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Cesar Del rio
Cesar Del rio

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#25 - Remove consecutive duplicate words CodeWars Kata (7 kyu)


Your task is to remove all consecutive duplicate words from a string, leaving only first words entries.

For example:

Input: "alpha beta beta gamma gamma gamma delta alpha beta beta gamma gamma gamma delta"
Output: "alpha beta gamma delta alpha beta gamma delta"

My solution:

const removeConsecutiveDuplicates = s => {
  return s.split(' ').filter((w,i)=> w !== s.split(' ')[i+1]).join(' ')
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First I splitted the array into every space so I can get an array with every word, after that I filtered that array and I eliminated every element that is equal to the one next to it, after that I just joined the filtered array into a string

What do you think about this solution? 👇🤔

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Oldest comments (11)

cesar__dlr profile image
Cesar Del rio

Great Solution, I didn't know that you could call the filtered array as a parameter! 🙌

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

This one you can solve with a single RegExp:

const removeConsecutiveDuplicates =
  (input) => input.replace(/(\w+) \1/g, "$1")
// \1 matches the last match made with (\w+)
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cesar__dlr profile image
Cesar Del rio

I don't know too much about regex, I think I need to do some research about it 😅
what does the "$1" do?

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

It inserts the first match inside brackets.

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cesar__dlr profile image
Cesar Del rio

Oh right, so it just leaves the first match and the other one gets replaced, am I rigth?

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lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr


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cesar__dlr profile image
Cesar Del rio

cool 🔥

fjones profile image

Yeah, but backreferences are evil. ;)

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

Still pretty effective, especially in this case. ;)

matetlot profile image

What a conversation of genius, well donne guys !

cesar__dlr profile image
Cesar Del rio

Thanks bro 🙌