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Put Vue.js and Go together! Setup Web App in 5 mins

Hello there! I'm Benno, a blue bear falls in love with coding 💙.

The first time I met Go was about a year ago. I was looking for a self-hosted Git service for my team. I tried GitLab in the first place, but things didn't go smoothly. I had no root permission in the Linux server, and there was no Docker installed. So I could not even start the first step 😭. When I almost gave up, Gitea just went inside my eyes. It's incredible that I could start a Git service with simply:

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That's the WOW moment I decided to learn Go and how to build this kind of stunning application ✨.

So today I am going to show you how to put your frontend and backend codes into a single executable.

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Let's get started!

Install Tools

It's assumed that Go, NPM and Vue CLI are already installed in your workspace. If not, you can refer to below tutorials to get it installed:

If you are ready, run below command to get go-bindata:

go get -u

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go-bindata is a command-line tool converts any file into Go source code. We are going to use it to package frontend codes.

Prepare Working Directory

Now, create a working directory:

mkdir example-goweb
cd example-goweb

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Initialize the Go project with:

go mod init example-goweb

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I'm going to use Gin as the web framework, but in fact you can choose any framework, e.g. Chi if you like. Run:

go get -u
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After that, create a Vue App with Vue CLI:

vue create -n web
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You could just follow the default setting for quick starting. A new folder web/ will be created with Vue App source codes. You can run below commands to see the web application:

cd web
npm run serve
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It should start the website at http://localhost:8080, which looks like:

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Build Frontend

To build frontend, you could simply run npm run build under web/ folder. However, we could do it better with go generate.

Create a new file web/web.go with following codes:

package web

//go:generate npm run build
//go:generate go-bindata -fs -o web_gen.go -pkg web -prefix dist/ ./dist/...

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//go:generate is a special comment to tell Go executing scripts when run go generate. You could get more information here.

Now let's run:

go generate ./web
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It's exactly the same as running:

cd web
npm run build
go-bindata -fs -o web_gen.go -pkg web -prefix dist/ ./dist/...
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go-bindata will convert all files under web/dist/ into Go source code web_gen.go, which could be used later.

Go Coding!

We are almost there, the remaining works are:

  1. Serve Static Files
  2. Create main() Function

To Serve static files with HTTP, create a package routers:

mkdir routers
touch routers/routers.go
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Open routers.go and add codes:

package routers

import (



// HandleIndex return HTML
func HandleIndex() gin.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c *gin.Context) {
        html := web.MustAsset("index.html")
        c.Data(200, "text/html; charset=UTF-8", html)

// Register routes
func Register(e *gin.Engine) {
    h := gin.WrapH(http.FileServer(web.AssetFile()))
    e.GET("/favicon.ico", h)
    e.GET("/js/*filepath", h)
    e.GET("/css/*filepath", h)
    e.GET("/img/*filepath", h)
    e.GET("/fonts/*filepath", h)

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Let me explain what's going on. We create a gin.HandlerFunc to serve files with HTTP:

h := gin.WrapH(http.FileServer(web.AssetFile()))
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web.AssetFile() is a function from web/web_gen.go, it creates a http.FileSystem and looks up static files inside web_gen.go.

Then we tell gin to handle every GET static files request:

e.GET("/favicon.ico", h)
e.GET("/js/*filepath", h)
e.GET("/css/*filepath", h)
e.GET("/img/*filepath", h)
e.GET("/fonts/*filepath", h)
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When user requests for a static file, like JavaScript, gin will handle the request and http.FileSystem will return the file.
The last line in Register function tells gin to return index.html if there is no matching route.

func HandleIndex() gin.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c *gin.Context) {
        html := web.MustAsset("index.html")
        c.Data(200, "text/html; charset=UTF-8", html)
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Finally, let's create a main.go:

package main

import (


func main() {
    e := gin.Default()
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The main() creates a gin engine to register routes and start the HTTP server with :8080 port.

Your web server is ready to go! Run below command and visit http://localhost:8080 to see the result:

go run main.go
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You can build executable and start server with:

go build -o goweb ./
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Here is what your working folder should look like in the end! 🎉

└── example-goweb/
    ├── routers/
    │   └── routers.go
    ├── web/
    │   ├── dist/
    │   │   ├── css
    │   │   ├── favicon.ico
    │   │   ├── img
    │   │   ├── index.html
    │   │   └── js
    │   ├──
    │   ├── babel.config.js
    │   ├── node_modules
    │   ├── package-lock.json
    │   ├── package.json
    │   ├── public
    │   ├── src
    │   ├── web.go
    │   └── web_gen.go
    ├── go.mod
    ├── go.sum
    └── main.go
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Packaging your web application into a single executable makes deployment extremely easy. Many real-world applications adopt this solution, for example:

If you like this approach and would like to have more examples, check my open source project covergates:

It's a self-hosted coverage report alternative to Code Climate, Codecov or Coveralls.
You can have your own coverage report service simply with:

tar -zxvf covergates-v0.2.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
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In fact, there is a cool trick to change base URL for Vue router on the fly. You can find it in the source code or give me a heart ❤️ to let me know you are interested in it. I'll have another tutorial next time. See Ya! 😆

Top comments (3)

nferdazel profile image

Hi, Benno! Nice article. I got question about how do you make the folder tree structure like that? Thank you!

blueworrybear profile image

Hi Fredianto! You could use Linux command tree to display folder in the tree structure. Or you can try, it takes files list and turns it into tree!

nferdazel profile image

Wow! I just know that there's such a tool like that online! Thank you, Benno!