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Bravin Wasike
Bravin Wasike

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How to Get into Technical Writing: How to get Gigs, Jobs, and Start Making Money Online with Technical Writing

Technical writing can change your life! I used to be broke and didn't know how to make money in tech/online until I got into Technical Writing. In 2023, technical writers are in high demand.

You can earn $150 to $1000+ per article if you have good technical writing and coding skills. I have made $10000+ in 2023 from technical writing alone. It has been a great boost to my career.

The other day I got paid $400 for an article that I wrote in 1 day. Thanks to Technical writing and DevOps. It was an article about using Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring DevOps container orchestration platforms.

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It's halfway through the year and I have already made $9500 + $400, that's $9900 right there from technical writing alone. I am confident that this field has the potential to generate even more revenue in the coming months, and I am committed to working hard to achieve my goal of making at least $30,000 by the end of the year.

In this post, I want to show you how you can get into technical writing too. I will also show you how to get gigs, and jobs and start making money online with technical writing. Maybe Technical Writing can change your life too.

Let's start by discussing what is Technical writing.

What is Technical Writing?

Technical writing is a type of writing that communicates complex technical information to a specific audience. The goal of technical writing is to make complex information easy to understand and use.

Technical writers use a variety of techniques to achieve this goal, including clear and concise writing, the use of visuals, and the use of plain language.

There are many different types of technical writing, such as:

1. User manuals
User manuals are documents that explain how to use a product or service. They typically include step-by-step instructions, illustrations, and troubleshooting tips.

User manuals are an essential part of any product or service. They help users get the most out of their purchases and can also help to prevent problems. Well-written user manuals can also be a valuable marketing tool, as they can help to build trust and confidence in the product.

2. How-to guides and tutorials
How-to guides and tutorials are a type of technical writing that provides instructions on how to perform a task. They are often used in online help documents, software manuals, and educational materials.

How-to guides and tutorials typically follow a standard format:

  • Introduction: This section provides an overview of the product or task, and why the user might want to learn about it.

  • Prerequisites: This section lists any software, hardware, or other resources that are required to complete the tutorial.

  • Steps: This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the product or perform the task.

  • Examples: This section provides examples of how the product or task can be used.

  • Troubleshooting: This section provides information on how to troubleshoot problems that may occur during the tutorial.

  • Conclusion: This section summarizes the key points of the tutorial.

In my technical writing career, I mainly write how-to guides and tutorials. Here is an example of my how-to guide/tutorial

How to Setup Jenkins on Kubernetes Cluster with Helm

3. Software documentation
Software documentation explains how to use a software program. It typically includes information about the program's features, how to use the program, and troubleshooting tips.

Software documentation can be divided into two main categories:

  • Developer documentation: is written for software developers who need to understand how the software works to modify or extend it. It typically includes information about the software's architecture, design, and source code.

  • User documentation: is written for end users who need to know how to use the software to achieve their goals. It typically includes information about the software's features, functions, and how to use them.

4. API documentation
API documentation explains how to use an application programming interface (API). APIs are sets of rules that allow software programs to communicate with each other. They allow software developers to create applications that interact with other software applications or services.

API documentation typically includes the following information:

  • API overview - This section provides an overview of the API, including its purpose, scope, and target audience.

  • API reference - This section provides detailed information about the API's endpoints, methods, parameters, and responses.

  • Examples - This section provides examples of how to use the API.

  • Troubleshooting - This section provides information on how to troubleshoot problems with the API.

5. White papers
White papers are documents that present a technical topic in an informative way. They are often used to promote a product or service or to educate the reader about a particular topic.

It is a long-form document that presents information, expert analysis, and an organization or author's insight into a topic or solution to a problem. White papers are often used in business-to-business (B2B) marketing as part of a content marketing strategy.

6. Reports
Reports are documents that present the results of an investigation or analysis. They typically include information about the methods used, the findings, and the conclusions.

Technical reports typically include the following sections:

  • Introduction - This section provides an overview of the report, including its purpose, scope, and target audience.

  • Background - This section provides the necessary background information for the report, such as the history of the project or the problem being addressed.

  • Methods - This section describes the methods used to collect and analyze the data.

  • Results - This section presents the results of the study, including tables, graphs, and other visuals.

  • Discussion - This section interprets the results and discusses their implications.

  • Conclusions - This section summarizes the key findings of the report and makes recommendations for future work.

As a technical writer, you can work on any type of technical writing depending on the company. You also need to have a strong understanding of the technical subject matter they are writing about.

Skills that are essential for technical writers:

  • Technical expertise
    Technical writers need to have a strong understanding of the technical subject matter they are writing about. This knowledge can be gained through education, experience, or a combination of both.

