELLAK of Cyprus - open for opportunities.
I'm a fan, especially for the price. Not as awesome as the $900 chairs we have back at the office but about a million times better than the old staples one I had.
French web developer mainly but touches everything. Volunteer mod here at DEV. I learn Nuxt at this moment and databases. — Addict to Cappuccino and Music
Taking a different approach to the multi monitor setup. This is the corner of a room we use for musical instruments, toy storage, reading, and backyard bird-watching. My actual desk is downstairs in the family room.
I've been a professional C, Perl, PHP and Python developer.
I'm an ex-sysadmin from the late 20th century.
These days I do more Javascript and CSS and whatnot, and promote UX and accessibility.
I haven't tidied this or posed anything for the photo so it's not exactly neat.
It's a cordoned-off section of about a quarter to a third of my living room, with the only window at the opposite end.
French web developer mainly but touches everything. Volunteer mod here at DEV. I learn Nuxt at this moment and databases. — Addict to Cappuccino and Music
I've been a professional C, Perl, PHP and Python developer.
I'm an ex-sysadmin from the late 20th century.
These days I do more Javascript and CSS and whatnot, and promote UX and accessibility.
Well it's a reasonable size for most things. I could fit 2x24" monitors on there (I have 1x24" and 1x22" though). Really there's plenty of room for everything I need, and I don't use the laptop for much. I use barriers to drive it with my keyboard and mouse when I do need to do anything but it just sits there being a server most of the time.
Developing software solutions for too many years. The majority of my time has been either Managing Software Development efforts or as a Software Quality Engineer.
Developing software solutions for too many years. The majority of my time has been either Managing Software Development efforts or as a Software Quality Engineer.
I've been a professional C, Perl, PHP and Python developer.
I'm an ex-sysadmin from the late 20th century.
These days I do more Javascript and CSS and whatnot, and promote UX and accessibility.
With 2 kids next to me, I had to move my real office area to our bedroom 😂
Nothing special, yet I feel the need to improve now after all these images 😃
Note: I use the Mac and my wife plugs the Lenovo Thinkpad. So it is a 2 people at-home setup thanks to pandemic.
Tug is Technical Account Manager at Redis Labs, where he helps customers and community members adopt Redis. He is a passionate developer and open source advocate. Tug is co-founder of the Na
A modern Renaissance man, with a diverse skill set and a love of learning. My old job dealt with all things online learning (and some IRL classes). My side projects have taken me all over the place.
Rocking this setup during self quarantine!
Feelin blue and red this morning!
Looks like sci-fi 🔥
I usually keep it to cool colors, but sometimes I surprise people with a red light that floods the room. Over Zoom I’ve gotten responses like “red alert!”, “Steve’s at a rave!” or “oh no, is something wrong?” 😂
This is how Drakes desk would look if he was a programmer!
I love the dedicated Spotify monitor.
I ❤️ indie rock so always got the tunes going! There is a Sonos in the room too for when I want to dance with myself.
Woah are those backlight LEDs?
Yeah it’s just a cheap LED strip I purchased on Amazon I can control with a remote.
I forget that other humans put more effort into arranging their workspace. I can't do anything with physical electronics or woodwork :frown:
You don't have to do anything with kits like these. They're usually self-adhesive so you stick them to whatever and away you go. I've got a 2m lightstrip in my kitchen (and some others) and I ran it along the edge of my cupboards by peeling off the tape and pressing it into place. Low-effort, high-reward - give it a go?
Nice setup. How do you get this working when your laptop has just one HDMI port?
The external GPU in the top right. While it doesn’t provide all the extensibility of a Thunderbolt 3 Dock, it does allow me to upgrade the GPU over time and boost GPU acceleration in apps I depend on like VSCode. Both monitors are connected to the eGPU, then 1 Thunderbolt 3 cable goes to the MBP, which charges the MBP as well. At first there were issues with disconnecting the eGPU in Mohave but those issues have since been corrected by Apple.
That's alot to absorb... Thanks!
I'm on a Windows Lenovo laptop with just one HDMI port ... I will need to find a simpler solution.
Live the rubber ducks 😄
😂 they even have little capes so I know which one to talk when I'm debugging
That's gotta be the best thing I've ever seen.
they're from devrant if i'm right
Yep I found them! 😂
Awesome 😂
Is that an ergohuman chair? I have one since 2016 and is awesome!
It's an Autonomous ErgoChair 2 🤷🏻
I'm a fan, especially for the price. Not as awesome as the $900 chairs we have back at the office but about a million times better than the old staples one I had.
The chair is old and a little bit worn :P
Soft 👌🏽
Wow! Neat and cozy. Very Nice!
This looks really pleasant
Feels creative.
Had no issues going into self-quarantine:P
Just got a new desk yesterday! Here is my setup!
Slowly trying to add better gear to my setup - I really want to switch to a more pastel color palette!
Taking a different approach to the multi monitor setup. This is the corner of a room we use for musical instruments, toy storage, reading, and backyard bird-watching. My actual desk is downstairs in the family room.
Pink theme 💓
Huge fan of pink theme.
I've never loved a pink theme the way I love this one.
I haven't tidied this or posed anything for the photo so it's not exactly neat.
It's a cordoned-off section of about a quarter to a third of my living room, with the only window at the opposite end.
Look nice but desk too little small? :p
Well it's a reasonable size for most things. I could fit 2x24" monitors on there (I have 1x24" and 1x22" though). Really there's plenty of room for everything I need, and I don't use the laptop for much. I use
to drive it with my keyboard and mouse when I do need to do anything but it just sits there being a server most of the time.Only thing that has change is that i have a wired mouse now.
Love the background
Here you go. And a link to the full size image imgur.com/a/2yeWr3H
Better than what I have at work !

So many screens 😯
Love the white board too ! That's a good idea
At my parents house right now, had that desk since I was a kid.
Where's your pic, Ben? :D
That wallpaper reminds of of the awesome art style of kurzgesagt on youtube
I can't tell from the contrast, but that looks very like my RD150.
It's a Korg B2
Nova moonlights as a workspace model:
My new desk got delivered on Friday. Finally, I can switch between sitting and standing without having to give up my screen space.
While my wife is at work, I switch to the living room to look after the kids. During this time, my setup is a lot smaller.

Going with the minimal, clean, look and feel!
With 2 kids next to me, I had to move my real office area to our bedroom 😂
Nothing special, yet I feel the need to improve now after all these images 😃
Note: I use the Mac and my wife plugs the Lenovo Thinkpad. So it is a 2 people at-home setup thanks to pandemic.
Better setup than in the office 😁

my setup is not weird in terms of monitor displays (as most people's is) but its a bit weird from a keyboard point of view
Am I the only one who works from their bed?
I wish I could too, but I need dedicated hardware (fancy word for phones) to test my services
Here it goes...
Simple standup/seating desk. (with some Nanoleaf on the size to adapt the color to my mood - not on the picture)
Crammed into the breakfast nook since we moved... I'll try to get a photo from the other side up shortly.
It's a tight fit, but it works for now.
....Make sure to hit the subscribe button to see what everybody posts 🔥
Hit the like button, subscribe and don't forget to activate that bell! 😂
Here is mine, nothing special.

Here's mine! twitter.com/aabbccsmith/status/126...
Was hoping to see some post notes with AWS keys and passwords 😞