Javascript API Calls
XML HTTP Request
All modern browsers support the XMLHttpRequest object to request data from a server.
It works on the oldest browsers as well as on new ones.
It was deprecated in ES6 but is still widely used.
var request = new XMLHttpRequest ();
request . open ( ' GET ' , ' ' )
request . send ();
request . onload = () => {
console . log ( JSON . parse ( request . response ));
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Fetch API
The Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources including across the network in an asynchronous.
It returns a Promise.
It is an object which contains a single value either a Response or an Error that occurred.
.then() tells the program what to do once Promise is completed.
fetch ( ' ' )
. then ( response => {
return response . json ();})
. then ( data => {
console . log ( data );
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It is an open-source library for making HTTP requests.
It works on both Browsers and Node js.
It can be included in an HTML file by using an external CDN.
It also returns promises like fetch API
< script src = " " >< /script >
axios . get ( ' ' )
. then ( response => {
console . log ( response . data )})
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It performs asynchronous HTTP requests.
Uses $.ajax() method to make the requests.
Ability to send GET and POST requests
Ability to Load JSON, XML, HTML or Scripts
< script src = " " >< /script >
$ ( document ). ready ( function (){
$ . ajax ({
url : " " ,
type : " GET " , success : function ( result ){
console . log ( result );
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asynchronous code should be simple.
functional style should not care about async.
functional transformations should be composable, performant, and simple to express.
const { pipe , map } = rubico
const toTodosUrl = id => ` ${ id } `
const logTodoByID = pipe ([ // fetch a Todo and log it
toTodosUrl ,
fetch ,
response => response . json (),
console . log ,
const todoIDs = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]
map ( logTodoByID )( todoIDs )
// fetch Todos per id of TodoIDs and log them
// { userId: 1, id: 4, title: 'et porro tempora', completed: true }
// { userId: 1, id: 1, title: 'delectus aut autem', completed: false }
// { userId: 1, id: 3, title: 'fugiat veniam minus', completed: false }
// { userId: 1, id: 2, title: 'quis ut nam facilis...', completed: false }
// { userId: 1, id: 5, title: 'laboriosam mollitia...', completed: false }
// same as above but with limited concurrency
// map.pool(2, logTodoByID)(todoIDs)
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Top comments (5)
Great thank you.
You can add rubico rubico
yeah sure. thanks for your suggestion.
Yeah polyfilled without a problem with a 4.5MB bigger bundle for IE11 lol with all the other stuff...
Thank you for sharing your point of view.
Sadly no fetch on IE11 (which I have 15% of my users on still, try getting old non-tech corporates to move). Next year, maybe...