  • Communication skills
    Technical writers need to be able to communicate complex information clearly and concisely. This includes the ability to write clearly, use visuals effectively, and edit their work effectively.

  • Research skills
    Technical writers need to be able to research technical topics to gather information for their writing. This includes the ability to find and evaluate sources and to synthesize information from multiple sources.

  • Organizational skills
    Technical writers need to be able to organize their writing in a logical and easy-to-understand way. This includes the ability to create outlines, write headings and subheadings, and use transitional words and phrases.

  • Editing skills
    Technical writers need to be able to edit their work effectively. This includes the ability to identify and correct errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

How to Get Into Technical Writing

Technical writing is a growing field that offers many opportunities for those who are skilled in communicating complex technical information clearly and concisely. I want to share with you the steps that I followed when getting into technical writing and start making money online.

These are the steps that you can follow to get started:

  1. Learn how to code.

  2. Build coding projects.

  3. Learn how to write clear and concise technical documents.

  4. Start writing about coding projects and problems you solved.

  5. Publish your articles on blogging platforms.

  6. Create a portfolio of 4+ articles.

  7. Apply for gigs and jobs.

Let's start exploring these steps one by one:

1. Learn how to code.
The first step to becoming a technical writer is to learn how to code. Technical writers need to have a basic understanding of coding to communicate effectively with developers and other technical professionals.

This will give you a foundation in the technical concepts that you will need to write about. Coding is a valuable skill in today's world, and it's never too late to learn. If you're interested in coding in 2023, you need to decide what type of coding you want to learn. You can major in the following fields:

  • Web Development (Frontend, backend, and full stack web development)
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Web3 and Blockchain Developer
  • Data Science/Data Analysis
  • Artificial Inteligence
  • Machine Learning
  • DevOps

If you don't have any coding experience, you can start by learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Many online resources can teach you the basics of coding, such as W3Schools, Codecademy, FreeCodeCamp and Youtube.

If you decide to major in web dev/full stack development, you must know how to use most of the popular languages, frameworks, and libraries. Javascript has more than 20 popular libraries and frameworks. Python has more than 10.

2. Build coding projects.
The best way to learn coding is by doing. Once you have a basic understanding of coding, start building some coding projects. This will give you hands-on experience with different coding languages and technologies. You can find coding projects to work on online or create your own.

3. Learn how to write clear and concise technical documents.
In addition to coding skills, technical writers also need to have strong writing skills. Technical writing is a specialized form of writing that requires the ability to communicate complex information clearly and concisely.

To get started with going through this technical writing course:

The course will teach you the essential skills of technical writing, including how to:

  • Write clear and concise sentences that are easy to understand.
  • Structure paragraphs in a logical way that flows smoothly from one point to the next.
  • Use grammar correctly to ensure that your writing is error-free.

The course will also cover:

  • The different types of technical writing, such as user manuals, product specifications, and training materials.
  • The importance of audience analysis in technical writing.
  • How to use visuals to enhance your writing.

By the end of the course, you will be able to write clear, concise, and error-free technical documents that are effective in communicating complex information to your audience.

4. Start writing about coding projects and problems you solved.
One of the best ways to showcase your technical writing skills is to start writing about coding projects. You can write blog posts, articles, or even e-books about your projects. This will allow you to practice your writing skills and demonstrate your knowledge of coding.

When writing about your projects, be sure to focus on the technical aspects of the project and how the project was built.

You should include screenshots and diagrams to help readers understand your work. You will be just explaining how you build something using a certain stack.

It doesn't matter what programming language you have learned. You can write about any frameworks, tools, software, and tech stacks. You can be a technical writer in the following fields:

  • Web development. (Front-end, back-end, and full-stack web development.
  • Android and IOS development.
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • DevOps

Ensure you are familiar with the frameworks and libraries in the programming language you have chosen. I mainly write articles on Data Science, Machine Learning, and DevOps.

5. Publish your articles on blogging platforms.
Once you've written a few articles, publish them on blogging platforms. You can cross-post the same article on different blogging platforms to reach more readers:

  • DevTo
  • Hashnode
  • Medium.
  • FreeCodeCamp

This will help you get your work in front of a wider audience and will also help you build your brand. Personal brand is important, it helps you get noticed.

As one of my colleagues once said:

Writing gave you wings. It unlocked the potential of the internet for your career. @tyaga001

A well-written article can open more exciting opportunities for a developer than the most outstanding resume. @tyaga001

6. Create a portfolio of 4+ articles.
As you continue to write, start collecting your best articles into a portfolio. This portfolio will be a valuable asset when you're applying for jobs.

This portfolio will be a valuable asset when you start applying for jobs.
When someone sees your portfolio with all the published articles, they can easily give you work.

