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Bislon A Zulu
Bislon A Zulu

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HandyHub - Your Go-To Tradesman Directory

HandyHub: Connecting Clients with Reliable Tradesmen

Project Purpose

HandyHub is designed to bridge the gap between clients and skilled tradesmen in their area. Our goal is to streamline the process of finding and hiring tradesmen, making it easier for clients to access essential services like plumbing, electrical work, and repairs through a user-friendly platform.

Team Members, Roles, and Timeline

The HandyHub project is part of the ALX SE program’s final project, and the development team consists of:

  • Bislon Zulu (Myself): Responsible for backend development, including database design, API creation, and overall project architecture.
  • Project Timeline: Development is ongoing, with the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) currently complete and under review.

Who Is HandyHub For?

HandyHub serves two primary audiences:

  • Clients: Homeowners, businesses, or anyone in need of tradesmen services such as electricians, plumbers, or contractors.
  • Tradesmen: Skilled workers looking to expand their client base by listing their services and being discovered by potential clients.

My Personal Focus

As the sole engineer, my main focus has been on building the backend infrastructure for HandyHub. This includes ensuring smooth API integration and managing the database. The project is designed to provide a mobile-friendly experience, using technologies like Flask and PostgreSQL to power its core functionality.

HandyHub helps clients easily find tradesmen based on location and specialization, much like how apps like Uber connect riders with drivers.

When I started working on HandyHub, it wasn’t just another project to tick off my list; it was a personal mission. As I walked through my neighborhood, I often saw outdated flyers and makeshift signs advertising services. It struck me that there had to be a better way to connect people with the services they need. Many skilled tradesmen were limited to a small radius for advertising their services, while clients struggled to find reliable professionals. HandyHub was created to address these issues by offering a modern, efficient way to connect people with the services they require.

Project Summary

HandyHub successfully simplifies the process of finding and connecting with skilled tradesmen. The platform allows service providers to reach a broader audience and offers users an easy way to find reliable professionals. By combining technology with community needs, HandyHub provides both a directory and a rating system to ensure trust between clients and tradesmen.

Result of the Project

The final result is a web application where users can search for tradesmen by location and specialization. Tradesmen can create profiles showcasing their skills, certifications, and contact details. This modern approach eliminates the need for outdated advertising methods like flyers.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: We chose HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to build a mobile-first, responsive interface. This stack was selected for its flexibility and the opportunity to deepen our understanding of core JavaScript principles and responsive design techniques without additional frameworks.

  • Backend: Flask and Python were selected for their lightweight nature, which facilitates the development of REST APIs that meet our project’s needs. Flask’s minimalistic approach allowed us to maintain control over the application’s structure.

  • Database: PostgreSQL was chosen for its robust relational data management and strong community support. It efficiently handles structured data, such as tradesman profiles and client reviews, ensuring data integrity.

The Most Difficult Technical Challenge

The most challenging aspect of this project was working within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Although WSL was chosen to maintain a Linux-based workflow consistent with other ALX tasks, it presented a steep learning curve. Configuring and integrating tools and services within WSL proved difficult, especially with issues related to PostgreSQL and network settings. Ultimately, I decided to switch to development directly in Windows to expedite the process and meet deadlines. This experience, though challenging, contributed significantly to my growth as a developer.


Working on HandyHub has been a rewarding journey, blending technology with community service. I’m proud of how the project has evolved from an initial idea to a functional platform that connects tradesmen with clients. Despite challenges, especially with WSL, the project has been a valuable learning experience.

I’m a passionate software engineer dedicated to creating solutions that positively impact the community. You can explore the HandyHub project on GitHub. For further connections, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn.

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