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Cover image for Personal note: Dokerize Elixir App
Burhanuddin Ahmed
Burhanuddin Ahmed

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Personal note: Dokerize Elixir App

After we have completed creating our Elixir CRUD app, now we want to wrap it into a container. We will use Docker which is a popular tool to container the app.

To container it, we need to create a dockerfile in root app.

We can add .dockerignore. It's optional but ok if we have it.


# Elixir Artifacts

# Node Artifacts

# File uploads

# Docker only
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OK, after we add it now we can add dockerfile.


FROM elixir:1.15.1 as builder
COPY . .
COPY lib ./lib
COPY mix.exs .
COPY mix.lock .
COPY config/prod.env.exs config/

RUN mix local.rebar --force \
    && mix local.hex --force \
    && mix deps.get \
    && mix release


CMD ["_build/prod/rel/todo_app/bin/todo_app", "start"]
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If we want more advanced dockerfile, we can use multi-stage build dockerfile. By using multi-stage build we can have lighter image because it will only contain Elixir distribution file.

But in this post, We will only provide single-stage build for more simplicity.

Happy Coding!!! 🍻

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