The portfolio is the cornerstone of getting technical writing gigs and any tech jobs.

For me, I have published more than 200 articles on Medium, Hashnode, Dev to, Freecodecamp, and other paying publications.

So when I apply for a gig, I will just show the company my portfolio and it increases my chances of getting the technical writing gig.

7. Apply for gigs and jobs.
This is the most frustrating part of any tech career. You may spend a lot of time applying for some job but you end up being rejected. It doesn't matter how many times you get rejected, you only need one technical writing gig for you to kickstart your technical writing career.

The hardest part is getting your first technical writing gig. But after getting your first gig you will establish yourself with that company and you can write as many articles as possible (as long they are approved.)

What I can tell you is to just keep reapplying as many times as you can and something will come your way. I was also struggling to get gigs at the start. But I kept on reapplying until I got my first technical writing gig. There was one time I reapplied to the same site like 5 times until I got the gig and I was paid $500 after my article was published.

You can find technical writing gigs and jobs on the websites below:

Writing gigs (articles)

Writing jobs (docs)

Once you have visited these websites, you can search for a platform from the list that requires technical articles that are similar to the ones in your portfolio. Sites that cover most of your tech stack. If they ask to see your previous work, you can provide them with a link to your portfolio.

Bonus Tip: Learn How to Send Cold Emails/DMs

How to Get Technical Writing Jobs with Cold Emailing

Cold emailing is a great way to get your foot in the door as a technical writer. By sending personalized emails to potential clients, you can explain how your skills and experience can help them achieve their business goals.

Tips for writing effective cold emails:

  • Do your research.
    Before you send any emails, take some time to research the companies you're targeting. What are their products or services? Who are their customers? What are their pain points?

  • Tailor your emails. Don't just send out a generic email to everyone. Take the time to personalize each email and explain how your skills can specifically help the recipient.

  • Keep it short and sweet. People are busy and don't have time to read long emails. Get to the point quickly and ensure your email is easy to scan.

  • Include a call to action. Tell the recipient what you want them to do, whether it's visiting your website, reading your portfolio, or scheduling a call.

Here are some examples of how you can use cold emails/DMs to get technical writing jobs:

  • Find tech companies that use the same tech stack as you on Linkedin. Then, send them an email/DM explaining how you can help them create technical documentation for their products.

  • Create a project using a tech company's software product and then write a technical article about how you built it. Then, send the tech company an email explaining how you used their product and ask them if they would be interested in hiring you.

  • Attend industry events and network with other technical writers. This is a great way to learn about open positions and get your foot in the door with potential employers.

Practical cold DM that I used to get a full-time Technical writing job

Recently I cold DM'd the Director Of Operations for one of the sister companies I was working for. I wanted to know how I could join their company full-time as a Technical writer for Product Marketing Content and DevOps tutorials.

The LinkedIn message went on to be unreplied for two weeks, That is when I followed up on my previous message with this new message:

Hello, I'm following up on my earlier message. Do you think I can be fit for the team? Or what kind of writers are you currently looking for?

Finally, after 22 days to be exact, they replied to my message and offered me a new role (full-time) as a DevOps technical writer. They also send over the agreement and contract. I'm looking forward to starting this role and creating amazing content for their audience.

This is proof that shows the role I was offered after sending the cold DM.

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Try sending at least 10 cold emails and DM's per day selling yourself and offering a solution.


If you follow the steps outlined above, you can increase your chances of success. This year I have made over $10000 from technical writing alone.

In 2023, I have been working with four companies that pay between $150 to $500 Fixate, SemaphoreCI, SweetCode, Hit Subscribe and ContentLab. It has been a great year so far.

If you are interested in learning technical writing get my Technical writing course today: "From Zero to Technical Writing Hero: Launch Your Technical Writing Career in the Digital Age "

Build your technical writing career now and become the Hero you have always wanted to be.

With this course, you will unlock the doors to an exciting world of tech writing gigs, jobs, and online success!

Course link

Join me as we unlock the potential of technical writing. Remember to connect with me on Twitter and LinkedIn for more insightful articles, discussions, and updates on technical writing.


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Top comments (7)

igoche7v profile image
Elizabeth Owufuni Agada

This is clear and detailed. Thank you @bravinsimiyu

eoluwaseun profile image

This is really interesting thanks alot

anwar_sadat profile image
Anwar Sadat Ayub


angelotheman profile image
Angel Oduro-Temeng Twumasi

I really love your attention to detail Sir. This is really a good post for all software engineers to venture into the world of technical writing.

adaeze123_ profile image
Adaeze N. Festus

This is amazing. Thank you

thetanweerali profile image

Great piece, huge potential in technical writing.

bravinsimiyu profile image
Bravin Wasike

Glad you enjoyed it.

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